May 2017

H2S Release Rate Assessments
A reminder that the AER requires  a release-rate assessment to be conducted on all wells with sour gas potential.  The AER expects that all documentation and calculations be held onto in case of emergency or for AER audit purposes.

To avoid any issues down the road, Benoit highly recommends that operators take advantage of the AER H2S release rate presubmission process , before submitting a well license.

Although the process is optional, it allows operators to have their calculated EPZ radius verified by the AER, ensuring that the AER is in agreement with the consultation and notification radii.

If you would like some help with this process and EPZ calculations, Benoit offers this service!  Please don't hesitate to contact us. 
AER Venting Compliance Program
On May 5, 2017, the AER implemented the second phase of the venting compliance program by auditing all oil and bitumen batteries reporting more than 500 m3/d (venting) and by processing all facility applications where venting is being reported as more than 500 m3/d as non-routine.

For more information on this announcement, please click here.
Geotechnical Support Services at Benoit

To support Benoit's H2S release rate assessments, LMR/IWCP services and Directive 065 regulatory application submissions, Benoit now utilizes an in-house geoscientist to bring both the regulatory and geosciences services together under a one service package. 

In addition, Benoit's geological support services may include:  
  • Asset reviews of recently acquired, neglected, or underperforming oil and gas assets
  • Historical development reviews and troubleshooting
  • Reservoir characterization support services for secondary and tertiary recovery projects
For more information on this service, please contact us or visit our website.

SME: Non-Compliance Penalty Assessment Program
The SME will issue non-compliance invoices during the first week of July 2017 for unfulfilled well data submissions.

For more information on this program, please click here.

SME:  Changes to the Acknowledgement of Reclamation Program
The SME will no longer attach a signed approval to the authorization application in IRIS.  For more information on this process, please visit the SME website.
AER LMR Update

A reminder that the AER will be updating the LMR calculations this weekend.  If you would like to learn more about how Benoit can help your company assess and potentially mitigate security deposits, please contact us.
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We post regulatory updates to our LinkedIn company page on a weekly basis.  Follow us to ensure you have access to the most up-to-date information.  To view and follow our company page, please click here.  

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phone: 403.263.0896  |  email: [email protected]