May Updates from the

Standing Committee

May 16, 2024

People of God,

Last week at Camp Weed, 72 clergy gathered together at Clergy Day for prayer, worship, and dialogue. We spent time beginning to hear each other‘s stories and discerning what we need corporately and individually for true reconciliation in our lives together. This process is not easy nor will it be quick. I am grateful that we were able to gather this way. The Convocation on May 18 will be another step. Clearly more work needs to be done and we are discerning what that may look like.

In our work as the Standing Committee, we clearly see division in our diocese. Individuals and groups define the reason(s) for division differently, while some are unsure of any issues that are dividing us. We have heard from many of you what you believe to be the next step. We always appreciate the conversation and value any and all input. Everyone doesn’t agree on the next steps. Still we are listening and we will continue to listen.

As a Standing Committee, we also are working on a plan. Yes, we have a plan! Certainly circumstances have taken us away from our plan at certain times in our months as the Ecclesiastical Authority, but we continue to go back to it. We also know that sometimes ideas that we have do not or cannot work at this time. We have to revise. Our plan was clearly communicated on December 18, 2023 . The amount of progress we have made on this plan is significant and substantial.  

2024 Annual Convention and Camp Weed’s 100th Anniversary

In addition to our overall plan to help the diocese function in good order, we are very focused on preparing for Diocesan Convention in September. We have a group of people both in the Diocesan Office and outside of the office assisting with those preparations. Included in this preparation is to have a time in which we gather Friday night, September 20, for fellowship. This time on Friday night will be the culmination of a grand celebration for Camp Weed’s 100th anniversary. 

The committee working on the Camp Weed 100th Anniversary celebration is just getting started so I do not have any details for you on that. But I can say that it is going to happen. Please mark your calendars as we celebrate this special place that means so much to the people of our diocese.

Updates on Diocesan Committees

The Convention Committee on Charter and Canons has been formed here. The committee has had at least four meetings to date. We have not been part of the meetings, but we understand they have been truthful, respectful, and productive. 

They are beginning their work by looking closely at the four resolutions that were not addressed at the 2023 Diocesan Convention. They will decide what revisions need to be made and whether the resolution will be submitted for this year’s convention. After this work is complete, they will consider any new resolutions. We look forward to hearing about the work of this group. 

The Nominating Committee is in the process of being formed. Other committees and positions that have vacancies include Architectural Review Board, Standing Committee, and the First Coast East regional canon. These vacancies are in the process of being filled. 

In addition to our work forming committees and filling vacancies, we have also taken the opportunity to begin adding more information on certain committees, such as the Common Ministry Budget Committee and Committee on Finance & Investment on our website here. Our work is not complete, yet, as our future goal is providing a full list of committees and respective members, plus other important information. Making this a reality involves deeper website changes that are in progress. We thank you for your patience as we work toward this goal.

Diocesan Financials & Audits Update

The Standing Committee continues its mission to have a diocese that operates in good order with transparency in process and results, and with a culture of trust and respect. This is going to take much intentional and persistent effort and will take much time. Still, we are committed to this mission. At this time, the priority is financial integrity in the diocese. 

As we have communicated, the 2020 audit is complete and posted online here. The auditors called it a clean audit with no material errors. The audit for 2021 is well underway. We will continue to make the audits a priority by allocating funds as well as reassigning personnel to allow for efficient completion of the audits until we are up to date.

Updates on the Commission of Ministry & Defining “Cure”

As we also communicated, the Commission on Ministry has temporarily paused the process and are not accepting new persons into the ordination process. This is a temporary pause as we seek to align our ordination process with the canons of the church. Simply put, not everyone has had the same process within our diocese. This is not acceptable and will not happen moving forward. We are very close to publishing a manual in which we all know what each step is, and everyone goes through the same process. We continue to work with those already in the process. 

We have completed our work on the definition of cure. We are updating our database of canonically resident and non-canonically resident clergy. Once this electronic database is up to date, we should be able to keep it up to date.  

Questions on an Electing Convention & Provisional Bishop

We are often asked when we will have the next electing convention and for a timeline for the next electing convention. We do not have a date, but all that we are doing is getting us to a point when we can have an electing convention. For example, without a clear definition of cure and a consistently applied path to canonical residency we cannot hold an electing convention. Those things and the many other things we are working on will get us there, but the specific date is to be determined. Others ask when we will have a provisional bishop. Again, we do not have a date in which we may have a provisional bishop. If we are to ever call a provisional bishop, we would have to do so as an act of our Diocesan Convention. 

We are so grateful for the three bishops who are assisting us in various ways. We have been very blessed with the pastoral presence of Bishop Scott Benhase, Bishop Chip Stokes, and Bishop Mary Gray-Reeves. We will continue to call on their gifts, experience, and counsel through the coming months.

We are in a different space than we were six months ago. Our focus on financial transparency and integrity as well as our focus on human resources continues to steer our diocese in the right direction.  

As we draw closer to our Diocesan Convention on September 21, may we focus on WHO unites us, our LORD and savior Jesus Christ. Our theme for the 2024 convention will be: “One LORD, one faith, one baptism” Ephesians 4:5. May we seek a deeper relationship with our LORD and with one another.

God be with you,

Your Standing Committee

The Rev. Teresa Seagle    Ms. Jackie Jones

The Rev. Sarah Minton        Ms. Heather Prox

The Rev. Justin Yawn