Newsletter-May 2019
The latest news & opportunities from RI C-AIM
RI C-AIM's Career Development Program Launches
The Metcalf Institute is leading the new initiative, providing essential professional development and mentorship skills to graduate students, post-docs and senior-level undergraduates.
Student Spotlight 2019 SURF Kicks Off
The Class of 2019 is here! We will be updating the C-AIM website and social media channels with plenty of content highlighting the undergraduate research experience, so stay tuned!
Upcoming Opportunities
C-AIM Post-Doc Finalist,
Patricia Thibodeau
May 29, 12-1 pm @ URI GSO
Patricia Thibodeau will give a seminar talk, “Environmental controls on pteropod ecology and physiology along the Western Antarctic Peninsula,” at the URI Graduate School of Oceanography's Ocean Science and Exploration Center, Room 115, Wednesday, May 29.
Image courtesy Virginia Institute of Marine Science
Wavemaker Fellowship

The Wavemaker Fellowship provides a financial incentive for graduates pursuing a career or starting a business in Rhode Island in STEM fields. Apply by Friday, June 14.
Metcalf Lecture Series
"Climate Change & the Future of Water

On June 3-7, the Metcalf Institute is hosting journalists and scientists from across the U.S. to talk about the world's most pressing climate issues. The lectures will be held at URI's Graduate School of Oceanography . The talks are free and open to the public.
"Faces of Biology" Imagery Contest

AIBS is accepting photographs that depict a researchers, students and technicians engaging in biological research. The winner will receive a cash prize and feature their photo in AIBS' magazine, BioScience . Submissions due by Sept. 30 .
The News
Alexa Sterling, C-AIM's new grad student liaison
RI C-AIM welcomes Alexa Sterling, Ph.D student in Cell & Molecular Biology at URI, as our first graduate student liaison. Alexa represents graduate students among the leadership team and staff, and is also a go-to source for program information. Welcome aboard!
Know your oyster
C-AIM graduate student Rebecca Stevick has developed a new app which provides interactive ecological data on oyster populations in Narragansett Bay, including oyster mass and the prevalence of Dermo, a parasitic infection harmful to oysters, but not humans.
Graduation news
Congratulations to C-AIM graduate students Larynn Cutshaw , Sonia Refulio-Coronado , Kayla Kurtz , Grace Medley (left), Brenno Ribeiro, and Noah Walcutt for receiving their Masters at URI's 2019 Commencement. Congrats also to Akram Abbasi for successfully defending her Ph.D dissertation, " Nanomaterials for Sensing, Heating and Applications in Composites and Emulsion Biofouling." Good luck in your future research and careers!
Don't Forget
NSF Deadlines: Be sure to consult upcoming funding/project due dates for faculty and students alike from the National Science Foundation through their web portal .
C-AIM Newsletter Archive: Looking for info from a past C-AIM newsletter? Check out our archived newsletter page !