Find Your Space at
The Westport Marina
Fishermen’s Boardwalk, the Marina Boat Launch Facilities, the Centennial Viewing Tower, and our working waterfront remain a perfect place to find fresh-air and ocean access. In coordination with WDFW, The City of Westport, and WA State Parks, we are eager to carefully roll open fisheries, facilities, and the Westport community. Our crew is taking every precaution to prepare the Marina for anticipated marina guests and visitors. As you prepare to visit, we ask that you take the following precautions to keep your family, your friends, and our community safe this spring and summer.    

Online Payments |
You can now pay
your bill online at

| Access Cards
Access Cards are required
for Float 9 Bathrooms &
Showers and garbage
disposal. Annual moorage
tenants receive 1 card with
their moorage. Access cards
are available to guest boaters
with a refundable deposit.

Dock Boxes |
A limited number of Dock Boxes are available for Annual
Moorage Holders to rent.
Boxes will be rented on a first come, first serve basis at
$249 + tax per year.

| Float 9 Showers
& Bathrooms
The new Float 9 Facilities are
open to marina tenants and
guests. Access card required
for entry.
Currently Closed to the Public
Available via phone & email Monday thru Friday 9am - 5pm
Summer Hours: 7 days a week | June 20 - September 15