December 18, 2017 - In This Issue:
A Message From Mayor Steve Noble:
Dear Friends,
I am pleased to announce that this winter we will be allowing alternate side of the street parking during snow emergencies. As many of you know, until recently, all vehicles were required to be removed from the street during a snow emergency, with only a very few number of streets allowing alternate side snow emergency parking. I proposed and advocated to change this antiquated policy because I felt strongly that it was unfair and ineffective, often times disproportionately impacting our lower income residents and employees of local businesses the most. When a snow emergency was declared, I received calls from individuals who did not have driveways and who lived far away from municipal lots, as well as from local employees who were required to report to work but were not permitted to park on the street. Sometimes they would risk having their cars ticketed or towed. I heard time and time again, "What other choice do I have?"
In order for this new policy to work, I need your help. I need you to stay connected and to follow the instructions of our snow emergencies. This winter, I want to clear roadways faster and tow fewer cars. When I declare a snow emergency, we are going to use every communication tool we have available. If each of our vehicle owners complies with the rules of the alternate side parking, our local businesses can remain open, our residents can park closer to their homes, and our streets can be safer. Please help us implement this new policy by moving your vehicles and sharing this information with your neighbors. Thank you in advance for your help!
Snow Emergency Parking Information
Mayor Steve Noble is pleased to introduce city-wide snow emergency alternate side parking in Kingston. While certain designated areas of the city previously had this option, the 2017-2018 will be the first winter of city-wide implementation.
Here is what you need to know when a snow emergency is declared:
- Alternate side parking is allowed city-wide
- Regular alternate side parking is suspended
- On-street and off-street parking meters are suspended (paying meters is not required during snow emergencies)
- All current parking restrictions set forth by the Common Council, such as "No Parking" and "No Standing" zones continue in full force and effect
- No parking is allowed within fifty feet of any street comer.
- Vehicles must not block fire hydrants, driveways, entryways or exits for parking lots, or in any manner which presents a hazard
How Snow Emergency Alternate Side Parking Works:
Upon commencement of a snow emergency, vehicular parking will be permitted on the odd side of the street on odd numbered calendar days and on the even side of the street on even numbered calendar days. At 7:00 A.M. the following day, vehicles must switch to the opposite side of the street. The odd or even side of the street is determined by the house numbers of that street. An odd day is any calendar date that ends in
1, 3, 5, 7, or 9
. An even day is any calendar date that ends in
0, 2, 4, 6, or 8
Example of alternate side parking during a snow emergency:
On December 28th, all vehicles must be parked on the side of the street in which the house numbers are even, such as 120 Sesame Street. See above example.
At 7:00am on December 29th, all vehicles must be moved to the side of the street in which the house numbers are odd, such as 121 Sesame Street. See below example.
Frequently Asked Questions
What happens if I do not move my car to the correct side of the street during a snow emergency?
- Enforcement will be increased to ensure compliance for alternate side snow emergency parking and successful clearing of roadways. Vehicles not in compliance will be ticketed and towed at the owner's expense.
How can I find out if there is a snow emergency?
The City of Kingston will announce a snow emergency the following ways:
- Online at and at
- By phone using the City's emergency notification system, Swift911. Calls are made to all landlines within the database, as well as cell phone numbers submitted through the system. Text messages will also be sent to users who have signed up to receive text alerts. To enroll, visit:
- By e-mail. Recipients of Mayor Noble's Weekly Update will receive an e-mail notification with all pertinent information. To sign up, visit and click "Newsletter Signup" on the left
- Notifications will also be sent to local media.
Why is the City of Kingston instituting city-wide alternate side parking during snow emergencies?
- Roadways will be cleared more effectively throughout the City thanks to the elimination of parking on one side of the street and more compliance among vehicle owners
- Businesses may remain open and residents may continue to park near their homes instead of having to find off-street parking spaces for the duration of the snow emergency
- Fewer vehicle owners will be ticketed and towed, as some on-street parking will now be available
Who can I call for help?
- In case of emergency, call 911.
- For a snow-related service request or to report hazardous road conditions during a snow emergency, call the Department of Public Works Dispatch at 845-338-2114 for immediate assistance.
- If your car has been towed, call the Kingston Police Department at 331-1671.
Where are the municipal parking lots located?
Please note that all municipal lots are available for overnight parking. Vehicles should be removed from these lots within 24 hours after the snow emergency ends and/or when posted by the Department of Public Works. Any vehicles left in these lots may be ticketed and towed.
Uptown Area
All 3 North Front Street lots; Forsyth Park lot adjacent to the tennis courts; and Dietz Stadium
Midtown Area
Sea Deli lot; Hodge Center; AME Zion Church on Franklin St.; Cornell St. lot; Prince St. lot; lot next to Arace Electronics (357 Broadway); and Broadway Commons (615 Broadway)
Downtown Area
Dock St. lot; 117-165 Abeel St.; Trolley Museum lot; Block Park; and Kingston Point Beach
Kingston Downtown Revitalization Initiative
Join us this Tuesday, December 19th as we continue our Downtown Revitalization Initiative planning for the Stockade District.
Downtown Revitalization Initiative Public Workshop will be held from 6:00pm-8:00pm at The Kirkland. This is a hands-on, interactive workshop where you will have the opportunity to review possible projects for funding based on input from the first public meeting and share your ideas and comments.
If you are unable to attend the evening workshop, St
ate planners and City staff will also be holding an Open House from 11:00am-1:00pm at The Kirkland on Tuesday as well so that you may drop in and offer feedback.
Can't make either session? Send in your comments and questions to or by mail to 420 Broadway in Kingston.
Ring in the New Year with the City of Kingston!
City of Kingston to host New Year's Eve Countdown Celebration in Uptown Kingston - with performances by Lara Hope & The Ark-Tones and fireworks sponsored by Basch & Keegan, LLP!
Mayor Steve Noble is pleased to announce the 2017-2018 New Year's celebration to be held at the intersection of Wall St. and North Front St. in Uptown Kingston on Sunday, December 31, 2017 at 11:00pm. Residents and visitors will be treated to an outdoor performance (bundle up!)
by local rockabilly band Lara Hope and the Ark-Tones. As the clock nears midnight, attendees will enjoy a moving rendition of Auld Lang Syne as we count down the final moments of 2017. A decorative ball, created by local business Possibility Studios, will drop as the clock s
trikes midnight. As Kingston ushers in 2018, a brilliant fireworks display sponsored by Basch and Keegan will light up the sky. A free shuttle traveling through Uptown, Midtown and Downtown will be available 7:00pm-1:00am.
This event is made possible thanks in large part to our generous sponsors and volunteers. Individuals, businesses and organizations interested in supporting this event should contact Lynsey Timbrouck, Confidential Secretary to the Mayor, at 334-3902 or at or Megan Weiss-Rowe, Director of Communications and Community Engagement, at 334-3964 or at
More details coming soon! For frequent updates, check out our Facebook Event!
City of Kingston awarded nearly $1 Million through New York State Consolidated Funding Application
Mayor Steve Noble is pleased to announce that the City of Kingston has been awarded close to $1 million through the New York State Consolidated Funding Application (CFA) process.
"My administration has worked tirelessly to secure resources to advance our City and this is yet another indication that this hard work is paying off," said Mayor Noble. "I want to thank Governor Cuomo and the Mid-Hudson Regional Economic Development Council for continuing to make critical investments in our community and our region."
This year's CFA awards include:
Midtown Kingston Franklin Complete Streets Project
Funding Source: NYSDEC Climate Smart Communities Implementation Program
Amount Awarded: $750,000
Project Summary: The purpose of the project is to conduct preliminary and final design and implement construction of new sidewalks, bicycle infrastructure, and crosswalks along the entire length of Franklin Street. Sidewalks for most of the length will be replaced with concrete, but bluestone will be used on two blocks in the Fair Street Historic District. ADA accessible ramps will be installed at all corners of each intersection that currently lack them. Significant public institutions, including the Kingston Library and the City of Kingston's Everette Hodge Community Center, are located along this popular walking route to George Washington Elementary School.
"This project perfectly aligns with the investments in transportation and infrastructure we are making, particularly along the Broadway corridor," said Mayor Noble. "As a vital connection between Wall St. and Broadway, and as one of most travelled routes for children and families, these improvements will impact thousands of residents. In addition, this project will coincide with our upcoming Henry St. Safe Routes to School Project, which runs parallel with Franklin St. and is also an important walking route for children."
Kingston Organic Waste Management Plan
Funding Source: NYSDEC Climate Smart Communities Implementation Program
Amount Awarded: $62,960
Project Summary: The City of Kingston will partner with the Hudson Valley Regional Council to write an Organics Diversion Plan for Kingston. The City is already a Certified Bronze Climate Smart Community and the execution of these
additional elements of the Climate Smart Certification will bring Kingston closer to achieving Silver certification. The Organics Diversion Plan will include five Climate Smart Community Certification actions: 1. waste management strategy for government hosted/permitted events; 2. organics collection and composting in government buildings; 3. government waste audit and diversion tracking; 4. Compost bin distribution plan; and 5. determine the feasibility of an organics collection program (residential and commercial).
"This project is key to our sustainability efforts, which have been lauded time and time again as a model at the State level," said Mayor Noble. "A crucial component of this work includes tackling the huge amount of food waste generated by the City of Kingston and trucked each day. This grant will help us plan for how best to reduce the waste stream and save taxpayers' dollars. "
Kingston Waterfront Empire State Trail Improvements
Funding Source: NYS Office of Parks, Recreation, and Historic Preservation - Recreational Trails Program
Amount Awarded: $178,000
Project Summary: The project will take place on 0.75 mile of the future Hudson Landing Promenade through the Hudson Landing property, roughly following the western shoreline of the Hudson River starting at North Street in Kingston and ending at the promenade just south of John Street. The final outcome will be increased access for both bicycles and pedestrians on the promenade and better connections for tourists traveling the Empire State Trail, which is designed to be on this route.
"This grant will enable us to pave the City of Kingston's portion of the Hudson Landing Promenade, which is part of the Empire State Trail that will be built in 2018," said Mayor Noble. "This work will ultimately allow greater access for pedestrians and bicyclists and create a better overall project."
Additional Awards in Kingston
In addition to the funds awarded directly to the City of Kingston, Mayor Noble is pleased to announce that a number of significant projects proposed by our community partners have also been awarded funding. These grant awards include $2 million for the JM Development Group's "The Kingstonian" project in Uptown, $1 million for the Hutton Brickyards Redevelopment Project along the Waterfront, and $242,500 for RUPCO's Stockade Works application in Midtown.
"I am pleased that these incredible projects have been awarded significant funding through this process," said Mayor Noble. "Each of these projects align with our economic development vision and will serve as anchors throughout our City. I applaud Governor Cuomo and the Mid-Hudson Regional Economic Development Council for recognizing the unique strengths of our community and for investing in new and expanding priority projects in our business districts."
Mayor Steve Noble announces amnesty period for late penalties on parking citations
Participants encouraged to bring food for local pantries
Mayor Steve Noble is pleased to announce the availability of a parking citation amnesty period in the City of Kingston. Individuals with parking tickets issued earlier than December 1
and who owe a late penalty will have that late penalty waived if the citation is paid in person at City Hall during the amnesty period, scheduled for Friday, December 15
th through Friday, December 29th.
"This is an excellent opportunity to resolve outstanding parking tickets and start off 2018 with a clean slate," said Mayor Noble. "In addition, this is a chance for neighbors to help neighbors. We are accepting non-perishable food donations during the same time period. Please consider bringing in food so that we can work with our local food pantries and help our community members in need this winter."
Modeled after other communities' "Food for Fines" programs, individuals participating in the amnesty period are encouraged to bring in non-perishable food items to be distributed to local food pantries this winter. This food contribution is not required to participate in the amnesty period. In addition, individuals who are not participating in the amnesty period but who wish to donate food items are welcome and encouraged to do so.
In order to participate in this program, tickets must be paid on-site at City Hall, 420 Broadway, main floor, in the City Comptroller's office.
The office is open Monday-Friday, 8:30am-4:30pm. It will be closed on December 22nd and December 25
in observance of the holiday. Food donations should be brought to the same location.
Recommended items include: canned tuna or chicken; canned fruit (in water or juice); beans; soups; peanut butter; jelly; olive or canola oil; canned vegetables; bottles of 100% juice; cereal; oatmeal; rice; pasta; pasta sauce (can); crackers; granola bars; pancake mix; nuts; dried fruit; spices; etc.
Please ensure all donations are of good quality, unopened, and within their sell by date.
We want your feedback!
Help us learn more about our parks and ways we can improve our services by taking our short survey! Thank you!
Made in Kingston
The fifth annual Made In Kingston event was a wonderful success! Co-sponsored by the
City of Kingston
, Kingston Midtown Arts District,
Arts Mid Hudson
, the Business Alliance of Kingston and
TRANSART, the event drew thousands of visitors to
The Metro, the former MetLife Hall of Records building, at 2 South Prospect Street, recently purchased by RUPCO. Local businesses and artists featured a variety of different offerings throughout the facility. Congratulations to all who worked together to host another wonderful Made in Kingston event, especially Pat Courtney Strong. We can't wait until next year!
Visitors entering The Metro
Photo courtesy of Kingston Happenings
Mayor Noble was also honored to accept a beautiful paper cut fine art depiction of the City of Kingston seal, created by
Glenn Grubard. View a video about this gift here.
Boards and Commission
The City of Kingston is accepting applications from individuals interested in serving on one of our Boards or Commissions.
Here is a sampling of Boards and Commissions that have immediate or upcoming opportunities to serve:
- Climate Smart Kingston Commission
- Community Development Advisory Board
- Electrical Examiners Board
- Parks and Recreation Commission
- Plumbing Board
- Police Commission
- Tree Commission
- Zoning Board of Appeals
For a full list of current appointments as of 11/30/17,
click here.
Interested in serving? Start off by completing
this application and submitting it to the Mayor's Office,
Attn: Lynsey Timbrouck, 420 Broadway, Kingston, NY 12401 or email to
Children's Holiday Party
We had a wonderful holiday party at the Andy Murphy Neighborhood Center on Friday for youth attending the Rondout Neighborhood Center and the Everette Hodge Community Center. Special thanks to Lisa Libraries, Michael's Candy Corner and Florist, Dallas Hot Weiners II, KFC - Kentucky Fried Chicken, Famous Bike Brothers, Kingston City Bus, the Kingston Recreation Commission, DJ Dre Black, Esther Joy-Watson, the Bruderhof Communities, and our Kingston Krafters who helped us share the holiday magic.
Indoor Fun!
Community Development Block Grant
Mayor Steve Noble is pleased to launch the preparation of the City of Kingston's Annual Actual Plan for Fiscal Year 2018 (July 1, 2018-June 30, 2019), which details the use of the estimated $670,000 annual grant under the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development's Community Development Block Grant Program (CDBG) Entitlement Grant.
Applications for proposed funding for the Fiscal Year 2018 Annual Action Plan are now available for pick up or can be mailed or emailed. Applications will be accepted until 12:00 PM (Noon) on Monday, January 22, 2018. As in FY2017, priority will be given to programs that support the operations and further engagement and enrichment of youth attending the City's community centers, as well as capital projects in public facilities.
At these meetings, questions are encouraged regarding general project eligibility, program guidelines and specific proposed projects. An overview of priority projects that the City would be interested in funding will be presented.
- Wednesday, December 20, 2017, 7:00 PM, Everette Hodge Center, 21 Franklin St.
- Thursday, January 4, 2018, 6:30 PM, City Hall, Conference Room #1, 420 Broadway
- Wednesday, January 10, 2018, 5:30 PM, Kingston Library, 55 Franklin Street
- Tuesday, January 16, 2018, 7:00 PM, Rondout Neighborhood Center, 105 Broadway
At these meetings, comments will be heard regarding applicants and their proposed projects or programs.
- Wednesday, February 7, 2018 - 6:00 PM Common Council Chambers, City Hall, 420 Broadway
- Thursday, February 15, 2018 - 6:00 PM Common Council Chambers, City Hall, 420 Broadway
The Mayor, Economic & Community Development Director, Common Council's Community Development Committee, and the Community Development Advisory Board review all submitted applications for adherence to HUD eligibility requirements and examine them with respect to the prioritized needs outlined in the City's Consolidated Plan. The Mayor takes into consideration the public comment and recommendations of the Board, then offers a final recommendation to the Common Council. Prior to the Council's vote, the recommended slate of projects is published in The Daily Freeman followed by a thirty-day public review and comment period. Following the comment period, the Common Council votes on the annual slate of activities and the Community Development Director submits the final plan to HUD for approval in May.
Annually, the City of Kingston ("City") receives an Entitlement Grant allocation through the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development's ("HUD's") Community Development Block Grant ("CDBG") Program. In accordance with the administration of the CDBG Entitlement funding, the City's Office of Economic & Community Development has prepared a five-year Consolidated Plan which serves as the long-range plan for spending the City's annual CDBG allocations. This plan sets forth community needs, long-range program goals, specific program objectives, annual goals and benchmarks for measuring the program's progress.
The primary objective of the CDBG program is to benefit persons of low and moderate income. By regulation, the City must allocate at least 70% of its annual CDBG funding on activities that benefit persons of low and moderate income, households, and neighborhoods.
For further information, please contact Brenna Robinson in the Office of Economic and Community Development at (845) 334-3924, or email her at
Upcoming Municipal Meetings
Monday, December 18th
Civil Service Commission
City Hall
Planning Board
City Hall
Tuesday, December 19th
Downtown Revitalization Initiative Open House
The Kirkland
Downtown Revitalization Initiative Public Workshop
The Kirkland
Wednesday, December 20th
Live Well Kingston Commission
City Hall, Conference Room #1
Police Commission
City Hall
Climate Smart Kingston Commission
City Hall, Conference Room #2
Water Board
Water Department Offices
Comprehensive Plan Zoning Sub-Committee
City Hall, Council Chambers
Thursday, December 21st
Laws and Rules Committee
City Hall, Conference Room #1
Friday, December 22nd
Christmas Eve Observed
City Hall Closed
Service Update:
Transfer Station Hours:
- Friday, December 22nd- 9:00am - 1:00pm
- Saturday, December 23rd- Closed
To stay up to date on all municipal meetings each month, check out our monthly calendar
here. Most meeting agendas and minutes can be found
Kingston Happenings
The City of Kingston often receives requests to share upcoming events happening in our community. Our partners at
do an excellent job of centralizing this community information. So while our website is the best resource to gain information about City of Kingston sponsored events and important municipal information, Kingston Happenings can give you a greater preview of community events. Check them out today!