June 21, 2019 - In This Issue:
A Message From Mayor Steve Noble:
We have lots of great news this week, including completed paving work!
I held a press conference on Monday at the Fuller Building in the future space of Exago, a local tech company. The Fuller Building sits in an intersection that represents larger growth and revitalization in Midtown.
Where Pine Grove Ave,
Broadway and
Prince Street meet is a great example of various projects that are coming together to reinvigorate the area. The YMCA, which recently secured a $3 million grant for capital improvements, will only become a more invaluable asset to the community. The City's acquisition of the property at 490 Broadway with plans to raze it, will improve a dangerous intersection while adding public green space. The Broadway corridor will be getting a major makeover and renovation next year
with new sidewalks, lighting, street furniture, and bicycle facilities, via the
Broadway Streetscape Project
Pine Grove Avenue is a part of the Jacob's Valley Storm Sewer Improvements Project, which will repair infrastructure and cease flooding under the CSX overpass on Broadway.
The intersection is a microcosm of the investment, vision and revitalization happening in the greater Midtown area, and I'm proud of the work we've done in this neighborhood during my administration.
Renovated Fuller Building is Fully Leased and a Sign of Emerging Midtown Revitalization
Mayor Steve Noble and Architect Scott Dutton are pleased to announce that the Fuller Building at 45 Pine Grove Avenue is fully committed and leased. The 113-year old building which formerly housed the Fuller Shirt Factory, is being restored by the adaptive reuse specialists at Dutton Architecture. The 68,000 square foot building will be home to a dozen creative design and professional businesses.
Exago, a business intelligence software company currently located in Uptown, will be adding 10-20 new employees by the end of 2019, with more each year after, and expanding into a larger office in the Fuller Building. Exago is expected to move into the 8,900 square foot space by the end of the year.
"It's exciting to see a company recognize that Midtown is a great place in our City to work and grow a business. This moment marks for Midtown what we have all wanted to see for this overlooked part of our community. The regrowth is happening block by block, storefront by storefront, and in this case, huge building by huge building," said Mayor Steve Noble. "Scott's work on the Canfield and Metro buildings and his vision for the Fuller Building have given new energy to a part of Midtown that had been under-utilized until recently. If you look out the windows of the Fuller Building, you see the work we've done over the last few years, which really proves how bringing together private and public partnerships can improve our neighborhoods."
Exago's move and the success of the Fuller Building represent the neighborhood's revitalization - with a municipal focus on Midtown through infrastructure investment, job creation strategy, and adaptive re-use of existing structures. One of the Mayor Noble's larger initiatives has been to invest in smart and sustainable growth of Midtown.
Hear more on this week's Mondays with the Mayor radio show. You can listen to the radio show live each week on Radio Kingston 107.9 or online at 3:30pm on Mondays.
Scott Dutton, Stew Meyers and Mayor Noble at the future Exago space in the Fuller Building
Fourth of July Celebration and Fireworks Announced
The City of Kingston's Fourth of July celebration is such a great opportunity to welcome families to our beautiful waterfront for a fun and kid-friendly event. I hope that everyone will come out and enjoy the food, music and the spectacular fireworks
on Thursday, July 4 at Kingston's Downtown Waterfront. Food vendors will be set up starting at 4:00pm with live music from 5:00-9:00pm at T.R. Gallo Park.
The music lineup, presented by 92.9 WBPM, Rondout Savings Bank, The Reis Group, and WMC Health Alliance Hospital, includes:
5:00pm - Ivory Rose
6:30pm - Geezüs Butlers
(Arena Rock)
8:00pm - Mister Kick
(Dance Rock, R&B & Hits)
After the music performances, I will welcome the crowd at 9:15pm, followed by a Color Guard flag presentation and the national anthem. The fireworks display, presented by Mainetti & Mainetti, PC and O'Connor & Partners PLLC, will begin at 9:30pm, launched from the Wurts Street (Old Rt. 9W) Bridge. The best view is between the Route 9W Bridge and the Wurts Street Bridge at lower Broadway and T.R. Gallo Park.
Juneteenth Celebration in Hasbrouck Park
On Saturday, I had the pleasure of attending Kingston's seventh annual Juneteenth Celebration, which commemorates African Americans' freedom from slavery. This wonderful event
featured art, dance, music, storytelling, children's activities, educational programs, performances, food and more.
The Juneteenth Celebration is held at Hasbrouck Park and is sponsored by the A.J. Williams-Myers African Roots Center, Harambee, E.N.J.A.N., and New Progressive Baptist Church.
Another Round of Paving is Completed
Another round of paving is in the books! This week, DPW finished up paving Newkirk Avenue, Hanratty Street, Delaware Ave from Corporate Drive to the intersection of 9-W, Hasbrouck Ave from Delaware Ave to East Chester Street, and Broadway under the CSX overpass. The streets look great!
The next round of paving in 2019 will be announced in July.
Paving on Newkirk Ave.
Hodge Center Students Walk 100 Miles
The Everette Hodge Center's
"Walking School Bus" has traveled a half mile from the George Washington Elementary School to the Hodge Center for almost 200 program days, bringing their total to 100 walked miles this school year!
I was there to see the kids cross the finish line for their 100 mile mark.
These intrepid students walked in
rain, snow and sunshine. Along with Emily Flynn, the City's Health and Wellness Director, I presented the students with a certificate for their incredible accomplishment. We love to see these happy, healthy faces!
Kingston Happenings
The City of Kingston often receives requests to share upcoming events happening in our community. Our partners at
do an excellent job of centralizing this community information. So while our website is the best resource to gain information about City of Kingston sponsored events and important municipal information, Kingston Happenings can give you a greater preview of community events. Check them out today!