Latest Covid-19 Information
Safe and Accessible Flatbush and Foxhall Aves Project Public Meeting
EPA Brownfields Public Meeting on March 3
KPD Hiring Police Officer and Bilingual Police Office Positions
Arts & Culture Master Plan Update
Mayor Noble's Weekly Radio Updates
A Message From Mayor Steve Noble:
Dear Friends,
We have a couple of important virtual public meetings coming up. The EPA Brownfields project work will help us clean up and redevelop a variety of impacted properties across the city. For over 100 years, the land below our feet was not always treated with the care it deserved and has left a variety of negative environmental legacies that need to be addressed. These EPA funds allowed us to begin that work through research and testing.
And the Safe & Accessible Flatbush and Foxhall project will improve that entire neighborhood by creating an attractive and user-friendly streetscape. These important and equitable improvements will enable residents from different socioeconomic backgrounds to live and work within safe, walkable distances. I have no doubt that making these improvements will help spur revitalization of the entire area, including the business corridor.
I hope you'll be a part of these projects and give us your feedback.
COVID-19 Information
As of Friday, February 12, there are 2,112 active Covid-19 cases in Ulster County, 298 in Kingston, and there have been 224 deaths across the County. More local resources at Ulster County Covid-19 Information
The COVID-19 Vaccine Tracker Dashboard will update New Yorkers on the distribution of the vaccine including the number of doses received by the state, a breakdown of first or second doses, and the number of persons vaccinated with the first and second doses in each region.
Open Enrollment Period for uninsured New Yorkers has been extended through March 31, 2021. New Yorkers can apply for coverage through NY State of Health or directly through insurers.
If you have been on quarantine due to contact with someone known to have COVID-19:
- a negative test does NOT release you from quarantine.
- It is essential to wait 10 days full days to make sure that no infection appears, even if you have no symptoms, before being released from quarantine.
- Quarantine should last 10 days from the last exposure to a person with known COVID-19.
- In addition, you should continue to monitor yourself for any signs or symptoms of COVID-19 for up to 14 days after that last exposure.
- If you have any questions about your period of quarantine, please call your Local Health Department.
- Indoor and outdoor gatherings at private residences are limited to no more than 10 people.
New travel guidelines are in effect that allow out-of-state travelers to “test out” of the mandatory 10-day quarantine.
- To report violations of health and safety restrictions and requirements for businesses, gatherings and individuals, please choose the appropriate link below:
Health care workers can text NYFRONTLINE to 741-741 to access 24/7 emotional support services. Any New Yorker can call the COVID-19 Emotional Support Hotline at 1-844-863-9314 for mental health counseling.
Safe and Accessible Foxhall and Flatbush Public Meeting
The Safe and Accessible Flatbush and Foxhall Avenues Project aims to improve pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure that connects the Colonial Gardens Apartments and residential streets in Midtown to surrounding business districts. Repairs and upgrades will be made from the intersection of Flatbush Avenue and Colonial Drive to Foxhall Avenue and Broadway, including completing intermittent sidewalks and correcting hazardous railroad crossings. Approximately two miles of sidewalks will be rehabilitated, crosswalks painted, and ADA-compliant curb ramps will be installed. Bicycle accommodations will be added along both avenues, connecting to the Empire State Trail and the Kingston Greenline.
At the public meeting, consultants from engineering firm GPI will present several design options for public consideration.
The Safe and Accessible Flatbush and Foxhall Avenues Project is funded in part by the Climate Smart Community Grant Program Title 15 of the Environmental Protection Fund through the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation and the New York State Department of Transportation.
To join the webinar, click here.
Passcode: 5xC80y9Y
Or dial in by phone: 646 558 8656
Webinar ID: 845 2192 6659
Passcode: 18856052
EPA Brownfields Virtual Public Meeting on March 3
A virtual public meeting will be held for the Environmental Protection Agency Brownfields Project on Wednesday, March 3, 2021 at 12:00pm. Live Spanish interpretation will be available for the meeting.
The virtual meeting will update the public on the status of the Brownfields Assessment grant and will present the findings of several local environmental site assessments. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) defines a Brownfields site as “real property, the expansion, redevelopment, or reuse of which may be complicated by the presence of a hazardous substance, pollutant, or contamination.” Public input is also sought regarding prioritizing the Brownfields sites, as the City continues to pursue future grants and funding for cleanup and redevelopment.
In 2018, the United States EPA selected the City of Kingston to receive two Community-Wide Brownfields assessment grants: $200,000 in hazardous substance and $200,000 in petroleum. Since then, the $400,000 assessment grant funds have been used to:
- Update the inventory of potential Brownfields sites in the City
- Educate residents about the Brownfields program
- Solicit information on additional potential Brownfields projects for the inventory
- Develop a site selection, prioritize and selection criteria for the inventory
- Conduct Phase I environmental site assessments and perform follow-up Phase II
The City has worked with Weston & Sampson to implement the Brownfields program, including the completion of 12 environmental site assessments. These activities have been focused primarily in the Midtown and Rondout districts. The completed Brownfield assessments are expected to encourage the cleanup of underutilized and contaminated, or potentially contaminated, properties and return them to beneficial reuse. More info at
The public can access hard copies of the final Phase I and Phase II environmental site assessments reports virtually at Engage Kingston and at City Hall. Due to current COVID-19 restrictions, please send an email to to schedule an appointment to review these reports in person.
To join the webinar, click here.
Passcode: dFMMku90
Or dial in by phone: 646-558-8656
Webinar ID: 837 9574 5107
Passcode: 36608162
City Buildings to Reopen on March 1, 2021
Due to the increase of active COVID-19 cases this winter, the City of Kingston closed City buildings to the public on November 23, 2020. Starting on Monday, March 1, City Hall and other City administrative buildings will be open to the public from 10:00am to 2:00pm. Outside of those hours, the public can utilize drop boxes at each building as well as online services on the City website.
Visitors will be required to check-in at City Hall for a health screening before visiting all City buildings, including Parks and Recreation, Department of Public Works, and Building Safety offices as well the Police Department and Fire Department.
The City’s mask policy will be strictly enforced. Anyone visiting municipal buildings must wear a mask at all times. Employees will continue to follow requirements to self-administer temperature checks and a Covid questionnaire before coming to work each day.
Other City services:
- Building Safety will resume rental property inspections, however, inspections for large multi-family complexes will remain suspended
- Parks and Recreation will reinstall basketball hoops. More details about programming will be announced.
- Kingston Water Department – please utilize the building’s drop box
KPD Seeking Police Officers & Bilingual Police Officers
The Kingston Police Department is now accepting applications for Police Officer and Spanish Speaking Police Officer positions.
On Wednesday March 3 at 6:00pm, a virtual public information session will be held, and will discuss these positions, the exam, and employment at KPD.
Arts & Culture Master Plan - Take the Survey!
On Tuesday, the City of Kingston hosted the State of Culture event, a community presentation and workshop. The presentation detailed the initial findings of the past two phases of the Arts & Culture Master Plan planning process, as well as outlining several identified opportunities.
Mayor Noble's Tuesday/Thursday Updates
Mayor Noble has been giving regular live updates since mid-March. His now twice-weekly updates can be heard on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 5:00pm via Radio Kingston and the City of Kingston Facebook page.
Click below to hear Thursday's update.
The Kingston 311 app, website and phone system allow residents to quickly and easily report issues and submit service requests. The Kingston 311 app, available for Android & iPhones, is a fast and simple way to connect to City officials in non-emergency situations.
This system is a valuable resource to submit service requests for streetlight replacement, roadwork, City signage, traffic calming measures and other concerns. Issues with snow removal and reporting of vehicles and sidewalks not in accordance with the Snow Emergency restrictions can also be submitted via Kingston 311. Photos can also be attached to illustrate service orders. Dial 311 from any phone within City limits to reach us.
Sent on behalf of:
Mayor Steven T. Noble
The purpose of this newsletter is to share important information, project updates, pictures and news from the City of Kingston. For more detailed information, visit: