The Providence Home Post

May 2023 Newsletter

Thank You Givers!

We are so grateful for the more than 70 of you who gifted us more than $29,000 during Midlands Gives earlier this month. Your provision allows us to stay focused on Christ in serving men leaving the shackles of drugs, alcohol, and incarceration.  

We give all praise to God and deepest thanks to you for allowing us to continue providing temporary housing and permanent hope for our 60 resident men. We also want to give major props to ALL 16 devoted members of our Providence Home Board of Directors who, once again this year, ensured we had 100% board participation. 


Thanks for supporting this year’s Midlands Gives! 

Staff Spotlight

Carleen Smoak, office manager 

Carleen Smoak has served as our office manager since September 2020. She brought rich professional experience with her including 35 years in the legal field where she specialized in residential and commercial real estate closings, estate planning, and corporate work. She was also a title insurance underwriter. Additionally, Carleen is a proud mom and doting grandmother, all this while she works in her spare time as a certified fitness instructor and personal trainer!  


While Carleen has countless gifts (including playing a mean game of tennis) it’s her deep and joyful devotion to Jesus Christ and her ministry to the men here that stands out. Carleen is a prayer warrior who is tireless with her time loving on, encouraging, praying with and for our resident men. 

“God brought me to Providence Home,” Carleen says. “The law firm I worked at for years closed unexpectedly in 2020, and I prayed and told God that if I had to start a new career, I wanted it to be one where I could serve Him more. A friend posted the job opening on Facebook, I read it and felt like I needed to apply for the bookkeeper/office manager position.”   


The rest is history. Carleen not only keeps our books and finances straight, she keeps all of us focused on Christ and seeking Him in all we do.  

Carleen is married to Allen, and they share a large, blended family who bring them great joy!  


So, what does Carleen love most about Providence Home?  


“Providence Home is a safe haven for men to get back on their feet. I am encouraged daily as I see men that have come to us in gloom and despair transform after feeling the love and support from our staff and the presence of God on campus. There is light in their eyes again and hope on their faces. My favorite part is that I have an opportunity to share the love of Jesus Christ every day.” 


Carleen’s favorite Bible verse: Philippians 4:13:

“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”   

Brick By Brick

Blessings are abounding in our new chapel as our resident men continue to enjoy this new, bright, and beautiful space to pray and worship. 

BUT we are still working on our walkway out front trying to fill it with your honorary bricks. 


If you’d like to bless someone special, memorialize someone who’s had a big impact on your life, or simply honor your company, become part of the Providence Home legacy and buy a brick here:  

Buy A Brick

Top Off The TP!

We feel the heat every summertime trying to keep personal hygiene and cleaning supplies stocked to serve our 60 resident men. If you can top off our TP supply or any of the other items listed below, we are gratefully accepting donations!


You can drop them off at our Providence Home campus office located at 3421 North Main Street (about a mile from downtown Columbia.) 

Needed Items:

  • Razors
  • Twin sheets (fitted and flat)
  • Pillows
  • Pillowcases
  • Twin comforters
  • Bars of soap
  • Shampoo
  • Washcloths
  • Towels
  • Toilet paper
  • Lysol disinfectant (spray and wipes)

Save The Date!

We are already deep into planning our biggest and best Building Hope Gala yet! 

This year’s October extravaganza will celebrate our 60th anniversary and promises great food, fellowship and a fun, fast-paced program! 

If you enjoyed last year’s event, get ready for what we have in store this fall!  

So, save the date: 

Thursday, October 5, 2023, at Seawell’s.  

If you’d like to be a table host, it will be even easier than last year and still costs absolutely nothing. Click here below to be a table host for our Building Hope 2023 Gala: Celebrating 60 Years.  

Be A Table Host

Prayer And Praise!


Pray for the health concerns of current and former Providence Home staffers including Executive Director Rob Settle, Program Director Mark Davis, as well as our former development director, Adele Little, and amazing event planner, Joy Flake.


Pray for our resident men that they would be renewed in body, mind, and spirit during their stay here at Providence Home and pursue an everlasting relationship with their Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.


Pray for God to continue to use our new chapel in mighty and magnificent ways as He brings our men to Himself! (We might even have a wedding there someday soon!) 



Praise for God’s continued provision over Providence Home these past 60 years.


Praise for our founding father Johnny Zenoni and for his family that still loves and supports their dad’s legacy six decades later.  


Praise for our supporters, donators, volunteers, and prayer partners who continue to selflessly pour into our men and our mission. 

Saluting Our Superstar Sponsors

Thank you to these key sponsors who continue to bless Providence Home:

Lake Murray Lifestyles Magazine

McEntire Produce

WE BELIEVE that men entrapped by drugs and alcohol or coming out of prison should have a safe, supportive, faith-based environment for recovery and stability.

YOU CAN HELP men reunite with their families and become financially, spiritually, emotionally, and physically stable and healthy with your one-time or monthly donations.


It's easy to support our men and ministry!
Donate with the online link below
or mail to P.O. Box 3188, Columbia, SC 29230!


William Brumbach, Chairman

Hal Stevenson, Vice Chairman

Reggie Boan, Treasurer

Beth Atwater, Secretary


Dr. Rick Christman

Henry Clay

Judy Etheredge

Richard Fleming

Brantley Hanna

Henry Hennagan

Dr. Brian Huff

Leanne Johnson

Mike Millington

Henry Rollins

Matt Thompson

Tara Whitfield


Rob Settle, Executive Director

Christy Cox, Development Director

Mark Davis, Program Director

Ron Smith, Case Manager

Carleen Smoak, Office Manager

Caitlin Bonesteel, Assistant Development Director

Steven Stevenson, Resident Assistant

For 60 years, Providence Home has ministered to men.

In 1963, Johnny Zenoni, a recovering alcoholic,

began assisting eight men in need.

Our Mission StatementProvidence Home provides Christ-focused transitional housing, accountability, and support for men leaving behind addiction, incarceration and homelessness, striving for restoration and reconciliation with their families and communities. 


Our Vision StatementTo see men transformed by Jesus Christ and equipped by God’s grace to be a force for good in their families and communities.  


3421 N. Main St., Columbia, SC 29203
P.O. Box 3188, Columbia, SC 29230

Want to see more of what life is like at Providence Home? You can get the latest and stay connected by following along on our social sites:

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