"Pinks and Greens" by Pamela Hiatt
Dear Friends of the Arts,
We may have seen the last of the snow for the season, and look forward to balmy spring days. With that in mind, we plan to have our May 18 Songwriters Showcase on our outdoor stage. Such a great place to relax and hear good music! And so nice that now, if the weather turns on us, we can always retreat to the indoor theater.
We are excited this month to be able to offer growth opportunities for young people in our region. We have been awarded funds to hire a student intern for the summer, and are in process of developing a Junior Advisory Board for the Center. Scroll down for details on these programs.
We had a hoot creating the Dracula, A Comedy of Terrors radio show, and were delighted to hear the laughter from so many enthusiastic people in our audiences. We look forward to many more theatrical productions in our new space.
Wishing you a joyous May!
Dracula, A Comedy of Terrors
Gallery Hours
We are now open from 11am to 4pm every
Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday
throughout the summer.
We have been working upstairs this month, and have finished our box office area. Stephanie, our office manager, is delighted to be able to work in her own space, and it's so much better for tickets for events. We have also found the perfect welcome desk for the gallery, with enough drawers to organize and hold all we need. Stop by to say hello!
Volunteer Cathy Dorwick
at our new Welcome Desk.
Stephanie Beck in her new office.
We sadly say a fond farewell to Richard Hess, who passed away on 4/22. Richard moved to Galena in 2015, where he set up his pottery studio and immediately proceeded to find many friendships and create wonderful art. His hand-built stylized horses now range through-out Jo Daviess County and far beyond, as well as his many other clay creations of fish, bugs, birds, paint brushes, and shoes. Richard will be sorely missed.
Regional Artists Gallery
An Eclectic Mix
Mono print/stencil,
Gail Chavenelle
After the lengthy winter, artists, like the rest of us, were apparently ready for Spring as tulips, daffodils, lilacs, roses, and lush green riverscapes adorn the walls of the Regional Arts Gallery.
Other interesting sculptures, wood vases, pottery, and paintings round out the exhibit.
Special Exhibit Space
Tom Cunningham Retrospective
Bur Oaks,
Tom Cunningham
Tom Cunningham’s paintings have brought many visitors to the Center. We encourage you to stop by to connect with the farm scenes and the vibrantly-colored landscapes of the Driftless region while it is still exhibited all together. What a wonderful gift Tom and Susan gave to the Center and to all those who are sure to cherish his art in their own homes.
These exhibits end on May 28.
Closing Reception
Tom Cunningham
Sunday, May 21 from 3-4pm
Free to attend, refreshments available.
We extend an invitation for all to gather and enjoy one of the last opportunities to see so many of Tom’s beautiful works displayed collectively. Each one is a portal to another place and time – a truly unique experience. Many of these paintings will be going to their new homes at the end of the month, but there are a handful still available for purchase.
This exhibit will be open
Thursdays-Sundays 11am-4pm until May 28.
River Glen
Album Release Tour
Wednesday, May 3 at 7pm
Doors open at 6:30pm
We are so excited to be hosting River Glen and special guests Alyx Rush, Wxlley, and Kristina Casteñeda for the release tour of the As Above, So Below album! It will be a magical night of music capturing the many sounds and styles of Iowa like no other - from folk to pop and rock, from bluegrass to hip-hop and jazz.
at the Center during open hours and through Lenny Wayne.
Songwriters Showcase
Thursday, May 18 at 7pm
We have a slight lineup change for this month’s Songwriter’s Showcase. Weather permitting, we will hold this month’s Showcase outdoors!
Bruce Kort mixes his love of blues with other traditional types of music, including early jazz and Tin Pan Alley, bluegrass, traditional country and cowboy music.
Opening for Bruce will be David Czech. His originals are a mixture of blues and folk stylings that will provide a deep personal insight into family loved, lost and gained.
How Matting and Framing Enhances your Art
Tuesday, May 9, 5:30-6:30pm
Thursday, May 11, 5:30-7:30pm
Tuesday, May 23, 5:30-6:30pm
On the evenings of May 9, 11, and 23 in the Alfie Mueller room, Courtney Lomax-Moser, owner and operator of Galena Custom Framing, will be leading classes on how matting and framing
selections can enhance, change or detract from a piece of art.
The class on May 9 will be an educational seminar, which can accommodate all who wish to attend, so plan to join us if possible.
The second class, limited to 12, will be a workshop where students may bring in a piece of art they wish to have framed. And during the last class, students will pick up their finished framed piece and share their finished products.
Barbara Mathews'
Beginning Watercolor Workshop
Tuesday and Wednesday, May 16 and 17 from 9am-4pm
Class Registration Open - See Below
If you have not yet signed up for Barbara Mathews’ Beginning Watercolor class, it is not too late. The last day to register is May 11.
The 2-day class will be held in the Center classroom on May 16 and 17 from 9am- 4pm.
Registration is now open on our website. Click on this link. The class can accommodate up to 15 students.
Returning to the Center after a long hiatus are the figure drawing sessions. They begin on Thursday, May 18 and will continue weekly thereafter. They will be held in the classroom from 1:30-3:30pm. Cost for one 2-hour session is $10.
All artists of varying skill levels are welcome. We have easels; bring your own drawing supplies. Being able to sketch a live model is a wonderful opportunity you won’t want to miss!
Galena Center for the Arts
Receives Grant Award to Hire
Paid Summer Intern
We are thrilled to share that Galena Center for the Arts, Inc. has been awarded a grant from Federal funds through the National Endowment for the Arts Grant via the Illinois Arts Council Agency to support a paid summer intern. The intern will:
We are searching for the right
candidate to work with us from
May 15th – September 15th for approximately 15 hours a week.
Galena Center for the Arts
Junior Advisory Board
Starts with 2023 Fiscal Year
More exciting news! We will be starting a Junior Advisory Board to coincide with our fiscal year on June 1, 2023. We are looking for 10 – 12 volunteers between the ages of 17 – 31 to join our team.
Participating on the Galena Center for the Arts Junior Advisory Board will expose members to networking opportunities and increase their professional growth, business acumen, and community outreach. If applicable, time spent doing Board activities will go toward volunteer hours. This experience will provide additional skills needed for meaningful employment as well as connecting with our community and also look great on a resume.
Tactile Exhibit Coming Soon
June 2 through July 23
An art submission by Julie Ferring for the Tactile Exhibit.
The Center, in coordination with Audible Visions, is thrilled to offer a fully tactile exhibit for the first time. You won’t see any “Do not touch” signage in this exhibit; in fact, the idea is for you to experience the art as much with your hands as your eyes. Audio descriptions and other adaptive features will be added to make the exhibit enjoyable for all.
The exhibit will open June 2 and continue through July 23. On June 15 from noon to 4pm, please join us for a “Tactile Tour” event when we will be able to offer 1-1 human guiding.
Ann Thomas
Capturing Galena in Pen and
Ink and Watercolor
Friday and Saturday, June 9 and 10
Class Registration Open - See Below
On June 9 and 10, Ann Thomas returns for a 2-day class: Sketching Galena in Pen and Ink and Watercolor. We still have a few openings. The class will begin at the Center and from there, go
to locations around Galena… weather permitting.
Visit the Center’s website for more specifics, supply lists, and to reserve one of the coveted spots click on this link.
Check out the beautiful artwork of this talented artist on her website:
Saturday, June 24 from 8am-4pm
On June 24 our parking lot will turn into a giant canvas for our 2023 Chalkfest! This family friendly event brings us all together for a day of artistic fun. Plan to bring the family, to chalk or to watch the chalkers in action! Keep an eye out on our website and social media for registration info and updates.
Teen Theatre Intensive!
July 17-21
Ages 13-18
Each day focusing on a different skill with a variety of instructors
Youth Scene Study!
July 31-August 4
Ages 10-13
Instructor, Cindy Tegetmeyer
Last year's scene study class in action
Recent Activities
at the Center
Karen Wilson's presentation about the historic Coronation Pageantry will make the May 6 Coronation so much more interesting for all who attended.
For more information, Karen recommends the BBC site,
Your full guide to King Charles III's coronation:
The Parishes brought a plethora of instruments, entertaining an enthusiastic audience with original songs and intricate musical arrangements.
TBurns, an amazing guitarist and songwriter, was joined by LA Suess on several songs, adding harmonica and banjo.
GHS National Art Honor Society
Closing Ceremony
Many parents and friends attended the Galena High School National Art Honor Society Closing Ceremony, to recognize the many achievements of the art students.
NAHS sponsor Irene Thraen-Borowski and
graduating senior, Chase Dittmar.
Earth Day was celebrated with a program about Karst Features in Jo Daviess County, sponsored by the League of Women Voters.
If you missed the presentation, it can be found on these links.
Six videos supporting the database (Introduction, Crevices & Caves, Sinkholes, Springs, Mining, and Tutorial) are available at http://bit.ly/VideosKFD (URL).
Scientists from the Illinois State Surveys and the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service joined members of the League of Women Voters of Jo Daviess County.
From left to right: Shari Kochman (League President), Ron Klass (ISGS Associate Scientist), Beth Baranski (League member), Walt Kelly (ISWS Groundwater Geochemist), Jeena Koenig (USFWS Data Manager), and Don Luman (ISGS Principal Scientist Emeritus).
Pricing Your Art with Stormy Mochal
A full crowd in the new classroom space! Artist and owner of Outside the Lines gallery, Stormy Mochal, led a discussion on navigating variables to consider when pricing one’s own artwork. She shared many valuable insights, gathered from her wealth of experience!
Volunteers are an integral part of Galena Center for the Arts. We love them, value them, and need them. Without them, we would not be able to accomplish all we do. While many are visible as front desk greeters or ushers, others work behind the scenes.
One of those valued behind-the-scenes volunteers is Dennis Waltman. Dennis has been putting together our newsletter since 2014 – almost ten years of non-stop commitment to the Center’s newsletter production. After we send him the articles and photos, he works his magic to create a coherent and pleasing whole. Perfect for the ‘job’ because of his conscientiousness and thoroughness, Dennis doesn’t stop until he is fully satisfied with the end product. As a valued member of the newsletter team, he even offers suggestions as to how to increase readership.
Welcome to Mission Control!
Dennis was a mechanical engineer prior to retirement who readily admits to loving computers and other gadgets. Being detail oriented likely served Dennis well in his past career and, now, greatly enhances the quality of our newsletter. We are indebted to you, Dennis! Thank you, thank you for all you do each and every month.
The Center has a few small garden areas, with some perennials already growing, that we hope might find gardeners who want to adopt them for the season. You can adopt one, or more, and either just tend what's there, or be creative and add other flowers as you like, to keep the outside of our Center as beautiful as the inside.
Volunteer's garden at the old Center, 2016
A big THANK YOU to the Outlook Club of Galena, who donated the planting of a young Swamp White Oak Tree for our property, and to Dan Harms for planting the tree.
It's small now, but we hope it will thrive and that in years to come people can sit in its shade while listening to wonderful music.
- Bryan and Jenni Ackerman
- Lee Adami
- Kevin Ahlvin
- Tamara Ambroz
- Susan Barg
- Gail and David Bauer
- John Cox
- Donna Davis
- Bann Dittmer
- Chase Dittmer
- Cathy and Kevin Dorwick
- Violet Doyle
- Janet Eggleston
- Cathie Elsbree
- Galena Kids
- Karen Greiner
- Sheila and Mark Haman
- Betsy Hansen
- Cathy and Dan Harms
- Melanie Hoffman
- Deb Hyland
- Terri Jackman
- Nancy Kenney
- Bonnielynn Kreiser
- Helen Kupetis
- Lion's Club
- Diann Marsh
- Courtney Lomax Moser
- Jeff Maeder
- Nancy and Paul McMenamin
- ML Miesing
- Stormy Mochal
- Emily Painter
- Katherine Pearson
- Poopsie's
- David Resnick
- Marion Roberts
- Brian and Lisa Schoenrock
- Nancy Schuldt
- Tom Saccomanno and Julie Bruser
- Alison Schoenrock
- Mark Sumpter
- Kevin Sutton
- Irene Thraen-Borowski
- Joy von Wolffersdorff
- Dennis Waltman
- Connie Warnsing
- Lenny Wayne
- Andy Willis
- Karen Wilson
- Sandy Winge
Copy paper, small boxes of Kleenex.
Time to get involved! We still need greeters for the gallery and volunteers to help with serving at openings, ushering at music and theatre events, garden maintenance, painting, and more!
If you would like to help out as a greeter, please go to
Signupgenius.com and scroll down to choose the dates you would like to help. It’s not hard, and it’s so much fun to meet other art lovers and show off our wonderful new space. For other volunteer opportunities, email Carole.
Thanks so much!
Please Donate
Please help us to advance our mission to
elevate and celebrate regional arts and artists.
To donate online click on This Link, or send your check to:
The Galena Center for the Arts
971 Gear Street, Galena, Illinois 61036
(815) 402-3111
To join the Galena Center for the Arts YouTube channel:
- click on this link
when on YouTube, click SUBSCRIBE
- to be notified of new videos, click on the bell icon next to SUBSCRIBED, then click on ALL
Please forward our newsletter to your friends and relatives. They can click below to receive their own monthly update. Thanks for sharing our news with others!
This program is partially supported by a grant from the Illinois Arts Council Agency.
This program is supported in part by a grant from the National Endowment for the Arts.
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Thanks so much for your support of the Galena Center for the Arts!
Newsletter produced by Dennis Waltman