Katie's Kids Mission Statement

To elevate child development to a new level by leading the social and emotional growth and education of young children by providing a safe, welcoming home-like environment with a caring, educated, and professional staff that promotes partnerships between parents children and other early childhood professionals. 
Upcoming Events
May Events

May 3                   Room 5 Parent Teacher Conferences
May 4                   Saturday Night Live at Fort Jesse 5-10p
May 4                   Parent Fair - Katie's Kids at The Links
May 6-10             Teacher Appreciation Week


May 13                 Creative Movement Show 
                                       (please see front desk for details)
May 27               Closed for Memorial Day Holiday

Katie's Kids @ Fort Jesse 
will be hosting 
Saturday Night Live
May 4
5:00 -10:00 p.m.

Need a night off? Can't find a babysitter? Check out Saturday Night Live @ Katie's Kids! Saturday Night Live is a Saturday evening full of fun for children while families go out. Children can enjoy playing, having dinner with friends, and snuggling in for a movie.  

Teacher Appreciation Week
May 6-10

Thank You for participating in the Butterbraids Fundraiser.  

Here are some of the fun things we were able to purchase with the proceeds.  

Infant Development Research

Anita Sethi, PhD., writes:  
"Experts have known for a while that babies are smarter than they look, but new research is giving us more insight into how their little minds work. Here's some of the exciting news: 

Emotional Growth
Old thinking: It's important to talk to your baby in the first few months.

New thinking: It's not just what you say now, but how you say it...what is essential in the first months, according to new research, is the manner in which you relate to your child. 'At this early stage,' says researcher Maria Legerstee, Ph.D., professor of psychology at York University in Toronto, 'it's about communicating a genuine emotional response.'
What it means for you: Tune in to your baby's emotions. If he smiles, smile back. If he cries, show sympathy. Having a predictable, responsive parent helps him learn what to expect and makes him feel more secure.
Complex Thoughts
Old thinking: Children don't start to have complex thoughts until the preschool years.

New thinking: High-level comprehension may begin as early as 3 months.
Remember the Sesame Street song 'One of These Things (Is Not Like the Other)'? The tune teaches categorization, which involves observing specific features and then noting them in other objects. (Both the blocks and the fire engine are red, for example.) Your 3-month-old could play a version of that game. Researchers at Birkbeck University of London found that 3-month-olds were able to recognize the difference between dogs and cats. When shown a picture of a dog after viewing several cats, the babies in the study looked longer at the dog, a signal that they recognized something different about the object.

What's more, at 6 months a baby can detect differences in a counting sequence. After hearing a tone matched with an object just a few times (the baby sees two objects, hears two tones), a 6-month-old can tell when the number of tones doesn't match the number of objects.
What it means for you: No need to buy those flash cards yet (if ever)  -- your baby's brain is fertile ground as is. Even if he can't sort blocks by himself, he might enjoy watching you put all the blue blocks in one pile and the red in another. You can also count them, build with them, or arrange them from smallest to largest."