May 2020 Newsletter
This month we highlight the importance of hand hygiene to save lives, provide details for our midyear meeting, feature interesting webinars, welcome our Education Committee and highlight a paper on achieving sustained eye care.
President's Insights
The relevance of hand hygiene is undeniable, especially now. This month, President Twelker reflects on the importance of hand hygiene to save lives and highlights its meaning for optometrists and eye care. Read the whole article here
2020 Midyear Meeting
Registration is open
We are holding our midyear meeting on June 27 th via Zoom. This innovation in the format will enable us to reach more of our US and international chapters. As chapters are widely spread the meeting starts at 8:00 AM and ends at 3:30 PM Pacific Time. The program reflects our experiences and highlights important knowledge of the sector plus some practical information for our chapters.

New VOSH/International Committee
VOSH/International is glad to announce the establishment of its Education Committee. Under the leadership of Timothy Wingert, OD, member of the Board of Directors of VOSH/International and Dean of the Rosenberg School of Optometry at the University of the Incarnate Word, this new committee will promote the development and sharing of knowledge and experiences emerging from VOSH/International’s work with its chapters and partners. Watch the space.
Publications- “Transitioning from Episodic to Sustained Care in Humanitarian Service"

Based on a consultation to almost 30 VOSH chapters, optometrists William McAlister, Jeffrey Weaver, Tim Wingert and Kristen Kramlich explore the move toward more sustained eye care from short term interventions. The paper highlights elements of the VOSH model that contribute to creating change. Read the whole paper here.
Partners' News
Several partner organisations are organising interesting webinars. Check these out and if you want to share information on a webinar of interest please send us the information to [email protected]

The International Agency for the Prevention of Blindness (IAPB) 

-Eye health and COVID 19 featuring Dr Alarcos Ciesza from the WHO. Watch it here

-Digital Technologies and COVID-19 featuring Prof Wong Tien Yin, Medical Director, Singapore National Eye Centre. Watch it here .

-Cost Effective Innovations in Eye Care featuring Dr Rengaraj Venkatesh, Chief Medical Officer, Aravind Eye Care System. Watch it here
AAO’s COVID-19 video Series: The most recent video is COVID-19: The science and relevance to the eye led by Suzanne Fleiszig, OD, PhD, FAAO. You just need to register to access the video here
AOA 2020 Virtual Learning Livecast
First-of-its-kind, this is a real-time four days of interactive continuing education and professional development from Wednesday, June 24 through Saturday, June 27. Space is limited so you need to pre-register here.
Restoring Vision offers international shipping now
With outreach clinics postponed until further notice, Restoring Vision is offering international shipping to reach service delivery partners. For those chapters with in-country partners that can distribute glasses, Restoring Vision will support you every step of the way. For more information contact Brooke Allison at [email protected]
Observances of the month
US Ultraviolet Awareness Month

Ultraviolet Awareness Month is sponsored by  Prevent Blindness America   to increase awareness of how UV rays can damage your eyes, increase your risk of cataracts and cancers of the eye especially in high-risk patients. UV protection with sunglasses is recommended in everyone, not only those that work outside, and can be preventative.

More information here
World No tobacco Day

Every 31 May, the WHO organises a global campaign to raise awareness about the negative impacts of smoking. This year it is focusing on the youth and calls for a tobacco-free generation. Optometrists can use this opportunity to talk with their patients about kicking the habit. Studies have linked the hazards of smoking to the visual system. While smoking is reducing in the USA, in other parts of the world aggressive marketing of these products to younger generations is a major concern that this campaign is trying to address. More information here
Please share news and information with VOSH/International chapters and partners. Send your contributions to [email protected]