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Learn tips to lighten your load or help those you love with Just One Step. If you or someone you love feels down or stressed, there’s no need to go it alone. Here are some options to help you care for others as well as yourself.

One Step This Month: Care for Your Own (and Others') Mental Health

Let’s face it: Life happens. Family conflicts, life changes or personal loss can be overwhelming and create feelings of stress, anxiety or sorrow. Those feelings can trigger difficulties with eating, sleeping, decision-making and mood. Some people try to “tough it out,” but why do that when there’s help at your fingertips? Just One Step offers cost- and hassle-free ways to be aware and care for your own mental health — and others’.

If you or someone you love is not feeling right, lighten your load by talking about it. Talk to a trusted friend, a family member or a caring professional. It’s the first step to feeling better. Here are some other steps you can take to care for your loved ones and improve your emotional well-being:

1.    Learn how to help. On Wednesday, May 10, from noon to 1 p.m. ET, Perspectives will offer a special webinar for employees and their families. “Mental Health: How to Support Others in Distress” will give you tools you can use to support loved ones when they need it most. Learn to recognize when someone is in crisis and ways to give the support they need, including how to reduce stigma associated with mental health issues. You’ll also get tips on how to use our employee assistance program (EAP) as a next step. Can’t make the webinar? A recording will be available on May 12. Watch the portal for a link.

Register here

2.    Talk to a professional. Perspectives, our employee assistance program, can connect you and your loved ones with someone you can talk to. Feel free to discuss issues with substance abuse, relationships, work, financial matters or simply how you’re feeling. Our EAP is confidential and free to all employees and their families or individuals living in their household, with unlimited 24/7 access and up to six free in-person visits.


Username: THG500

Password: perspectives


Username: MON501

Password: perspectives

3. Take a break. Spend some well-deserved time with your family and friends — or treat yourself. Check out the options for discounted tickets to theme parks, movies or sporting events via Tickets at Work (company code: THGPerks).

4. Clear your space. Clutter can make it harder to think clearly. Keeping your living space tidy can promote a sense of control over your day-to-day life.

5. Get outside. Spending time in nature is linked to improved focus and mood. It can also reduce stress and help you connect with what’s important to you.

Your mental health is just as important as your physical health.

Know the Signs of Depression

When someone feels depressed, don’t expect them to just “snap out of it.” They may need extra care. Here are some signs to watch for:


     Changes in personality, eating or sleeping patterns

     Trouble coping

     Prolonged sadness

     Mood swings, angry outbursts or drawing away from others

     Difficulty making decisions

     Substance misuse

     Thoughts of harming oneself*

*If you or someone you know feels this way, call or text 988 right away or visit 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline.

Get More Help

Access a wealth of resources, including 24/7 helplines, articles and webinars from Mental Health America.


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