In May, the most job losses occurred among the youngest age cohort (15 to 24 years of age) declining by 30,100 jobs. This age cohort has also seen the largest decline in employment by percent since the pandemic began decreasing by 35%. The 15 to 24 years old age cohort now has a 30% unemployment rate, meaning just over a third of people aged 15 to 24 are working.
May continues to show female workers experiencing a greater decline in employment than males. Female saw a decrease of 39,700 jobs compared to a decrease of 24,800 jobs for males.
Male and female jobs both declined by nearly 28% in part-time jobs but female workers saw a greater decrease in full-time jobs declining by 13.6%, while males saw a decline of 11.6
The chart below shows employment changes in Ontario based on sex and age demographics as this information for Hamilton is not currently available (this information for Hamilton is only available annually.)