January 2019

As we celebrate the end of one year and the beginning of another, it’s an exciting time of possibility as we charter a new path of innovation, strength and optimism in Orange County. We've hit the ground running and I'm excited for the future of our community. To learn more about our plan to build a thriving and robust community, visit the Transition Team Report on Orange County's website.

I was born and raised in Orange County and I am grateful for all of the opportunities that this community has provided to me. From the time I was a freshman at Jones High School to serving as Orlando’s first African-American Police Chief, the first African-American Orange County Director of Public Safety and as the first elected African-American Sheriff and Constitutional Officer in Orange County – I understood that serving this community was my purpose. Let’s continue to work together to create a better future for our children and grandchildren – the best community for our residents, businesses and guests to enjoy. 
Through innovation, collaboration and inclusiveness, Orange County is truly a community for everyone.  Just like our community brought out the best in me, I want to continue to bring out the best in all of the residents of Orange County. Thank you for your trust in me and for the opportunity to serve as your Mayor. 

Jerry L. Demings 
Orange County Mayor

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Orange County Firefighter Beats the Odds and Finds...

For SteveO Michel, a 26-year-old Orange County Fire and Rescue firefighter and emergency medical technician who grew up in the troubled Tymber Skan community in Orlando, his greatest joy is being a positive role model to children exposed to the...

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Award-Winning Counseling Program Positively Impacts...

In 2015, when Orange County was chosen by the Department of Juvenile Justice as a pilot site for the SNAP (STOP NOW AND PLAN) program, the goal was to officially introduce the program and develop it into a permanent service from which all...

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2018 Oath of Office Ceremony Draws Hundreds to Orange...

Hundreds of Central Floridians attended the historic Oath of Office ceremony for Orange County Mayor Jerry L. Demings, who was sworn in by Chief Judge Frederick J. Lauten of the Ninth Judicial Circuit Court on Dec. 4, 2018. "I am elated for the...

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Boy Scouts Receive Highest Rank by Giving Back to...

When Roan Waterbury's two sons approached him about ideas to conduct an Eagle Scout Project in Orange County, a lightbulb went off. As a project manager at Orange County Government's Capital Projects, Waterbury knew an Eagle Scout volunteer...

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Get Involved: Join the Community Action Board 
The Community Action Board is seeking a nomination of a citizen representative from Commission Districts 3, 4 or 5 who is also a member of a mandatory homeowner association or civic organization. The Community Action Board is responsible for overseeing the County’s Community Service Block Grant funding that provides education, employment certification and job placement for low income individuals. The program is based on a model of family self-sufficiency that encourages low-income individuals to improve their employment skills and increase their household income. For more information, contact Orange County's Neighborhood Preservation & Revitalization Office at 407-836-7639.

Parks and Recreation | Ongoing Program Calendar
Citizen Planner Academy | 2019 Monthly Workshops 
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