v.11 | 02.10.2020
BDHOA May Newsletter

Hello Barclay Downs Neighbors - there are a few exciting construction updates to let you know about!

  • Check out the Enhanced Crosswalks at Morrison and Sharon, Fairview and Sharon. These are being created as part of a the Southpark CNIP (Comprehensive Neighborhood Improvement Project). They are ahead of schedule due to the light traffic and completion is estimated in mid-June.

  • The new sidewalk on Barclay Downs is scheduled to begin construction during the first half of 2021. The city has secured all easements and the design is complete.
Google Fiber has been working in our neighborhood to provide our area with fiber cabling but unfortunately due to unmarked or poorly marked cable and gas lines they were hitting these lines causing outages and disruptions for our neighbors.

They have agreed to pause their work until June 9th when school is out so that they don't disrupt virtual learning for our students. Also, they will work to take more precautions when they resume their work in June.
Just a friendly reminder if you have forgotten to pay your $25 HOA annual dues. We currently only have 30% of our neighborhood who has paid and we would love to have more!

Your $25 Membership dues are used to fund a wide range of activities including:

  • 50% off the cost of tree banding
  • Landscaping and traffic enhancement projects that are used to beautify the area and create a safer environment for pedestrians
  • Neighborhood Crime Watch program that works with CMPD to ensure our neighborhood remains safe
  • Neighborhood block parties
  • Access to the neighborhood directory

Pay with PayPal:  www.barclaydownshoa.org 
If you have any questions, contact  info@barclaydownshoa.org

Thank you for your support of our wonderful neighborhood and community!
Please help find Piper!

The Ku family on Manning drive lost Piper their cat on 5/15, if you see her please call 704-562-3418.
The Blues, Brews and BBQ Neighborhood party that was scheduled for June 6th has been cancelled due to social distancing restrictions.

Hopefully we will be able to get together for the Barclay Downs BOO Halloween Party in the fall!

Stay safe!