Diocese of Winona-Rochester Social Concerns
News and Announcements
 "To promote and support parish social action through education"

Our committee meets on a monthly basis to discuss the issues of Social Concerns within our Diocese, and to plan opportunities to learn and explore issues of concern. Updates and information are available below. Feel free to contact us by responding to this newsletter or through the feedback button at the bottom of the newsletter with any questions or feedback. 
Pictures by Dianne Towalski.
The Catholic vision of social justice is rooted in building a society in which people love and take care of one another, Los Angeles Archbishop Jose Gomez said in his keynote address April 15 at Catholics at the Capitol in St. Paul.

Pope Francis lays out that vision in his most recent encyclical, “Fratelli Tutti,” which in its call for human dignity and living as sisters and brothers also calls for action, Archbishop Gomez said at the Cathedral of St. Paul, where the daylong event was sponsored by the Minnesota Catholic Conference.

“Friends, our task in this moment is to bring this beautiful vision to our public discourse, to awaken this awareness of God’s love in the hearts of our brothers and sisters,” he said. “We also have, in this moment, an important duty to be peacemakers and reconcilers. We need to help bring people together and help them realize our common humanity.”

About 800 people registered for the online event, which included students from several area Catholic high schools. In addition to Archbishop Gomez, participants heard an address from Obianuju Ekeocha, founder of Culture of Life Africa, and received issue briefings on a few legislative priorities identified by the Minnesota Catholic Conference, the official public policy voice of the Catholic Church in the state.
Action Alerts
Click on the red "take action" line to get more information and to take action today!

The newest legislative proposal for doctor-assisted suicide, H.F. 1358, will degrade the trusting relationship patients have with their provider and will harm vulnerable people. Protecting the choices of a few by legalizing assisted suicide will endanger the health care choices of all.

As Catholics, we are called to uphold human dignity and protect the most vulnerable among us. Legalization of assisted suicide works against this principle because death is hastened when it is thought that a person’s life no longer has meaning or purpose.

The COVID pandemic has made the need for school choice more evident than ever.
When the state shut down schools last March and into the 2020-21 school year, there were limited options aside from distance learning for students in public schools. Whether it was a kindergartner learning to read, a student with a learning disability, or someone who was already struggling in school, there were very few options.

Parents and kids need access to all educational options, and personal financial barriers should not prevent our students from getting the education they need.
Upcoming Events
Tuesday, May 11th
12:00 PM | Via Zoom
Featuring Dr. Kevin Yuill

Tune in over your lunchbreak to this great discussion hosted by our partner organization, MN Alliance for Ethical Healthcare. This free webinar will equip you with non-faith-based arguments to oppose assisted suicide and help you propose positive alternatives to the throwaway culture. It will be the first in a series of short Alliance webinars (with Q&A) giving you a chance to get to know Alliance Partners and providing you with tangible action steps to engage state legislators.
Wednesday, May 12th
1:00 PM | Via Zoom

This month marks the 130th anniversary of Rerum Novarum, the foundational text of modern Catholic Social Teaching. After careful study of the industrial era economy and its impact on workers, in light of the Good News, Pope Leo XIII shared his new encyclical letter with the world on May 15, 1891. The document made the right of workers to organize in unions an official element of Catholic social doctrine – a right that was not protected in US law until more than forty years later!

The Catholic Labor Network will mark this anniversary with a special online presentation. Professor Gerry Beyer of Villanova University will discuss Rerum Novarum and the rights of workers in Catholic Social Teaching. Afterward, Catholic Labor Network board member Chuck Hendricks of UNITE HERE will reflect on his experience as a young worker trying to organize in the United States, illustrating just how far we have to go to realize Pope Leo’s vision. Join us!
Wednesday, May 19th
7:00 PM | Via Zoom

Kathy Klos (Staff attorney for the
Immigrant Law Center of MN)
and John Meyers (Director of Refugee
Resettlement for Catholic Charities of Southern MN) will be on hand to speak to issues of immigration and to tell about the work they do. We will also welcome several local immigrants who will share with us their personal stories.
Spotlight on Resources
For those who missed it, here is a recorded webinar about Hispanic presence in the USA and what is happening at the U.S Southern border.
Has COVID-19 made it hard to pay your rent? RentHelpMN is now live! If you have experienced hardship due to the pandemic and need assistance to pay your rent or utility bills, you may be eligible for COVID-19 Emergency Rental Assistance!

This program was created to help Minnesotans who have fallen behind on their rent or fear that could happen. If you find yourself in this position, we are here to help. Find out if you qualify and apply today.

Eligible Minnesota renters can receive help with rent and utility bills dated on or after March 13, 2020. If you qualify, you could receive up to 15 months total assistance.
Catholic Charities of Southern MN's Refugee Resettlement Program is in need of donations of personal hygiene items, as well as basic cleaning supplies. If you are in the Rochester area, please drop off donations at the Rochester Office:

If you are from elsewhere in the Diocese, but would still like to help, consider making a monetary donation, instead.
Is your community doing a project or working on an issue that you would like to share? We would love to highlight your efforts, events and ministry! Let us know what you are doing.
We would love to hear your feedback on this newsletter. What do you like? What is helpful? What would you like to see? We can't wait to hear from you! Send Feedback

Looking for past editions of our newsletter? You can access them ALL on Catholic Charities of Southern MN's Parish Social Ministry Page.