Dr. Darlene J Ruscitti

     Regional Superintendent 

     DuPage County Schools

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Regional Office of Education

421 N. County Farm Rd

Wheaton, IL  60187


STEM News You Can Use. . .

May 2022 Edition


Teach Girls Bravery, Not Perfection

Are we raising our girls to be perfect, and our boys to be brave? Listen to Reshma Saujani, the founder of Girls Who Code, as she presents her perspective on the skills needed by girls in order to move society forward.

STEM Web Page

We are excited to share the news!!! The ROE STEM web page is connected to the ROE website and has a new url, https://stemdupage.com/. All the same great information, and more to come. 

The DuPage ROE STEM Squad is Here to Support YOU!

Hosting a school or district STEM event? Offering a summer STEM camp? Working on an after-school STEM club? We likely can help. Start the conversation by emailing Mary Biniewicz.

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STEAM Resources for Libraries  - National Webinar on May 17, 2022

Libraries are key in bringing high-quality STEAM experiences to their communities. Speakers from NASA's Universe of LearningThe National Citizen and Community Science Library Network, and Leap into Science will share resources and opportunities to support library programs. Register Here.

World Oceans Day - June 8, 2022

In celebration of our connection to the world's oceans, here are a few suggestions for activities.

World Ocean Day   Golden Carers   Ocean Life Education   National Geographic

Level 1 Google Certification Prep Workshop - July 12-13, 2022

This workshop will prepare participants for the Google Educator Level 1 Certification Exam. Basic experience with Google for Education tools is required as this is not an introduction to Google Workspace.

NSTA National Conference - July 20-23, 2022 in Chicago

Immerse yourself in this premier three-day Science and STEM education event. Two scholarship opportunities are offered by Northrop Grumman. Read more

STEM for REAL K-3 - A Summer PD Session Coming Your Way - August 4, 2022

What will you be doing Day One of the new school year? Roll up your sleeves to experience classroom activities for a STEM-u-lating start! Wear your play clothes, comfortable shoes, and bring a snackDetails.



Spotlight on STEM Trunks

As you begin planning for next year, consider requesting a STEM Trunk available through the DuPage Regional Office of Education. For more information, email Mary Biniewicz.

Classroom Resources for Climate Change and More

The National Center for Science Education offers a number of lesson sets on various science topics.

Amplify Resources

Amplify offers Math Teacher Lounge, biweekly podcasts on various math education topics specifically for K-12 math educators.

Million Girls Moonshot

This program seeks to reimagine who can be an engineer, who can innovate, and who can make by providing support and possible funding to afterschool and summer STEM learning opportunities.

Summer STEM/STEAM Camps

Several organizations/schools offer student camps. Here are a few places to start. Act quickly if something catches your eye because seats usually close very early. Lewis UniversityMorton Arboretum, IMSAFermilab, DuPage Children's Museum 

Direct questions, comments, and suggestions about the newsletter to Dr. Mary Biniewicz.