NEW in Wintix 6 - you must click on a performance to make a sale in Wintixperformance 

A box office can be a busy, hectic place and it's an understandable fact that those kinds of circumstances can create confusion while making a sale. If you have a lengthy list of shows or performances in the Selling a Ticket window, it can be easy to accidentally sell a ticket to the wrong one. 

We've added a feature that aims to eliminate this scenario. Now, you must actually click on the performance you wish to choose, instead of merely highlighting it.

To save a step, the program will take you to the seating chart or GA ticket window if you double click the performance date.

It may take an extra second to sell a ticket, but it will save immeasureable time correcting a ticket sold mistakenly to the wrong performance or show. 

New! Search for a show while selling at ticket in Wintix 6search

Got a long list of shows that you have to scroll through to find the one you want to sell?

What if you had a search field in the Selling a Ticket window to make it fast and easy to find the one you are looking for?

Now you have one if you are running Wintix 6! We added this new handy feature because we want you to have a better day at work. 

Do you see white squares on your Webtix seating chart?white

Uh oh! Those "seats" aren't really there, but this means there are price categories in those spaces and you could end up selling them by mistake.

Seating plans and charts aren't difficult to create and maintain, but the data in them is full of crucial  minutiae. We recommend you contact us to discuss what you need to do if you are making a new plan or editing a current one. We are experts in this and can do the work for you for an affordable fee. 
More cool new things in Wintix 6new

Our latest wintix 6 build is now 5/23/19. Here are the latest improvements.

  • Daily sales reports will now include the card type when browsing the report.
  • For those with inconsistent internet connectivity, Wintix will now reconnect a sales record to the mainsale table.
  • When you print FGL tickets, there is now a progress bar that gives you the ability to pause printing.
Don't forget you'll need to upgrade to Wintix/Webtix 6 this yearupgrade
to continue to process credit cards

Wintix and Webtix 5 use to process credit cardsThe protocol that is used is AIM (Advanced Integrated Method).  According to, it is slated to stop working this year. Your Wintix and Webtix 5 will continue to work, but will be unable to process credit cards. 

AIM has been "depreciated." (the payment gateway) has not said  when they plan  on replacing it. We have no plans to build the functionality into either Wintix 5 or Webtix 5 (which have also been depreciated). 

It's time to upgrade to Wintix 6 and Webtix 6

We have been developing version 6 ever since version 5 was released over a dozen years ago. For eight years now, several of our advanced clients have been using version 6 to run their businesses and have been very successful.   

Ask for a demonstration of Wintix and Webtix 6. Contact for more details.

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