May 2020
The arts and support are here!
In this newsletter we share some
, because an attitude of gratitude brightens a day.
We invite you to share your talent with others to help them stay grateful. Let us use our platforms, our
Discover Monadnock
newsletter to help you to get the word out!
You will also find an awesome deal from
Halverson New Media
, dates for
and the
Ewing Awards
Read about our fun,
first ever
virtual Business-After-Hours
Arts Spotlights
about Lyn Falcone, Machina Arts and the Peterborough Players. Finally, we tucked in some
resource links
to help you navigate these uncharted times. Please note our
call out for volunteers
to help Arts Alive! be the best resource possible!
Save the date
for upcoming Arts Alive! events:
- Online Coaching (June 5, 8 & 22)
- Artwalk (June 19-28)
- Ewing Arts Awards Virtual Gala (July 29)
remembering gratitude:
each day brings something worthy of thanks
We are grateful for the federal assistance programs aimed at recovering our economy.
We are grateful for the donors who have
fulfilled pledges
in spite of such a drastic change in how the world is functioning.
We are grateful for the commitment of our board of directors who continue to create a strategic plan for our next 3 years, which now has significant focus on sustaining the arts community through this pandemic and the economic downturn that will likely come with it.
We are grateful to our region's artists who continue to engage, support each other and step up.
We are grateful to our representatives and leaders who acknowledge arts, creative businesses, and cultural nonprofits are a very real and vital part of our economies and the social fabric of our communities.
We are grateful for the creative spirits telling stories and creating PPE for our community. Thank you for your time, your passion, your vision, and the resources you've been able to send our way.
We look forward to continuing our work together to sustain the arts community in the Monadnock region.
discover monadnock arts:
at home!
Help our communities stay Busy, Grounded, and Sane!
Despite NH's gradual reopening, folks are still home much of the time and any sort of large social gathering remains off the table. Summer staples like concerts on town squares or plays in old barns can't happen. Yet creativity doesn’t stop brewing!
At Arts Alive!, we continue to utilize our platforms - newsletter, social media, and websites - to host your events, ideas, resources, stories, and more. Our
Discover Monadnock Happenings
newsletter is our primary vehicle to share
live streams,
events, online resources, to get your good news out to the general public. We have a growing readership you want to reach!
Now more than ever, during this pandemic/ recovery time, we’d be pleased to share your event or resources with others.
Send us your thoughts for safe creativity and fun! The more
ideas we find or receive, the more we will have to publish!
artist to artist:
up your online game!
This season we are partnering with
Halvorson New Media
to get all Arts Alive! members a huge discount on workshops in using Facebook, Facebook advertising, Instagram, Graphics, Podcasting, LinkedIn, and Video Marketing. Workshops are taught by
the Video Marketing Mavens,
Nanette Perrotte
Christine Halverson.
Arts Alive! members receive a great discount - $12.50 for social media workshops, $25 for podcasting, and $35 for video marketing.
keene art walk 2020:
annual outdoor gallery experience!
Go for a walk, take your family to Keene and lift your spirits with Art Walk 2020! Local art will again be in storefront windows of
Downtown Keene
. While the receptions and events that usually accompany this annual event can't happen this year, we knew it was important to make LOCAL art visible to the community -
2020 Keene Art Walk!
ewing arts awards:
will still happen this year!
Save the Date! July 29 for a live virtual event!
This year we received close to 50 nominations for artists and organizations doing excellent work in the Monadnock region. We are excited that we can host a virtual event to celebrate the winners - so on the evening of July 29, dress up like its the Oscars, pour a fancy drink, tune in, and get ready to applaud the incredible creators and presenters in the Monadnock region!
A huge thank you to past Ewing winners for their assistance with the jury process: Seth Brenzel, Yuan Pan, Erin Sweeny, Leigh Niland, and thanks to our enthusiastic partners Terry Williams and Gina DeSantis at the Keene Sentinel.
staying connected:
community engagement
Arts Alive! had a previously scheduled May 20 date for a Greater Keene Chamber of Commerce Business-After-Hours gig that we planned to co-host with the
Monadnock Conservancy. What to do? We planned and held the
first virtual Business-After-Hours
! We had a fun time doing it too!
Thanks to Arts Alive! board members for contributing to the festivities: musician/artist
Jim Murphy
who played two songs and artist
Katharina Rooney
, who led us in a bird drawing exercise. We also want to give a creative shoutout to the inspired
Ryan Owens
, director of the Monadnock Conservancy, who led the participants through an imaginative trek through the Calhoun Family Forest. What a beautiful place he showed us!
arts spotlight:
stories from the pandemic
Arts Alive! collects and shares the stories of the arts community in the Monadnock region.These are unprecedented times and artists are finding strength in community and creativity.
In this account, we hear from
Lyn Falcone
. Lyn is a textile artist and educator with a studio in Peterborough, NH. Her creative practice focuses on creating one of a kind wearable art and home decor. Hear her story, in her own words...
The coronavirus pandemic is pushing change and moving arts leaders to rethink their models of stability and connection. In this account, we hear from
Danya Landis
, artist and owner of
Machina Arts
In this account, we hear from The Peterborough Players, a professional theatre, founded in 1933, and located in the small town of Peterborough, New Hampshire. Here is a message from their staff.
Peterborough Players has produced some touching video clips of Players with messages to fans. Enjoy!
online coaching:
how can we help you?
By appointment on Zoom or Telephone
- June 5, 10am - 3pm
- June 8 & 22, 12pm - 4pm
recovery resources:
NH grants available
Visit our webpage to learn about the latest in grants and other recovery assistance available to artisans and small businesses.
stay connected:
regular engagement
The Peterborough Arts Collective Monthly Meetup goes virtual!
Arts Alive! is happy to support the Peterborough Arts Collective with a virtual gathering space at the usual meeting time. Bring your self, your creative joy, your pandemic stories, and something you'd like to share.
Arts Nonprofits Virtual Meetup & Listserv!
Arts Alive! continues to host a virtual meetup every other
Tuesday at 2pm
- with nonprofit arts staff in the Monadnock Region. This meetup is for arts organizations with staff to offer support in navigating the challenges of running their businesses and sustaining beyond the pandemic. The listserv is a place to share resources, articles and ideas that will help these arts leaders manage current challenges and plan for the future.
Seeking Volunteers!
If you have extra time, and a bit of creativity and inspiration, Arts Alive! seeks volunteers to host virtual meetups, lead mini-creative workshops, help to promote our arts events newsletter (currently promoting online events), and support community-building. Please be in touch if you would like to be involved:
arts alive! is supported by:
New Hampshire State Council on the Arts
New Hampshire Charitable Foundation
Hoffman Family Foundation
Eppes Jefferson Foundation
Putnam Foundation
Savings Bank of Walpole
C&S Wholesale Grocers
Carl & Ruth Jacobs
The Keene Sentinel
The City of Keene, NH
Southwest Regional Planning Commission
Dew Construction Corporation
Tom & Barbara Putnam
The Arts Alive! Board of Directors
Arts Alive! Members & Creative Businesses
And our greater community of donors!