Monthly Newsletter
April 3, 2020  Issue 88
Residents of District E,
This week, Mayor Sylvester Turner and Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo, announced the Harris County Stay Home, Work Safe order set to expire on Friday, April 3, is now extended through April 30, 2020.
  • Essential businesses can remain open. The Stay Home, Work Safe Order exempts essential workers covered in 16 CISA categories. The list of critical businesses can be found here.
  • Individuals are advised to stay home unless they need to leave their residence to perform "Essential Activities."
Texas Medical Center leaders have endorsed the Stay Home, Work Safe order extension. In a letter, ten CEOs said the order would help prevent hospitals from being overwhelmed with COVID-19 patients.

As of April 1, 2020, the City of Houston will operate two free COVID-19 testing sites. The new site will double the testing capacity to 500 people a day. 

The community sites only accept people with the identification code obtained through the screening process. People showing up at the test sites without an identification code will not get tested. 

Residents exhibiting symptoms can call 832-393-4220 or go here for an online screening tool. 

While COVID-19 is a new respiratory virus, daily precautions recommended to prevent respiratory illnesses are the same:
  • Wash hands frequently with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. Use hand sanitizer when you can't wash your hands.
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth.
  • Cover your coughs and sneezes with a tissue and throw the tissue away. If you don't have a tissue, use the elbow of your sleeve. Don't use your hands to cover coughs and sneezes.
  • Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
  • Stay home when you are sick and keep children home when they are sick.
  • Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces.
  • Get a flu shot. (Although the flu shot does not protect against COVID-19, it is flu season.)
Human coronaviruses most commonly spread from an infected person to others through:
  • Respiratory droplets released into the air by coughing and sneezing.
  • Close personal contact, such as touching or shaking hands.
  • Touching an object or surface with the virus on it, then touching your mouth, nose, or eyes before washing your hands.
Houstonians should visit for updated information about local risk, routine protective actions, frequently asked questions, communication resources, rumor control, emergency preparedness tips and more.


Dave Martin
The District E Office
900 Bagby, First Floor
Houston, TX 77002
Contact Information
  Phone: (832) 393-3008
Fax: (832) 393-3279
District E Team

Jessica Beemer
Chief of Staff

Katherine Cunningham
Deputy Chief of Staff

Clarissa Perez
South Sector Manager

Dustin Hodges
North Sector Manager

City of Houston Contacts
(713) 837-0311
Mayor's Citizens
Assistance Office
(832) 393-0955

Kingwood Community Center
(281) 348-2570

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Educational Resources and Updates

Under Governor Abbott's March 31 Order, schools are to remain closed through May 4. During this time, many Houston area museums are offering virtual tours and programs for our kiddos and families at home. Visit the links and pages below for more information!

The Museum of Fine Arts, Houston is offering a virtual museum experience that shares the MFAH with audiences around the world  #MFAHatHOME. Learn more by visiting their website

Lone Star Flight Museum  has gone digital! LSFM is offering STEM fun, video tours of their planes and exhibits, behind-the-scenes, how-to's and much more! Check out their weekly flight plan on their website.

Children's Museum of Houston is extending learning at home with activities, experiments, stories, music, performances and more through their Daily Virtual Learning Broadcast! View their daily schedule by visiting their website

Houston Museum of Natural Science is offering digital museum experiences right in the comfort of your home. Dive into their online collection with video archives, virtual tours and dig even deeper with Beyond Bones. Visit their website

The Houston Zoo is bringing the zoo to you every Monday-Friday with a Facebook Live event at 11:00 a.m. They also have a collection of  at-home learning activities like our whooping crane dance challenge or the sea lion balancing act! Check out their videos and activities here
Sherwood Trails Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation Project Update

Houston Public Works began a sanitary sewer rehabilitation project in Sherwood Trails on Monday, March 9. The purpose of the project is to improve flow and maintain community property. A trenchless method will be used to minimize excavation at the construction site.
The rehabilitation of the sanitary sewer lines will be done through Sliplining and Pipe Bursting Methods. Pipe bursting is a trenchless method of replacing buried pipelines (such as sewer, water, or natural gas pipes) without the need for a traditional construction trench. An expanding device called an expander head, which may be either pneumatic or hydraulic is, introduced into the defective pipeline through a launching pit. As it travels through the pipeline toward the receiving pit it breaks the pipe into many small pieces, pushing the pieces into the surrounding soil. New pipe is attached to the back of the expander head, replacing the line immediately.
So far, crews have completed 8 sections of 8" pipe (approx. 2,100 linear feet) on Hermitage Hollow Lane, Tinechester Dr., and Shadbury Court. The project is anticipated to take 6-8 months to complete. Construction activities are expected to take place 7:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.; Monday-Thursday. The contractor will be placing door hangers on each door at least 48 hours prior to construction beginning on the respective street. These door hangers contain important information about what to expect when construction does take place on your street.
As a result of the construction activities, please be aware of flagmen and orange traffic cones that will be put in place on site to help with traffic flow through the construction zone as temporary lane closures are expected.  Residents may experience an increase in noise levels due to trucks and equipment in the area.
Ramada Drive Safe Sidewalk Project

Mayor Pro Tem Dave Martin is pleased to announce, in an effort to provide increased pedestrian mobility as well as safety, Houston Public Works will be making repairs to the sidewalk on the northern side of Ramada Drive from El Camino Real to Diana Lane. Mayor Pro Tem Martin has allocated $53,250.00 from his Council District Service Funds for the sidewalk repairs.
Construction is scheduled to begin on Tuesday, April 7, and is expected to be completed by Tuesday, April 28, weather permitting. Crews will operate between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. There is no weekend work scheduled for this project. Temporary lane closures and traffic delays are expected during construction hours. Please note that residents will not have access to this sidewalk throughout the duration of the project.
As a result of the construction activities, please be aware of flaggers and caution devices, like orange traffic control barriers, that will be put in place on site to help with traffic flow through the construction zone.
Hamblen Road and Sorters-McClellan Road Rehabilitation Project Update

Houston Public Works began the Hamblen Road and Sorters-McClellan Road Asphalt Overlay Rehabilitation Project on March 19, 2020. Houston Public Works notified the District E office that contractors were ahead of schedule and were able to start on March 19 today rather than the original start date of March 24.
The scope of work includes milling off an approximate 2 inch layer of old asphalt, repairing the base as needed, spraying tack coat and overlaying 2 inches of new asphalt surface pavement. The project is expected to be completed by late June 2020, weather permitting.
The project is being completed in 2 phases. Crews began with the overlay on Sorters-McClellan Road, which is anticipated to take approximately two weeks to finish. Once that phase is complete, crews will begin the overlay on Hamblen Road, which is expected to be finished by late June. Construction activities are expected to take place between 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m., Monday through Saturday.
Residents and business owners should be aware that individual driveways may be inaccessible for short periods of time at various times throughout the project, however, the Contractor will work with the owners to provide driveway ingress/egress as best possible. Once construction begins on the street, crews will notify residents and business owners 72 hours in advance to ensure they are aware of the changes.
As a result of the construction activities, please be aware of flagmen and orange traffic cones that will be put in place on site to help with traffic flow through the construction zone as temporary lane closures are expected.  Residents may experience an increase in noise levels due to trucks and equipment in the area. 

El Camino Real Safe Sidewalk Project

Mayor Pro Tem Dave Martin is pleased to announce, in an effort to provide increased pedestrian mobility as well as safety, Houston Public Works will be removing and replacing concrete sidewalks and ramps at El Camino Real from Ramada Drive to 16457 El Camino Real. Mayor Pro Tem Martin has allocated $12,750.00 from his Council District Service Funds for the sidewalk repairs.
Construction is scheduled to begin on Friday, April 10, and is expected to be completed by Friday, April 24, weather permitting. Crews will operate between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. There is no weekend work scheduled for this project. Temporary lane closures and traffic delays are expected during construction hours. Please note that residents will not have access to this sidewalk throughout the duration of the project.
As a result of the construction activities, please be aware of flaggers and caution devices, like orange traffic control barriers, that will be put in place on site to help with traffic flow through the construction zone.
Mouth-Bar Dredging Update

In January, the City of Houston issued a   Notice To Proceed (NTP)   for debris removal services, specifically large silt deposits, at the confluence of the West Fork of the San Jacinto River and Lake Houston, commonly referred to as the "mouth bar". The City of Houston, through its contractor DRC Emergency Services, LLC (DRC), began mechanical dredging of the mouth bar in January. The total cost for this project is $40 million dollars, which is funded through a combination of City of Houston Harvey Disaster dollars provided by Governor Greg Abbott, grant dollars from the Texas Water Development Board (TWDB), and funding from the Harris County Flood Control District (HCFCD) Bond Program.
DRC is invoicing the City of Houston in accordance with rates established and approved by the city to include final disposal. DRC must comply with all terms and provisions established by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) relative to disaster debris collections, temporary storage, and final disposal. The  grant application for this project  was submitted to the TWDB by Harris County Engineer, John Blount. Harris County is collaborating closely with HCFCD, the San Jacinto River Authority (SJRA), and the City of Houston on this crucial project.
DRC is completing the scope of work for dredging activities in two distinct phases. The first phase will remove accumulated materials near and at the mouth bar on the West Fork of the San Jacinto River, and the second phase will remove accumulated materials in the East Fork of the San Jacinto River and other locations in Lake Houston. During phase one of this project it is expected that a minimum of 400,000 cubic yards (CY) of material will be removed over twelve months. To date, DRC has removed approximately 75,000 cubic yards of material. 

Phase two of the project will consist of: 1) Harris County completing hydrographic surveys of the West Fork of the San Jacinto River, the East Fork of the San Jacinto River, and Lake Houston to determine dredge material volumes 2) the City of Houston advertising and awarding a dredging contract to the lowest responsive bidder 3) Harris County designating the City of Houston as a sub-recipient for the cost of the dredging contract. Phase two will run simultaneously with Phase One to expedite our activity.
Additionally, during phase two of the project City of Houston, Harris County, HCFCD, SJRA, and Coastal Water Authority (CWA) will develop and execute a plan for the City of Houston or CWA to assume long-term dredging operations on Lake Houston. This work effort will include determining funding for the dredging operations in perpetuity. This phased approach will obligate the full grant funding before the 87th legislative session in 2021. This grant funding was made possible thanks to State Representative Dan Huberty (District 127) through the passage of Senate Bill 500 .
Mayor Pro Tem Martin, again, would like to offer a very special "Thank You" to State Representative Dan Huberty for his commitment to seeing this project through and his dedication to the long-term maintenance activities on Lake Houston. Representative Huberty has been a champion for his residents and a great ally in seeing these additional dredging efforts come to fruition.
El Dorado Widening Project Update

Harris County Precinct 2 has provided an update to the District E office on the El Dorado Boulevard widening project. CenterPoint has completed their pole relocation, necessary for the design and construction of this project.
As Harris County Precinct 2 is handling the design and construction of this project, they are in direct contact with CenterPoint regarding their work on the project. This change in the plans to relocate CenterPoint's power lines from the median to the west of El Dorado Boulevard was announced in the  February 2019 District E newsletter.
Due to this change, CenterPoint required additional tree removal which was announced in the  December 2019 District E newsletter. As a result, Mayor Pro Tem Martin and Harris County Precinct 2 have committed to planting new trees within the project boundaries in order to replace the trees that are being removed. Once this re-planting plan is available, it will be provided to the public. As a reminder, re-planting occurs at the end of construction to avoid any damages and is required by city ordinance.
Following the pole relocation, temporary street lighting installation begin on March 30 and is expected to be completed within the next two weeks. Once the pole relocation is completed, HCP2 will begin construction in late April and the project will conclude approximately 18 months later, weather permitting.
Yes to Census!

Residents of District E don't forget to fill out your Census form before August 14!

The Census is a population count required by the constitution that occurs every ten years to ensure that the government represents the people. It is crucial in determining how resources will be allocated to our communities. The Census Bureau will record every person's name, age, race, residential status and relationship between those living in the same household as of April 1 st.
This will determine how states will go about the redistricting process, ensuring that every district has an equal number of people and are reflective and representative of the electorate. Proper representation across all levels of government depends on filling out the Census.
Over the next decade billions of dollars will be distributed throughout the states to our communities to fund hundreds of federal spending programs these include transportation services, community development block grants, and healthcare services. Ensuring that our communities get their fair share is up to us!
Nearly every household will receive an invitation in the mail to fill out the Census which can be responded to by mail, phone, or online. This form is to be filled out by August 14 th. Starting May 13 th canvassers will visit households in places with dense student population and places at risk for an undercount. Households who do not respond to the census will be visited by canvassers starting May 28 th.
Having the Census online will make it easier and more comfortable for everyone to fill out. Make sure you are counted so that you and your community are properly represented and your needs are met!
Go to for more information.
BAHEP Business Briefs

The Bay Area Houston Economic Partnership has crafted a newsletter featuring snapshots of the activities in which BAHEP has been involved to stimulate regional economic development and employment. The newsletter's sections include reports on Business Assistance Programs; Marketing; Advertising, Public Relations & Media Communications; Preserve NASA Funding Levels; Bay Area Houston Advanced Technology Consortium (BayTech), Space Alliance Technology Outreach Program (SATOP); and Membership. 

BAHEP has released their Spring Business Brief which can be found here
Harvey Homeowners Assistance Program

If you have applied for the Harvey Homeowner Assistance Program, Mayor Pro Tem Martin would like to encourage those applicants to utilize the call center at 832-393-0550 if you feel your application is stalled. 

By contacting the call center, applicants can speak to a representative that will provide the most up-to-date information, make any necessary corrections, and let the applicant know what to expect moving forward. If you still feel that you aren't progressing through the process, please feel free to reach out to the District E office for further assistance.
Umanity App - COVID-19 Resource

Umanity is a mobile app that is working with the office of Mayor Pro Tem Martin. The app is designed to connect community needs with community resources in real-time, to help communities and the City of Houston efficiently organize their response to the COVID-19 crisis. It enables a response while still maintaining social distancing and quarantine guidelines.
Umanity needs your help to populate what resources and needs exist in Houston during this crisis. Do you have extra toiletries, clothes, or food? Do you need anything? Are you able to volunteer? Getting started with Umanity costs nothing and only takes less than a minute. Sign up via or download the app for either iOS or Android today!
District E Chamber of Commerce COVID-19 Resources

Mayor Pro Tem Martin would like to remind local businesses of the resources available to them through the Lake Houston and Clear Lake Area Chamber of Commerce:
  1. Business Development Webinar: Join the Clear Lake Area Chamber for a Business Development informative webinar featuring digital marketing best practices for 2020. The webinar will be Tuesday, April 7th at 10:00 a.m. RSVP using this link. You must make your reservations by Monday, April 6 @ 12:00 p.m to receive details to join the webinar. 
  2. CARES Act Paycheck Protection Program: The CARES Act established a new $349 billion Paycheck Protection Program to provide relief to millions of small businesses so they can sustain their businesses and keep their workers employed. The Paycheck Protection Program is specifically designed to help small businesses keep their workforce employed. More details are available at It is important to note, the new loan program will be available retroactive from Feb. 15, 2020, so employers can rehire their recently laid-off employees through June 30, 2020. There are several Clear Lake Area Chamber of Commerce members that can assist you with the Paycheck Protection Program.
  3. Other SBA Financial Resources: If you do not qualify for the Paycheck Protection Program, you might be eligible for other SBA financial assistance. The CLACC has a local SBDC office that is operating and available to answer your questions. They have compiled a comparison chart for different loan options click here to view
The Chambers are also encouraging large and small business owners, community members and residents to shop local during this time. Here are a few things you can do to continue to support your favorite local businesses:
  1. Many restaurants continue to offer carry-out & delivery | Although dine-in is no longer an option, delivery & carry-out can help you keep your sanity and still support the restaurant. Please be sure to tip! Check out some of the CLACC and LHACC member restaurants that are open for business. 
  2. Grab a few gift cards from your favorite local business | Buy now, use later...this is a smart way to ensure your favorite business is still generating some sort of income until the pandemic passes. Visit the CLACC and LHACC Chamber Directories to see who you can help!
  3. Still shop online | To stay in line with social distancing, this is a great option (when offered) to support your local favs.
  4. Consider a Donation | During this time, although not feasible for some, consider assisting employers/employees with a donation of money, food, toiletries, etc... Most non-profit businesses have also halted most fundraising events so reach out and see what you can do! You could definitely brighten someone's day and ease tensions with a simple act of kindness.
To stay updated on available COVID-19 resources, visit the CLACC and LHACC websites for more information  and follow their Facebook pages.
2-1-1 Helpline

COVID-19 information and referrals for community resources like food, housing, utilities, workforce services, etc. are available for Texans in need by dialing 2-1-1 anytime, day or night.
District E Meal Programs

Many school districts in District E are offering food distribution programs to students and their families. More information on how each school district is operating their program can be found below.
Creek Creek ISD Meals for Students:  Starting Monday, March 30, 2020, CCISD will offer multiple day breakfast and lunch pick-up. Drive or walk up to the front entrance to receive a meal for each child that is present. This service is free to any child 18 years and younger. Onsite dining will not be available. To stay updated on the program, please visit their Meals for Students page  and follow their Facebook
Service Times:
Monday Pick-Up: 11 a.m.-1 p.m.
Breakfast & Lunch through Thursday morning
Thursday Pick-Up: 11 a.m.-1 p.m.
Breakfast & Lunch through Saturday morning
District E Service Location:
  Whitcomb Elementary
900 Reseda
Houston, Texas 77062
Galena Park ISD: To provide additional support to GPISD families during this time, Student Nutrition staff will offer Grab-N-Go breakfast and lunch via curbside service; there will be no need to exit your vehicle. Students 18 and under must be present to receive meals. Note: All Student Nutrition Department Members will be screened by a GPISD nurse each morning prior to beginning food preparations. To stay updated on the program, please visit their website and follow their Facebook.
Service Times:
Breakfast: 7:30 a.m.-9:00 a.m. (Monday-Friday)
Lunch: 10:45 a.m.-12:15 p.m. (Monday-Friday)
District E Service Locations:
Green Valley Elementary School
13550 Woodforest Blvd
Houston, TX 77015
Woodland Acres Elementary School
12956 Sarahs Ln.
Houston, TX 77015
Huffman ISD:  Starting Monday, March 30, grab-and-go breakfast and lunch meals will be served once per day to children between the ages of 2-18. Child must be present to pick up meals. To stay updated on the program, please visit their website  and follow their Facebook.
Service Times:
Breakfast: 7:30 a.m.-8:30 a.m. (Monday-Friday)
Lunch: 11:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. (Monday-Friday)
Service Location:
Huffman Elementary School (Behind Copeland Cafeteria)
24403 E Lake Houston Pkwy
Huffman, TX 77336
Humble ISD: Humble ISD is updating their Curbside Grab-And-Go Program weekly. To stay updated on the program, please visit their website and follow their Facebook.
Pasadena ISD:  Pasadena ISD is updating their Curbside Grab-And-Go Program weekly. To stay updated on the program, please visit their website  and follow their Facebook .

Additionally, the  Houston Parks and Recreation Department is operating a curbside meal program at 50 community centers around the city, Monday through Friday from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. Free meals, including a lunch and a snack, are available for youth ages 1 to 18. Only children who come to the site for pickup can receive the meal. Parents are not allowed to take food for a child who is not present at the time of pickup. Families can also visit to see the 250 open partner sites that are located across greater Houston.