
Hello MVNA neighbors!

May MVNA Board News

Here are the highlights of our April board meeting:

  • General Membership Meeting and Summer Celebration at Al Moody Park: Join your MVNA neighbors on June 16th from 5-8 pm for community and City information tables, MVNA board elections, live music from Coyote Willow, and free ice cream and pizza. Watch your mailbox for your invitation and see the MVNA website for more info.
  • Board elections: We are looking for additional neighbors to join our board. This is a great opportunity to give back to our neighborhood community. Board duties include attending monthly meetings and monitoring City business in regards to land use, transportation, public safety, and other livability issues. If you are interested in being an advocate for our neighborhood, check out our board roles here!
  • Speed Radar signs: Three locations were submitted to the City for placement: Eagle Road, Purcell north of Wells Acres, and Purcell south of Neff. A fourth location was submitted for Tucson and Conners if the City is able to add an additional location.
  • We are now meeting in-person at the Higher Ground Common House on NE Daggett Lane. Masks welcome, of course!

Check out the MVNA website for more neighborhood news, including land use and transportation.

Visit our Website

Upcoming MVNA Board Meetings:

May 23 at 6:00 pm

June 16 from 5:00 - 8:00 pm

Houselessness Updates

Together the Bend Neighborhood Associations and the community group BendCares hosted two successful town hall meetings regarding shelter code changes.

Follow up Action: To share public comment with the City Council, there is a City Council Public Hearing on the proposed code changes before the Council meeting on May 4th at 7:00 pm. Visit Shelter Code Changes for more information on how to make public comment.

For continuing updates regarding houselessness issues in Bend, visit these City web pages:

Let's Pull Together

Saturday, May 21

9 a.m. - 12 p.m.

Join your neighbors, community groups, and the City of Bend for this annual citywide effort to clean up debris, plant native pollinators, and remove non-native invasive plants from locations all over Bend. Visit Let's Pull Together for more information and to sign up to volunteer!

Bend Police Chief Advisory Council Accepting Applications

We hope to see representation from MVNA on this advisory council! The Bend Police Department has opened the application process for community members interested in volunteering on the Police Chief's Advisory Council (PCAC). This council will consist of up to 20 community members with broad and diverse life experiences that reflect the Bend community.

For more information, visit The Police Chief's Advisory Council.

Neighborhood Liaison News

A new issue we want to bring to our MVNA Liaisons' attention is graffiti in our neighborhoods. We have compiled a graffiti reporting reference guide for how to report and request its removal. With your help, we hope to reduce the amount of graffiti in our neighborhoods. In street safety news, we continue to communicate with the City transportation department regarding the concerns shared by our MVNA Liaisons. City staff confirmed which issues can be addressed through Citizen Service Requests and which ones are candidates for the Neighborhood Safe Streets Program (NSSP).

Next steps: the MVNA board will work on additional Service Requests for street safety and graffiti concerns as needed. We will share updates on the City's response both via email and on the Liaison News page on our MVNA website for updates. Thank you, Liaisons, for keeping us informed!


MVNA Transportation Projects

An update on the roundabout for Butler Market and Wells Acres: As reported last month, the City has advertised for proposals from engineering firms to begin the design this summer; the tentative construction completion date for that roundabout is the end of 2023. For the Purcell extension, the project is not yet being advertised for plans, but the City's goal is to complete the extension this calendar year.
