May | 2023

Dancing With Our Diamonds was a Huge Success!

Thank you to the Dancers, Volunteers, and our Community!

Thank you Cindy Farmer, from WGHP, for being such an amazing Emcee!!

Thank you to our Event Judges: Larry Bailey, Ed Mulvey, Joy Shavitz, Linda Yurko, and Brittany Carroll

Maria Paula & Michel won Most Creative Dance

Check out our Performance!

Sydni Rose & Romaine won Most Engaging Dance

Check out our Performance!

Nikki & Michael won the Judges Choice Award

Check out our Performance!

Brad & Maddie won Most Energetic Dance

Check our our Performance!

Samuel & Marikay won Most Entertaining Dance

Check out our Performance!

Brooks & Susan won Most Inspirational Dance & Overall Biggest Fundraiser

Check out our Performance!

*Brooks & Susan also broke the record for the most fundraising by a dance couple. Shout Out to Brooks & Susan!

Thank you to Our Diamond Sponsor

Other Event Sponsors

Charlotte Payroll *Erik Schriber

Preferred Data Corporation

HPB Insurance Group *Stade Lewis

Tom's Home Repair

Toshiba *Lucas Crocker


Forbis & Dick Funeral Services

Pilot Benefits

Kim Diop Group - Re/Max Revolution

Temple Emanuel

Oden Brewery

A Note from our Executive Director

 Watching the final dress rehearsal for Dancing With Our Diamonds, the talent and joy expressed by the dancers, and the pride that glowed from parents and loved ones, gave me goosebumps. Not only is Dancing With Our Diamonds a successful fundraiser for The Arc of Greensboro, it provides an opportunity to highlight our community in a positive and fun way. You do not have to personally know these individuals to see they are people with abilities, with loved ones, who can and do live fulfilled lives while contributing to our community.

Sometimes I am asked why people who do not have a loved one or a direct connection to someone with an intellectual/developmental disability should be interested in the work of The Arc of Greensboro. When making hard choices of where to donate and which of many worthy organizations to support, why should The Arc of Greensboro be on your short list? Very simply because our folks are an integral part of the fabric of the larger Greensboro community.

Have you noticed the young man who bags your groceries at the local grocery store? Have you met the gentleman who is washing the dishes and pots and pans at your dad’s retirement home? Do you know who scrubs the floors and keeps things sanitary for your dog’s daycare? These folks are part of The Arc of Greensboro and part of your community. Their access to jobs, sports teams, dances and other activities that make for a fulfilled life, depends on the support of our entire community, not just family members and friends.

I can give you at least six reasons to support The Arc of Greensboro, our fabulous Dancing With Our Diamonds 2023 dancers - Samuel, Brooks, Bradley, Sydni Rose, Nikki and Maria Paula! Go to our website, or click the links above, and watch videos of their dances – I promise, it will be time well spent.

-Lindy Perry-Garnette-

The Arc's Annual Meeting

Meeting Agenda:

  • Vote on new Board Members & Officers
  • Awards Ceremony
  • Hear plans for the coming year
RSVP for the Annual Meeting

Bowling has moved locations

Night out at the Grasshoppers

Challenger Baseball Sponsored by:

With Your Help..

The United Way of Greater Greensboro's staff recently came out to The Arc of Greensboro to volunteer their time. With their help, we planted new vegetation outside, cleaned up the parking lot, fixed the fence between businesses, and removed trash from the forested area at the back of our building. Thank you to everyone involved for volunteering your time to make our new space even better!

Ways to get involved

Our Programs

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Getting To Know Us

Billie Jones, an Employment Specialist with The Arc of Greensboro writes: "I recently had the opportunity to work with Darion Farrow (pictured right) when he was first hired in the dish room at Harmony Place in Greensboro. I am so proud of his progress and his willingness to mentor another Project SEARCH intern in his third externship. Both Darion and Deshawn Williams (pictured left) are doing very well and learning to navigate not only the dish room but also transportation to and from work. Deshawn did so well in his externship he was also hired at Harmony. The Arc greatly appreciates their mentor and supervisor Chris Cason (pictured center) and all the staff at Harmony for hiring and supporting Darion and Deshawn at their first jobs!"

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