The first webinar, 'Gray Hairs and Rocking Chairs: Exploring Our Own Age-Related Biases,' is June 10 and features Dr. Erin Yelland, an associate professor of gerontology and the Director of the Center on Aging at Kansas State University. Dr. Yelland studies the social determinants of health, particularly within the context of well-being and healthy aging, and pursues community-based interventions that aim to improve the lives of older adults.
During the webinar, attendees will work to understand unconscious biases and how those biases influence thoughts and behaviors toward others, specifically within the context of older adults and ageism. Attendees of the webinar will also explore how to better themselves and their own perceptions as well as how they may improve the way they serve older adults and their families.
Learning objectives:
1) To better understand what unconscious biases are.
2) To briefly analyze one's own unconscious biases about older adults.
3) To identify an action step that addresses one's unconscious biases about older adults.