In This Issue
Red wolf stuffy
Howling wolf socks
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Wolf plant stakes

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May 8, 2014
Senna & Riley take a snooze together
New Faces at Wolf Haven

We were recently contacted by the American Sanctuary Association (ASA) regarding two female wolves in Amarillo, TX that needed placement. The yearling sisters (named after trees native to Amarillo), had been purchased from a breeder in TX by a local doctor; she was under the assumption that she was purchasing pure wolves.  Willow and Senna killed her cat so she wanted them put down & asked the guy who did maintenance work on her property to shoot them!    


Golden and harsh paintbrush are native prairie plants
What's New Wolf Haven?

Join us at
on May 10
Now is a great time to visit the Mima Mound PRAIRIE at Wolf Haven also - camas, paintbrush, lomatium, and buttercup are all in bloom.

REGISTRATION is  now open for Wolf Haven's annual Wildlife Handling and Chemical Immobilization course held Oct. 28-30.

Tickets available for Wolf Haven's fun fundraising event: WOLVES & WINE - Sept. 27. 
Klondike investigates
fur on fence
Changing Seasons  

We recently experienced an unusually hot day in South Puget Sound, and Wolf Haven animal care staff felt badly for the wolves, who are still wearing some of their winter coats. They pondered what would make a good treat on a hot day:  Ice cream? Watermelon? Or, how about a nice oystersicle!

You can SEE how much Mehina and Klondike enjoyed their fishy
treat here.

And while we're on the subject of fur, have fun READing our latest blog about wolves and their fur.

Wolf Haven International | 360.264.4695 | |
3111 Offut Lake Rd SE
Tenino, WA 98589