The Alliance Insider
In this Issue: May = Wildfire Awareness; check out our upcoming events, resources and more
May is Wildfire Awareness Month!
May is all about wildfire awareness. Learn how we can prepare for the season and 
protect the Sonoran Desert. 2020 was one of the worst wildfire seasons in almost a decade in Arizona, seeing over 970,000 acres burned.

The Sonoran Desert is not adapted for fire. Factors like the climate, development and invasive plants all play a role in sparking wildfire. It's important to understand the role we play in protecting one of the greatest asset we have–our natural areas.

We are working with Metro Phoenix EcoFlora and Desert Botanical Garden to raise awareness and provide opportunities for residents to make a difference. Join us every Friday throughout May as we share resources and information through the Wildfire Awareness page the Desert Botanical Garden blog and on social media.

We can all do our part to prevent wildfires and keep the desert safe for ourselves and future generations to appreciate and enjoy.
Wildfire Resources and Events
Wildfire in Sonoran Desert

Unlike fire-adapted habitats, most of the plant and animal life in the Sonoran Desert is not adapted to fire, which has serious and lasting impacts.

It takes an estimated 65+ years for the Sonoran Desert to recover after fire and iconic species like the saguaro may not ever return. Desert areas highly impacted by fire can potentially transform into a very different landscape than the one we know.

Contributing factors like invasive plant species, heavily impact the land before and after fires. Learn more about desert ecology and its relationship to fire.
Prevention is Key

In 2020, 82% of wildfires in Arizona were caused by people, making it the leading cause of wildfire in the state. Seven out of ten of the largest fires in Arizona’s history were human caused. With environmental conditions increasingly favoring fire, it’s more important than ever to do our part to keep them from starting. How can you prevent wildfires?
Fire in the Desert with Dr. Molly Hunter on May 18

How have wildfires changed and impacted the desert throughout the decades? Join us for this talk as we discuss the changing role of fire in southwestern habitats with Dr. Molly Hunter. As fires become more common within the Sonoran Desert, it’s important to understand its role and impact on the desert we call home.
What Fuels Wildfire with Dr. Ben Wilder on May 26

Join us for this talk with Dr. Ben Wilder, Director of the Desert Laboratory on Tumamoc Hill at the University of Arizona, to learn about the role of invasive plants, climate and wildfires in the Sonoran Desert. Using the Big Horn fire as an example, Dr. Wilder will discuss these different elements of wildfire and its relationship to people and urban areas.
May EcoQuest: Up in Flames

Find and map as many wildfire fueling invasive plants as possible in May!

Wildfires are getting bigger, burning hotter and happening more frequently. One of the contributing factors for this is invasive plant species that provide fuel for fire. Any observations from this EcoQuest can help map these invasive plants and contribute to the efforts of Desert Defenders.
Fire in the Desert with Desert Defenders
Invasive plant species is one of the biggest threats to healthy ecosystems. They crowd out native species, decrease biodiversity and highly increase wildfire risk. Invasive plants like buffelgrass (Cenchrus ciliaris) and stinknet (Oncosiphon pilulifer) increase fuel loads, fire frequency, and their spread is often undeterred by fire.

Wildfires in the Sonoran Desert have a tremendous impact on the ecosystem. This is why Desert Defenders and local partners are focused on raising awareness about this issue.

Please use this Fire in the Desert infographic and toolkit to help share fire awareness messaging on your social networks. Download the infographic and join us!
Project Updates and Other News
Education and Outreach Working Group

We're excited to announce that, as a result of the 2021 All-Partners Meeting, a new working group was formed to focus on environmental education and outreach. The group will work to create an educational framework to connect educators and other stakeholders, and develop more cohesive outreach for learners of all ages.
Volunteer with Us!

Looking to get more involved with CAZCA?

We have amazing opportunities with two of our programs–the Sonoran Insiders project and Desert Defenders. Support with social media, event planning or coordination around conservation in the region. These key programs have a big impact on local natural areas and their protection.
Sonoran Insiders: Year 1 Report

Social media creates opportunities to elevate awareness of responsible recreation, public lands and conservation.

Read the Year One executive summary and report for the Sonoran Insider project. Take a look at the our process and lessons as we wrapped up a successful first year.
Speaker Series: White Tank Mountain Flora Update

Join us for this virtual update on the floristic inventory of the White Tank Regional Park on June 17. In 2016, trained volunteers Cass Blodgett and Dawn Goldman, began this project to inventory the plants of White Tank Mountains with support of Maricopa County Parks. It’s been over 50 years since a similar inventory has been done!
Share Your Events

We know there are many wonderful events and opportunities happening in the area. As we adapt to virtual gatherings this past year, we invite you to share your upcoming events with us.

Fill out the simple form below and we will share your events and opportunities through our website and on social media.