Blossom your Soul!!   

"Change and growth take place when a person risks him/herself, and dares to become involved in experimenting with his/her own life."
                                           ~  Herbert Otto

Some experiments in life are really challenging, and the growth from those challenges may be obvious. But, then there are those challenges and growths that aren't quite so recognizable.  They're ever so subtle...  li
ke a soft wind whispering in a field of trees thick with blossoms ready to release their tiny petals.  And, sure enough, a gentle breeze   kisses through the trees releasing the many tiny petals, transporting them gently and slowly downward creating a cascade of fragrant segments that leaves a soft flowery blanket atop the sun drenched blades of grass below...  it's a wondrous sight in a magnificent world garden abundant with life. And, we realize that we are witness to a beautiful transition taking place.  It's a season of change, a renewal, rebirth and a blossoming of divine manifestations.

As part of the wonderful phenomenon of life in all of nature, we can embrace the many life changes that are a natural part of the human experience. Existence and being are all about change, transitions, transformations...  alchemy.  When we enter this physical form, we're transitioning from another reality. When we leave this physical form, we experience yet another transformation.  And, everything in the middle is living a life full of change; it's not a part of life; but life itself.

Change is good. Since we live on a planet of free will, when the doors of change open, they give us opportunities to exercise our free will.  It's also a chance to stretch ourselves, to discover who we are in different situations, and with different people, it's another step towards aligning with our higher self.  We can discover our connection to nature, our world family, and the Universe that supports us.  Change can also help us release the things in our lives that no longer serve us; opening us to new and exciting possibilities.  The
key is to perceive life changes, not as negative challenges, but as tools for our growth.  Life is how we perceive it.  As Taoist philosophy states, "When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change." 

Each moment we live and breathe, change is occurring all around us, within us and through us.  Revolutions and transitions occur within us all the time. We define, and redefine ourselves over and over again. And, as we do so, there is always an open door that invites us to evolve to a higher level of our Being, where we can discover and live our purpose in joy on Gaia.

We are evolving into divine manifestations of the Soul.  In the face of change be open to the gift of life... with a happy heart.  Allow all that you desire to come into your life...  with a happy.  Don't wait for change to be happy.  Your "happy" may very well bring the change that you want.  Blossom your Soul with the
knowledge that on the other side of change there is a new level of victory that God has waiting for us all.   Be open to God's gifts and Divine guidance with a happy heart as these can be the spiritual catalysts for another level of BEING... a new level of being the power of Love.

Whatever you do....

It's important during these times of wondrous transformation to stay grounded, centered and anchored in God's Love, Wisdom and Power!
Here's a wonderful prayer for strengthening
your human aura. First seal yourself and your consciousness in a globe of white light and then recite the following words with humility and devotion:

I AM Light, glowing Light,
Radiating Light, intensified Light.
God consumes my dar
Transmutting it into Light.

This day I AM a focus of the Central sun.
Flowing through me is a crystal river,
A living fountain of Light
That can never be qualified
By human though and feeling.

I AM an outpost of the Divine.
Such dar
kness as has used me is swallowed up
By the mighty river of Light which I AM.

I AM, I AM, I AM Light;
I live, I live, I live in Light.
I AM Light's fullest dimension;
I AM Light's purest intention.

I AM Light, Light, Light
Flooding the world everywhere I move,
Blessing, strengthening, and conveying
The purpose of the
kingdom of heaven.  
Kuthumi - Djwal Kul

 May Energy Forecast with Lee Harris 
May 2014 Energy Forecast with Lee Harris - The Extraordinary Heart within your Higher Mind. 
The Extraordinary Heart 
within your Higher Mind!


We are the
Infinite Light of OneLOVE!
Rev Barbara 


Rev. Barbara
Energy Healing Practitioner

Services Include:
- Reiki Healing 
  - Reiki Classes 
- Christ Light Healing
- Reconnective Healing  
- Spiritual Consultations 
- Channeled Messages  
- Distant Healing 
- Holistic Events   
How May I Help You? 


Sat., May 10th

Friday, May 16th  

Sunday, May 18th
 SCNY Psychic Fair

Friday, May 23rd
FREE Holistic Bazaar

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Other Events

Fri., May 2nd 

Tues., May 6th 
May 6th, 10th, 23st 
Mt. Vernon Events

May 10th, 18th, 25th
Conquer Your Fears
Bamboomoves Yoga Ctr
107-40 Queens Blvd #206 
Forest Hills 11375

Wed., May 21st 
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Magical Tunnels

Richie Parker: Drive -- SC Featured
Richie Parker:

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Angels Messages

 "Your body needs refreshment from oxygenated air generated by grass, trees, plants, and flowers. Spend time outside today, as near to Mother Nature's cradle as possible. Open your curtains and windows to refresh your home as well."

"Now is the perfect moment for you to act on your inspirations. The doors are open, while you wal
k through them with us by your side. Don't delay or procrastinate. All the ingredients are ripe for your success."

"The entire universe operates in cycles similar to your inhalations and exhalations. When you only exhale (giving) or only inhale (receive), you become out of rhythm with the universe. For optimum health, energy, and replenishment, balance each inhalation in your life with an exhalation."

  May you always have
 Angels by your side!

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              any of the Healing Services that I offer.
              (Angel circle and other events do not apply.)

Rev. Barbara Dominick