May 2023
Welcome to the House of Deputies Newsletter

Welcome to the Episcopal Church House of Deputies monthly email newsletter. If you're a deputy or an alternate, you've been subscribed automatically. If you've come across this issue in another way and would like to subscribe yourself, you can sign up on our website or on our Facebook page.

Do you have suggestions, ideas, or news about the work of deputies to share? Please email us. Want to learn more about the House of Deputies? Check out our website.
President Ayala Harris invites all Episcopalians to pray for the health of our Presiding Bishop.
By now, many of you have seen the press release regarding Presiding Bishop Michael Curry’s medical monitoring and treatment. Over the weekend, the Presiding Bishop and I were in consistent communication while he was in the hospital, and he kept me updated about his health. During this time, I have been praying for him using the words of Psalm 121. I invite you all to join me in praying for our Presiding Bishop using the words of Psalm 121.
Voices of Asian American and Pacific Islander Episcopalians
During the month of May, The House of Deputies celebrated Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month by highlighting leaders who identify as Asian American and Pacific Islander and represent the diversity of the Episcopal Church.
Listen to their stories, experiences, heritage, and faith journey within the church.

We invite you to watch and share these stories.
Rev. Pamela Tang
Alan Murray
Kathryn Nishibayashi
Join President Ayala Harris at the "It's All About Love Festival"
We are thrilled to invite you to the highly anticipated It's All About Love Festival, a remarkable event that promises days filled with inspiration, connection, and delightful experiences. Join President Ayala Harris and Presiding Bishop Michael Curry in this extraordinary celebration of community and love. 

At the heart of this festival is the opportunity to engage with President Ayala Harris in a casual and friendly atmosphere. The President will host a networking lunch that all church geeks are welcome to attend. This lunch gives you the chance to meet deputies and leaders from across the church as well as the President herself. This unique occasion provides an excellent platform to share your ideas, ask questions, and gain insights from a community of engaged church leaders like yourself. 

In addition to the lunch meet and greet, President Ayala Harris is curating an exceptional panel that will lead discussions centered around the future of the church. With the distinguished panelists, we will delve into insightful conversations, exchange ideas, and envision a future that embraces inclusivity, innovation, and diversity. The panel promises to be an enlightening experience that will challenge perspectives and encourage meaningful dialogue.

To top it all off, President Ayala Harris will deliver a powerful closing sermon on July 12th and it is sure to be a highlight of the festival. If you loved her 80th General Convention sermon, then you won’t want to miss this!

Join us in Baltimore July 9-12!

Task force survey seeks to identify language needs across Episcopal Church
The General Convention Task Force on Translation and Interpretation, formed by Resolution A024, has released a survey to help its work of developing recommendations for determining and prioritizing written materials that should be translated and meetings where interpretation should be provided within The Episcopal Church.

The online survey is available to the entire church but is being directed to all dioceses and to those parishes that have identified that they use languages other than English in their worship, operations, and service to their communities.

The survey is available in the following languages:
GC81 draft schedule
The draft schedule for the 81st General Convention is now available.The schedule was built to allow for common listening among members of both houses to the presentation from the Joint Nominating Committee for the Election of the Presiding Bishop, to the church-wide budget and process, as well as time for wellness and community-building.

A reminder that the published schedule is considered a draft until formally adopted by the Convention.

Indigenous Boarding School Fact-Finding Commission and Executive Council Committee  
During Winter Talk 2023 the Presiding Bishop and I listened deeply and sought input from Indigenous leaders as we faced the work coming out of the 80th General Convention. Together we moved forward with A127 and MW062 as well as other initiatives that involve residential boarding schools, truth-telling, and spiritual healing.

In this work, it was crucial for us as Presiding Officers to follow the lead of our Indigenous relatives as we undertake these efforts so that we do not replicate the same colonial mindset we are looking to dismantle. Our historical presence at Winter Talk allowed us to begin this process with deep listening. We heard and felt the individual and collective stories, which illustrated painful truths as well as hope for the future. 

In the months following WinterTalk, as presiding officers we discerned a collaborative way forward with the appointments. It is important to note that two groups were formed simultaneously. A127 established a fact-finding commission on the role of The Episcopal Church in Residential Boarding Schools and MW062 created an Executive Council Committee on Native American Boarding Schools and Advocacy. The two groups have similar but distinctive mandates and their unique charges compliment the other, which can be seen in the linked mandates above. 

Additionally, both groups have timelines that extend beyond the biennium and will continue past the 81st General Convention. The A127 Indigenous Boarding School Fact-Finding Commission has an infinite timeline with no sunset date, which illustrates our church’s commitment to this work, and the MW062 Executive Council Committee Native American Boarding Schools and Advocacy is able to be renewed in the future. 

Appointments to these two bodies have been made and the rosters are published on the General Convention Office website, which can be found at A127 and MW062. While a convener has been appointed for each group, the Presiding Bishop and I have intentionally refrained from appointing chairs or vice-chairs in order to allow each group to determine its own leadership model. 

Please keep those who have been entrusted with the sacred task of exploring and addressing the painful history of indigenous boarding schools in your prayers as they humbly seek God’s guidance, wisdom, and grace in these endeavors. 

Please also pray for us as a church as we embark on this journey of truth-telling, reckoning, and healing. We recognize the need to uncover the truth, bear witness to the stories of survivors, and acknowledge the systemic injustices committed in the name of Jesus Christ. May we approach this work with humility, empathy, and an open heart as we strive to create a future where every person’s Imago Dei is seen and celebrated, where the wounds of the past are healed, and where Christ’s love brings wholeness to everyone.

-President Ayala Harris
General Convention 82 site visits
Phoenix, Arizona
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 
San Juan, Puerto Rico
The first week of May President Ayala Harris was part of a whirlwind tour conducting site visits for the 82nd General Convention of The Episcopal Church. Three cities in six days: Pittsburgh, San Juan, and Phoenix.

"Many thanks to the Dioceses of Pittsburgh, Puerto Rico, and Arizona for your hospitality, sharing your ministry stories, and your hopes for our church. It has been a blessing to be with each of you.
A big shout out to my traveling companions in the General Convention Office, who work so tirelessly to bring this all together, and on the Presiding Bishop’s staff. We made such great memories!" - President Ayala Harris
Honor LGBTQ+ forced migrants in June through Episcopal Migration Ministries’ Rainbow Initiative
Episcopal congregations seeking ways to observe Pride Month and World Refugee Day in June have a special opportunity to focus on LGBTQ+ and refugee communities through Episcopal Migration Ministries’ new Rainbow Initiative.

As of early May, 15 groups in the U.S. and Europe have partnered with EMM as “Rainbow Initiative Congregations/Communities,” committed to learning about and supporting LGBTQ+ forced migrants during the worldwide activities in June focused on those communities.

“We are thrilled at the interest and commitment of those who have already partnered with us, and we invite other churches and communities to consider joining this intentional focus on extending radical welcome to LGBTQ+ forced migrants,” said Sarah Shipman, director of operations for EMM.

C009 Deputy Certification Compliance
Communication from the Office of General Convention:
Information regarding Deputations

As previously, once your deputation has been elected, please submit that information in the online Deputation Certification Form.

If at any point your deputation changes, please submit that information in the online Deputation Change Form.

New for 81st General Convention 

The new rules of order for the House of Deputies regarding deputations, which are available online, require all deputations to have formation in racial reconciliation and for that formation to be reported back prior to General Convention. The reporting will not be required until early 2024. We did want you to be aware and prepare for this reality as you begin to elect your deputations. 

The whole Rules of Order, which are a part of the Constitution and Canons 2022, are available online in English and Spanish here:

For more questions, contact the General Convention's Office
Around the House
We want to hear about what's happening around the House. 

The House of Deputies is full of members that are not only working on resolutions but are also doing fantastic work in their congregations, dioceses, and the country. If you are a deputy doing amazing work or know of someone who is, share it with us today.

Get in touch with President Ayala Harris
President Ayala Harris wants to connect with you and support our church's ministries and groups. Here are the different ways you can get in touch with her and the office of the house of deputies: 

Follow President Ayala Harris
President Ayala Harris is sharing her travels and journey as President of the house of deputies. If you would love to join her, we invite you to follow her social media accounts.