The Chorus is Growing
With Bishop Peter Christiansen's catechesis and policy recommendations, the Diocese of Boise proclaimed the truth about the human person in response to gender theory. Over two dozen dioceses have now issued guidance in this area of human sexuality, all of which can be found in the Gender Theory section of our resource page.
Human Ecology and the Call to Love
Dr. Jennifer Frey joined the podcast to introduce the last three popes' theme of human ecology and how it can rightly orient both environmental concerns and our living out of the call to love.

Before that, we completed our trifecta of Meg Ryan romcoms with the 30th anniversary of Sleepless in Seattle.

Find previous episodes of the podcast here and share it with your friends!
Youth Mental Health and Family Life
The CDC released its 2021 update of the Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System, which showed several poorer mental health outcomes for young people compared to the 2019 update. News outlets will likely attempt to draw varying conclusions from the high volume of data. One positive takeaway, however, was the association of parental involvement with better outcomes across several risk factors.
"High parental monitoring" was defined by a response of “most of the time" or "always” to the question, “How often do your parents or other adults in your family know where you are going or with whom you will be?”
Legal/Policy Updates
Women's Sports and Congress – The House of Representatives passed the Protection of Women and Girls in Sports Act, a bill that would prohibit federally funded educational institutions from allowing biological males to play on women's and girls' teams. The bill is not expected to pass the Senate, but more information about the bill is available here.

Women's Sports and the Administration – The Biden Administration proposed a change to Title IX which would prohibit states from requiring athletes to participate according to biological sex. You can voice your opposition to the proposed change, because it is open for public comment until May 15.

LGBT Funding – Objectionably, the State Department is offering $5 million in grants to LGBT organizations around the world. The money will come from the taxpayer-supported Global Equity Fund.

Adoption and Religious Liberty – An Oregon woman is filing a federal lawsuit against the state's Department of Human Services after it denied her eligibility to adopt because she said she would be unwilling to use a child's preferred pronouns if they conflicted with the child's biological sex.

States – San Francisco repealed its ban on city-funded travel to and business with "anti-LGBT" states, and now state lawmakers in California are considering repealing similar measures. Florida made it a felony to provide "Gender Affirming Care" (GAC) to minors and expanded the scope of its Parental Rights in Education bill (erroneously dubbed "Don't Say Gay" by opponents), increasing the prohibition on SOGI instruction in schools up through grade 12 (it initially only covered through grade 3). The Kansas legislature passed a bill to help parents opt their public school children out of classes with LGBT-related materials. North Dakota passed several bills reflecting the truth of human sexuality in the fields of GAC and sports.

International – The governments of fifteen European countries have joined an EU lawsuit against Hungary over a controversial law regulating minors' access to "gender propaganda" in the words of Prime Minister Viktor Orban. India's Supreme Court heard final arguments in its case weighing the legalization of same-sex "marriage", with the government and a wide variety of religious leaders arguing against legalization. Italy is considering a bill to prevent citizens from traveling abroad to obtain a child via surrogacy.