DCCA Membership Meeting is Monday
At last Monday's membership meeting ....

Ward 2 CM Brooke Pinto attended and talked about the DC budget and her work on the Committee on the Judiciary and Public Safety to address safety in DC, among other issues. She listened to and discussed residents' concerns with bike lanes, the Connecticut Avenue Streetscape and Deck-Over Project, the proposed cuts in the Mayor’s budget for programs that aid vulnerable populations, and the disposition of the police and fire station building at 1617U Streets.

DCCA President Susan Volman recapped our productive year of hard work and accomplishments. Click here for the annual review.

The membership elected a new board by acclamation the Board and its officers offer their time and expertise to help the neighborhood. To learn about the new board members click here.

Reminder: Our next meeting will be held on Monday, June 5th.
Not yet a DCCA member? Well, what in the name of Dupont are you waiting for!? New memberships start at just $15. Click here to join or renew online or download the form to renew by mail.
Update: Connecticut Avenue Streetscape & Deck-Over Project
Many DCCA members attended the community meeting last Monday evening. We were pleased that the traffic plan and detours for the construction had been modified in response to community concerns. There are still remaining issues about traffic on 19th Street that are under discussion.
Here are the slides presented by DDOT at the meeting. Other information about the project can also be found on this website: https://ctavestreetscape.wordpress.com/projectupdate/
DC Security Camera Rebate Program
At last week's membership meeting Councilmember Pinto shared information about the District's rebate program for residents when purchasing and installing cameras on their property and registering them with MPD. This program is intended to deter crime and assist law enforcement with investigations. For more information click here.
Reminder to Sign Up for Curbside Composting Pilot
The Department of Public Works' is offering a reminder that the Curbside Composting Pilot Program will launch this summer and will provide free weekly food waste collection to up to 12,000 DPW-serviced households (up to 1,500 per ward).

The sign-up forms opened on Saturday, 4/22, and will close on May 19th, unless all the spots for the ward fill up sooner. 

Interested households may learn more about the pilot program and sign-up by visiting https://zerowaste.dc.gov/curbsidecomposting
Preservation Webinar: DC's Most Endangered Places
Wednesday, May 17th
12:00 - 1:00 PM

This webinar will explore the DC Preservation League's Most Endangered Places list.

This virtual program is free and open to the public. It will also be streamed live to DCPL's Facebook page and uploaded to YouTube after the event. Click here to register.
Free Online 'Save the Pollinators' Presentation
Thursday, May 18th
7:00 PM

City Wildlife is hosting an online webinar that will feature a talk by Xerces Society’s Tom Lindeman about the importance of pollinators, with a focus on native bee population, and how we all can help support and conserve these creatures, who are so vital in making our planet function.

The event is free and online but you will need to click here and register.
Underground Drag
Friday May 19th

Join Dupont Underground and the Washington Blade every second Friday of the month for Drag Underground, featuring some of the best Drag Queens in DC. Performers include Vagenesis, Venus Valhalla, Elecktra Gee, and Shiqueeta-Lee!

For ticket info click here.
Happy Mothers Day!
Sunday May 14th

DCCA is wishing mothers and mother figures across Dupont a Happy Mother's Day!

The Washingtonian compiled ideas for all the Brunches, Hikes, Spa Ideas and Staycations you need to celebrate the day.
Bike to Work Day
Bike wheel
Friday May 19th

There will be bikers gathering at over 100 pit stops in DC, MD, and VA for this FREE event for a fun and healthy way to start your day. The first 15,000 who register and attend at a pit stop receive a FREE T-shirt. If you're working from home, you can still participate just visit your closest stop to get in a fun morning (or afternoon) ride.
To register for the Dupont pit stop at American Geophysical Union (Florida Ave NW & 20th St NW) or read more click here.
Local Discussion: The Value of Public Space
Wednesday, May 24th
First Congregational UCC
945 G Street NW
6:30 to 8:00 PM

The Committee of 100 on the Federal City is hosting seven public conversations on topics of interest to DC residents. The next installment is titled Reclaiming the Commons – The Value of Public Space and will examine the role of public space in society; and the steps cities can take to ensure that benefits are equitably distributed and harms mitigated when public space is created.

Registration is encouraged, but not required. Click here to register for this event or to read about the conversations in the series, click here.
Keegan's Free Boiler Room Series is in Full Swing
Sunday, May 14th @ 3:30p
Monday, May 15th @7p
The Keegan Theatre
1742 Church Street

The 2023 Boiler Room series is supported by a DCCA neighborhood grant. The series features workshops and public readings of new plays in development. All tickets for readings are free, but online reservations are strongly encouraged. To learn more about the upcoming readings - Waiting for Manilow and The Oreos click here.
Online Guided Art Meditation with Phillips
Wednesday, May 17th
12:45 - 1:15 PM

Each Wednesday, join the Phillips Collection online for a free 30-minute meditation led by local yoga teacher Aparna Sadananda via Zoom. Next week's meditation will be inspired by Minnie Klavans's Untitled work and will practice techniques for mindful looking and thinking. No prior experience needed.

This free program requires registration. You will receive the invitation to the Zoom meeting in an email after you register. Click to learn more.
Newslinks of Note
Treaty Serving Indigenous People Honored - LINK

SEE IT: Bowser holds Public Safety Summit to address violent crime in DC - LINK

Homelessness Increases in DC - LINK

Adams Morgan ANC Votes To Allow More Bars In The Neighborhood - LINK

A Bikeshare Journey Across the DMV - LINK

DC Book Clubs: Spaces for More Than Reading - LINK

Never Gets Old: How Cactus Cantina Has Kept The Chips (And Salsa) Coming 30 Years - LINK
Dupont Circle Citizens Association | info@dupont-circle.org | www.dupont-circle.org