May 2021 Program Newsletter
As spring gets into full swing, we are wrapping up old projects and diving into new ones. In this newsletter, we share the vulnerability assessment results of the Tides, Taxes, and New Tactics sea level rise project. We are also excited to introduce our new SMPDC Energy Audit Program. Check out what people had to say about municipal climate action at our most recent webinar, and sign up for our next one on sea level rise impacts to groundwater. Also, take a look at Kittery's new Capital Improvement Program policies ensuring the consideration of energy and resilience to climate change and sea level rise. Finally, we're excited to share that one of our projects recently won an award from the Maine Association of Planners. Check it all out below!
Tides, Taxes, and New Tactics Sea Level Rise Project
Municipal Climate Planning and Action Webinar
Graph below: Results of a webinar participant poll about municipal needs for climate change planning and action.
On March 29th, we hosted a webinar on municipal climate planning and action in southern Maine. The event featured presentations of the state's 4-year Climate Action Plan ' Maine Won't Wait', findings of the Scientific Assessment of Climate Change and Its Effects in Maine report, and how the Regional Program and SMPDC are assisting communities with tackling climate issues. A recording of the webinar, presentation slides, and a summary document are available on our Program webpage.
Kittery incorporates sustainability into Capital Improvement Program Policy
The Town of Kittery has developed sustainability and resilience criteria for its 2022-2026 Capital Improvement Program (CIP). The Town added in a new objective to "ensure public capital is resilient to environmental factors such as climate change and sea level rise." The Town also added in a new policy stating, "the town will plan for environmental factors and variations, such as sea level rise and other impacting climate changes, and invest responsibly in infrastructure and infrastructure modifications to ensure the resiliency of the community, public operations, municipal assets." There are now questions regarding energy efficiency and greenhouse gas reduction as well as climate change and sustainability on all CIP project request forms.
New SMPDC Energy Audit Program
SMPDC is now providing heavily subsidized energy audits to small businesses and farmers in the entire SMPDC region! Energy audits will identify energy efficiency and renewable energy projects that can reduce energy consumption, utility costs, and fossil fuel emissions. This program is made possible by a $100,000 USDA Rural Energy for America Program (REAP) Energy Audits and Renewable Energy Development Grant.
An energy audit is often the first step in making your commercial building more efficient. It analyses all aspects of a building’s energy use, including:
- Space Heating and Cooling
- Lighting systems
- Other power systems (such as exhaust fans or hot water heating)
- Plug/industrial/process loads
- Building envelope (the exterior of the building & its resistance to air, water, & heat)
Join Us for an Upcoming Webinar!
Impacts of Sea Level Rise on Groundwater in our Coastal Areas
Join us on June 16th, 2:00 - 3:00 pm to hear from experts about the effects of sea level rise on groundwater and efforts underway to better understand impacts in Maine. Learn about saltwater intrusion into groundwater, groundwater rise, and associated impacts to pavement, drinking water wells, and septic systems.
Island Institute: Tom Glenn Community Impact Fund. Grants and revolving loans for community infrastructure planning are available for broadband, energy, and sea level rise projects (awarded on a rolling basis).
Efficiency Maine: Level 2 EV chargers RFP. Funding for the installation of EV level 2 chargers (Deadline June 8th).
Other Trainings and Resources
New ME Climate Dashboard!
The Maine Climate Council has a new interactive online dashboard that lets users explore historical observations and future climate scenarios. Interactive visualizations let users select and compare Maine’s historical and future climate with today's conditions for land temperatures, ocean surface temperatures, and sea level rise.
Erosion & Sedimentation Control Requirements Webinar for MS4 Communities - Learn about the new Maine MS4 permit requirements that go into effect July 1, 2022 for erosion & sediment control and optional climate resilience measures for improving local stormwater management. The webinar will be held twice, registration is free but required:
- June 10th, 11:00 am - 12:00 pm. Register HERE
- June 15th, 2:00 - 3:00 pm. Register HERE
A Climate of Change: Sea Level Rise, a new film from the Island Institute, follows the community of Vinalhaven, Maine, over a two-year period as they have conversations around planning for and responding to sea level rise on the island. It highlights some of the challenges they face, but more importantly, shows us how a small, yet engaged community can lead the way and plan for change. Watch the video here.
Southern Maine Planning & Development Commission | Website