PALMETTO BAY, FL - July 22, 2021
As more and more Cubans throughout the island and across cities worldwide take to the streets in masses demanding freedom from the oppression that has plagued them for more than six decades, the Palmetto Bay Mayor & Council showed their support for the Cuban dissidents by adopting a formal resolution during the last meeting of the Council.

On Tuesday, July 20, 2021 during the Committee Of The Whole Workshop, the Mayor & Council unanimously passed Resolution 2021-74 expressing their unwavering support for the heroic resistance efforts against the Cuban regime by the Cuban people in the island and those here in the states.
We are witnessing a critical time in history where those oppressed in Cuba are ready and willing to stand up for basic human rights. Human Rights that should be universal for us all. 

For 62 years, the Cuban people have suffered under the repression of its people by the corrupt Communist government where the Cuban people have been deprived of all democratic norms, and often jailed and brutalized in order to silence the Cuban people. A human right that we as a democratic and open society are fortunate to have.

Miami-Dade County is the melting pot of cultures and is one of the most diverse destinations in our country. So many have immigrated from the Caribbean and Latin American to our community for a chance at a brighter future to include those of the Cuban diaspora. They came here for opportunities and freedoms that were not granted in their homeland. 
As we've witnessed people of all nationalities showing support for the Cuban people trying to throw off Communism. We stand with all of those who have marched and rallied chanting "freedom". We hear you and we are with you!

"The Village of Palmetto Bay stands with our Miami- Dade County and municipal colleagues across the state, in solidarity with the Cuban people and their fight for freedom from repression and economic suffering to which they have been subjected by Cuba’s communist regime. I am proud of the support of my Council in allowing me to bring the item forward and in joining me in urging that the United States government seek measures to help provide humanitarian aid to the Island in this time of unprecedented action by the Cuban people" said Mayor Karyn Cunningham.

We stand in total support of our Miami Cuban community and their quest for freedom of their homeland and life.

#PatriayVida (Country&Life)



Gloria Ruiz Rodriguez
Media Specialist

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