Cleft of the Rock Foundation, Inc. wishes you a
May 2019 Newsletter
Our annual shoe drive starts May 1st!
We look forward to your donations this year.
Voices of the village

Wisdom is defined as the ability to think and act using knowledge, experience, understanding, common sense and insight. We will utilize "Voices of the Village" to showcase wisdom from wise and wonderful parents.

"You are the mirror! Be careful what you do and say. Let your reflection be positive!"

- Judy V.C. Munroe
Coming Soon!

Mother/Daughter Tea Party

Our Mother/Daughter Tea Party is this Sunday, May 5th, 2019.
RSVP: 954-736-8236

Father and Families Event

This event will be in celebration of Father's Day, so come out with the family for an evening full of fun and adventure.

Date: Thursday, June 6th, 2018
Location: Xtreme Action Park
Time: 5-10 PM
5300 Powerline Rd Suite 210,
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33309

9-Week Parenting on Purpose Video Series by Dr. Bob Barnes
We all know that children don’t come with instruction manuals, and with today’s barrage of seemingly opposing information and uncharted societal issues, parenting can seem overwhelming. The 9-week Parenting on Purpose Video Series seeks to help parents make sense of all the information, through proven and practical parenting solutions created by Dr. Bob Barnes. Dr. Barnes has a doctorate in counseling and received his education at Maryville College and Florida Atlantic University and he presents seminars and conferences on Parenting and Marriage throughout North America.

Parenting on Purpose Weekend Retreat

We are looking forward to hosting the Parenting on Purpose Video Series in a weekend retreat. It will be an opportunity for parents to immerse themselves in the series and connect with other parents. It will be hosted just a few hours away, so it's easy to get to. We encourage parents to bring their children and make this a fun family get away. We will also be offering surprise give-aways. The retreat will be Friday- Sunday. We look forward to seeing you there. More information coming soon.

9- Week Video Series
Location: Coconut Creek, FL
Date: June 11th- August 6th, 2019

Weekend Retreat Parenting on Purpose Series
Date: July 26-28th, 2019
Location: TBD

Here's what a few of our attendees have to say about the
Parenting on Purpose Series
So far, the Parenting on Purpose series has given me great insight on what true parenting is. I look forward to the learning and conversations each week, and hope to be able to host both "Conversations on Parenting" and "Parenting on Purpose" very soon.    - Dawn Adderley
"Although I don't have kids yet, I saw the benefit of learning and gaining great wisdom for the future. I learned a lot that I would like to integrate into my life right now to help the children of the future." - Andre Robinson
Signs of Anxiety Are Different in Boys — Learn What to Look Out For

The most critical thing for you to know as a parent if your child shows anxiety, is that you are a huge part of the solution. They look to you for calm and confidence, and you can work with them on learning and using tricks to manage the anxiety (talking about it, using deep breaths to help the body, etc.). If you feel like your son’s anxiety is really getting in the way of his life, make an appointment to see a a child therapist trained in anxiety.

Read the full article here: Good Housekeeping
Parenting on Purpose Support Sessions

Cleft Of The Rock is committed to supporting each family we encounter. We recognize that in these times, it’s incredibly difficult to plan ahead or fit self-improvement as parents into our already jam-packed schedules. From hour-long commutes, to our kids’ extra-curricular activities, to overtime, or a million other time-consumers, it can seem impossible to keep your head above water much less commit to getting somewhere, even if you will leave that somewhere fulfilled, refreshed and better equipped to parent deliberately. 

We have good news! We’re introducing our Parenting On Purpose Support sessions (POPS), every Tuesday evening. The great news is you can dial in or join by Video chat from wherever you are! Jump in to let off steam, chime in, or just listen to the topic of the week...whatever you need.

POP or COP Alumni, stay tuned for details on how to join in!
Conversations on Parenting 

Click on the form below to register for an upcoming Conversations on Parenting meeting.

  • May 22, 2019 (Boca Raton)


Conversation on Parenting Highlight

On April 13th we hosted a COP. We mostly discussed our children's education and whose responsibility it is. After much discussion, we concluded that it is the parent's responsibility to ensure that your child is educated and formal schools are in place to support parents and add value. In this day and age society places too much expectation on the school system to educate our children. We even place the blame on others when our children fall short, but have you stopped to think how much effort and time are you investing into your child's education at home? Are you helping with more than just homework assignments, if that? Are you challenging your child to be better? Do you even know your child's teacher?
Calling All Volunteers
Helping doesn't have to be complicated. Just use what you know how to do to help. That's called volunteering! We are in need of new volunteers and would greatly appreciate your time, in any way that you can contribute. If you have teenagers and they need hours for school, any time they volunteer with us can count towards their goal. If you would like to volunteer, simply click on the link below to fill out the form and we will contact you:

Partners in Parent Education Program
The mission of Cleft of the Rock Foundation is to help abused and abandoned children and struggling families improve their circumstances through education, life-coaching, proper shelter, nourishment and work. Through the Partners in Parent Education Program, you can partner with us to raise awareness of the need for parent education, be able to offer more parent education opportunities to more families, and to build communities where families are strong and children are safe through the love and support of deliberate parenting.

We have a Major Gift Society Giving Circle that consists of 5 different levels to meet your budget and your desire to partner. These are yearly amounts that are tax deductible.

Please click on the link to join your circle, and become our partner. We are excited about the success we are having so far with the initiatives that we are engaged in, and we welcome your partnership. 

Cleft of the Rock Foundation | 954-736-8236 ||