In this Issue...
- May is Mental Health Month
- Mental Health Action Day on May 16th
- The CIRC Center Announcement
- In the News
- New Training for Service Providers
- 2 New Podcast Episodes Released
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May is Mental Health Month | |
Each year, iSPARC partners with members of our Community Advisory Boards to recognize May is Mental Health Month. This year, members of the weSPARC Insight Advisory Board contributed their thoughts, feelings, and experiences on the topic of connection and the relationship between connection and mental health.
Connection can take many forms and can be experienced in a variety of ways. For instance, the items pictured below represent some "objects of connection" that hold a special meaning to our members. Read the story of each item, along with other stories of connection from weSPARC Insight through the link below. We hope that these shared experiences help you reflect on your own experiences of connection and mental health.
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Dedicate one hour to connection.
When we connect we thrive.
May 16th.
Mental Health Action Day.
In partnership with 1800+ brands, nonprofits, cultural leaders, and government agencies, we are proud to be a partner in Mental Health Action Day on May 16.
Mental Health Action Day lifts the conversation from awareness to action and encourages partners to share evidence-based tools that can help people take their first steps. The 2024 collective call to action is to dedicate one hour to connection, because when we connect we thrive.
To help, we've put together a collection of tip sheets, research briefs, blog posts & podcasts focused on action. Visit our resource page and join people worldwide in taking one hour on May 16th to focus on Mental Health Action.
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Announcing The CIRC Center! | |
We are excited to officially announce The Center for Community Inclusion and Reflective Collaboration, or the CIRC Center. The CIRC Center is a new, nationwide rehabilitation research and training center focused on advancing community living and participation outcomes for young adults from disadvantaged, marginalized and vulnerable populations who have serious mental health conditions. The CIRC Center sits within the Transitions to Adulthood Center for Research, at iSPARC, at UMass Chan Medical School, and is in collaboration with the Temple University Collaborative on Community Inclusion.
The CIRC Center is a collection of five research studies and three training projects, all aimed at generating new knowledge on developmentally appropriate interventions, and system and policy issues affecting community living and participation, and providing training and other assistance activities to transition-age youth.
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Congratulations to iSPARC and DeafYES researcher Melissa Anderson, PhD, MSCI. Melissa has received the Science and Health Achievements Award from the UMass Chan Women's Faculty Committee. Learn more about Melissa and this award.
Congratulations to iSPARC researcher Shaobing Su, PhD, who received the ISSBD Early Career Scholars Travel award to attend the International Society for the Study of Behavioural Development (ISSBD) 2024 Meeting in Lisbon, Portugal from June 16-20, 2024. Learn more about Shaobing's work and the meeting.
Congratulations to iSPARC researcher Lourah Kelly, PhD, who has received the NIAAA Conference Supports Grant award (R13AA031624) to help support 20 early career investigators (graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, and early faculty within 10 years of their degree) to attend the annual American Psychological Association (APA) conference in person. Learn more about Lourah's research and this award.
Dr. Nancy Byatt, Executive Director of Lifeline for Family Center and Lifeline for Moms Program was interviewed on The Beat podcast in an episode called "Live at ViVE: Accelerating Maternal Mental Health” at the ViVE Digital Healthcare Conference in February. Listen to the podcast here.
Members of our Transitions to Adulthood Center for Research will be attending and presenting at the upcoming 2024 NARRTC Conference and Business Meeting: Engaging the Community – Building Capacity Through NIDILRR Projects and Partnerships on May 21-22. For the full agenda, visit
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New Products for Young Adults & Their Supporters | |
Free Training For Service Providers | |
If you are a provider empowering young adults with mental health conditions to succeed in both school and work, this training is for you. The final part of our "Promoting Young Adult Success in School and Work," training was just released. This two-part dynamic online resource is designed to inspire and equip service providers with the tools and knowledge needed to support young adults in achieving their career aspirations.
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STAY Tuned Podcast - New Episodes! | |
"Suffering in Silence? How to obtain mental health accommodations at work and school"
Are you curious about how accommodations can support mental health in school and work settings, including who can benefit, how to ask for them, and how to set them up? Debbie Nicolellis, Training Director, shares her expertise in Ep. 16. Discover . Listen. Watch. Read the transcript.
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Learning About Accommodations When you Have a Mental Health Condition
If you are a young adult, or someone just learning to advocate for themselves, it's important to understand workplace accommodations. This 2 page comic shares real-world experiences from 12 young adults living with mental health conditions as they navigate the working world. View more resources about accommodations and employment.
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We are Hiring! Come Join Our Team | |
Are you looking to grow your career in an academic research setting? Check out all of the great employment opportunities (hybrid eligible) we have within iSPARC and our research centers. Consider applying today or share with someone you know who would be interested!
View our employment opportunities here.
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