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September 5 , 2012

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Tzolkin Trecena Notes –1 Ben (Reed)
53 of the 260 Day Tzolkin
Date: September 5, 2012
Bearer: 13 Caban
Trecenas are thirteen-day periods in the Tzolkin. Each Trecena starts with the Number 1, but with a different Day Glyph. As a wave of the Thirteen Heavens, the underlying energy is governed by the First Day Glyph of the Trecena and influences all thirteen successive Day Glyphs. Being aware of the predominant energy of the First Day of the Trecena, we can align our intentions with that energy and allow our goals to manifest.
This Trecena starts with 1 Ben (Reed/Corn) ambitious, strong, confident, inner power, authority, crusader, champion, journeying in new directions, energy connector between heaven and earth, sharing connections with others.
“The vertical lines or stalks at the top of this glyph that come only partway down signify spiritual growth. The horizontal line, symbolizing multiplication and the horizon, is an altar table, and the sacred trees, such as the ceiba and coral tree, with their roots, trunk, and canopy, also represent a table or altar.” Carlos Barrios, The Book of Destiny. |
© 2006 Judith Ann Griffith |
In Mayan prophecy, the god-king Feathered Serpent or Quetzalcoatl would return to humanity in the year 1 Reed. According to the legend, as a spiritual leader Quetzalcoatl advocated the replacement of human sacrifice with flowers, songs and meditation. It was told that he erected a pillar in the city of Tula “Place of Reeds” symbolizing the World Tree as an energy conduit between heaven and earth.
Reed energy, like a pillar receiving sunlight energy, serves as the connection between heaven and earth. Thus Reed energy becomes a conduit of light energy, photosynthesis on a spiritual level, our continual link through many levels from the primordial cellular level to the higher vibration level of multidimensional existence. This photosynthesis of energy (“kundulini” running up and down our spine) brings out the best in us, especially our passion for a concept we believe in. We may feel inclined to begin a crusade for change, and many may gravitate to those born on the Day of Reed because of their clear visions of changing the world for the better.
Another representation of the Trecena is that of a creative wave beginning at 1 and ending at 13, with the numbers 6, 7 and 8 representing the crest of the wave. The crest could be interpreted as a strong influential energy, although the underlying influence on the Trecena would still rest in the beginning. This conduit of light energy crests on 6 Etznab (Flint), mirror or reflection, exposing our inner selves; 7 Cauac (Storm), gathering energy to clear and cleanse our spirit; and 8 Ahau (Sun), embodiment of light energy encouraging our inner spirit to flower. This influx of light energy is just what we need in order to usher in the new cycle of 25,000 years beginning December 21, 2012.
As we journey through each day of this Trecena:
Trecena Count |
Gregorian Date |
1 Ben (Reed) |
September 5, 2012 |
2 Ix (Jaguar) |
September 6 |
3 Men (Eagle) |
September 7 |
4 Cib (Owl/Wisdom) |
September 8 |
5 Caban (Movement) |
September 9 |
6 Etznab (Flint) |
September 10 |
7 Cauac (Storm) |
September 11 |
8 Ahau (Sun/Light) |
September 12 |
9 Imix (Crocodile) |
September 13 |
10 Ik (Wind) |
September 14 |
11 Akbal (Night/Hearth) |
September 15 |
12 Kan (Seed/Lizard) |
September 16 |
13 Chicchan (Serpent) |
September 17 |
Utilize the energy of Reed to recognize and honor our inner strength of power and authority. Now is the time to access this higher vibration - create positive changes in our individual lives which will also create positive changes in our world.
1) Matty's Journal has been updated - Click here
2) New World Birth Video for 1 - Reed (Ben) by Scott Davis - Click here
3) Kenneth Johnson - Mayan Prophecies Part 5 - Click here
4) New e-book - THE MAYAN PROPHECIES: The Renewal of the World 2012-2072
The Mayan Calendar does not “end” in 2012. In his new book, “The Mayan Prophecies: The Renewal of the World, 2012-2072,” Kenneth Johnson explores the prophecies preserved in the secret knowledge books of the Yucatec Maya and their message for the years ahead. Click Here
5) Thanks to 4-ahau.com for the September Tzolkin Calendar Graphic:
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1 - Cauac
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