September 18, 2020 - In This Issue:
A Message From Mayor Steve Noble:

Dear Friends,

There are less than two weeks left to take the 2020 Census. We would appreciate everyone's help in spreading the word to friends and neighbors in the home stretch. Taking the census is enormously important to the health and well-being of the community. The census count determines how many representatives each state will have in Congress for the next 10 years and how much federal funding communities will receive for roads, schools, housing and social programs. Make sure you're counted! 

Please continue to stay safe, and take care. 
Re-envision Public Safety Task Force Appointees Announced

Mayor Noble, along with Lester Strong and the Peaceful Guardians Project, are pleased to announce the selection of the Re-envision Public Safety Task Force members.

The Re-envision Public Safety Task Force will be made up of ten City of Kingston residents, the Chief of Police Egidio Tinti, Common Council liaison Alderman Tony Davis, and Minya DeJohnette as the Police Commission liaison. The residents who have been selected to serve on the task force are:

Beetle Bailey
Jimmy Buff
Andrea Callan
Raquel Derrick
Daniel Gruner
Donald Mapes, Jr.
David McNamara
Naimah Muhammad
Manuel Blas Sánchez
Amy Shapiro
The Re-envision Public Safety Task Force will have meetings twice a month from September to March, which includes two public forums where the community can offer input and feedback. The public forums will be held on October 28 and December 16, 2020 from 6:00-8:00pm, with location details to be announced at a later date.
"I want to first thank everyone who volunteered for the task force," said Mayor Noble. "I look forward to working with the individuals who were selected, each of which brings unique perspective and expertise to the table. We had a strong response and recognize that this is an issue that many in our community are passionate about. This is a defining moment for the City, and will make sure there is ample opportunity for the greater public's input as well."
"We have assembled a great group of volunteers who are committed to tackling a complex issue with thoughtful dialogue," said Lester Strong, Executive Director of Peaceful Guardians Project. "We are all eager to get started and begin these conversations that will have lasting impact on our community."
"The Special Policing Committee and Common Council look forward to supporting the Task Force in their endeavor to re-imagine and re-envision public safety in our communities by continuing to explore innovative ways to obtain a more fair and equitable society," said Alderwoman Rita Worthington, Ward 4.  
The Re-Envision Public Safety Task Force will address law enforcement-community relations, use-of-force policies, procedural justice, systemic racial bias, and practices that may contribute to racial disparity in the community, among other issues. The task force will review current police force policies, procedures, and practices, and develop a plan for any necessary improvements, with a focus on the needs of the community and fostering trust. The task force will work to provide a comprehensive plan, which must be ratified by April 1, 2021.
KPD Update on Law Enforcement Partnership

The Kingston Police Department issued the following law enforcement partnership update this week: 

At the monthly Kingston Police Commission meeting, the Chief gave an update on the law enforcement partnership currently underway throughout the City. The partnership consists of the members of the Kingston Police Department, the New York State Police, the Ulster County Sheriff's Office and the Ulster County District Attorney's Office. The focused purpose of the partnership is to get guns and drugs off the streets and out of the neighborhoods in Kingston.

The update included the following results, as of September 16:

728 Traffic Stops
368 Traffic Tickets
624 Warnings
19 Arrests for DWI/DWAI
18 Arrests for Outstanding Warrants (Arrest and Bench)
93 Arrests for Drugs/Guns
132 Total Arrests (May not include some arrests by NYSP and UCSO)

If anyone has any important information that they would like to share with us, we encourage the use of our anonymous tip lineIn addition, the daily list of calls for service handled by our department can be found on the City of Kingston website hereIf you have any questions, comments or concerns please contact Chief Tinti at or at (845) 943 5766. You may also contact members of the Kingston Police Commission at

Help us make our community safer.
"Vets on Water" Kayaking Tour

The Hudson Valley Center for Veteran Reintegration (HVCVR) took a kayaking trip, led by veterans, down the Hudson River from Albany to New York City, totaling approximately 315 miles. The paddling veterans stopped in Kingston on Tuesday and were greeted by the Mayor and the County Executive among others. 

The mission of Vets on Water trip is to bring awareness to the needs of the veteran community in the battle against suicide, and homelessness. To help HVCVR raise desperately-needed funding to continue its programs, the HVCVR hopes that many kayakers will join in on this adventure and help share its message of awareness! 

To learn more about the HVCVR, please visit or

Take the 2020 Census before September 30

The 2020 Census is happening now through the end of September. You can complete your questionnaire online, by phone, or by mail. The 2020 Census asks a few simple questions about you and everyone who was living with you on April 1, 2020. It's quick, easy and is hugely important to our community when it comes to funding and representation! 

Learn more about the benefits of taking the Census here:
Employment Opportunity: Water Treatment Plant Mechanic

The City is seeking qualified applicants to fill a vacancy at the Kingston wastewater treatment plant. The position involves responsibility for performing skilled operation, maintenance and repair activities related to a municipal wastewater treatment plant and pump stations/CSOs. The mechanic will perform building maintenance and repair to WWTP, pump stations and other equipment and will oversee other mechanics and laborers at the water treatment plant. 
Interested applicants should have good knowledge of the principles and practices of installation, operation, maintenance and repair of machinery and equipment used in a wastewater treatment plant and pumping stations/CSOs. Good knowledge of principles and practices of building maintenance and repair, tools used in the maintenance and repair of a wastewater treatment plant, pumping station, wastewater collection systems and buildings. Must have the ability to keep records and logs, understand and follow oral and written instructions and must be dependable.

Please visit for more information on applying. 
Chalk the Walk Event on September 26

Organized by the Play Well focus team of the Live Well Kingston commission, a "Chalk the Walk" event brings together local organizations for sidewalk activities on the Worldwide Day of Play, Saturday, September 26, 2020. Each organization will decorate their sidewalk with temporary chalk and create an activity that kids can participate with at their own convenience while socially distanced.  
 Participating organizations include: 

The Kingston Public Library, 55 Franklin Street, a "hot Lava" obstacle course, counting, jumping jacks, stomping and following the line (pictured below). 
 The AJ Williams-Myers African Roots Center, 43 Gill St, will host "Creative Chalk & Sidewalk Play" in collaboration with Wild Earth on Saturday from 1-4pm. The program includes hopscotch, original art, and creative play activities plus snack packs, juice boxes, and free masks.
261 Fearless, which uses running and physical activity to empower and unite women, will decorate part of the Dietz Stadium Road between Forsyth Park and the locker rooms with a sidewalk obstacle course to encourage movement. 
The Little Free Library #98089 22 Sharon Lane will have a sidewalk activity course.
The Rondout Neighborhood Center, 105 Broadway, will decorate their sidewalks with the children who are participating in the "Drop-In School Support Program" remote learning at the Center. 
 The YMCA of Kingston and Ulster, 507 Broadway, Saturday from 12-4pm will decorate the brand new sidewalks on Broadway and near the childcare entrance with messages of hope, games and designs of your creation. The event is fun for all ages.
 Artport, 108 E. Strand Street, is a part of Art Walk Kingston, stop by and meet Roberta Ziemba, educator and artist and decorate the sidewalk  from 12-5:00pm.
 Arts Society of Kingston (ASK), 97 Broadway, will participate from 12-5:00pm.   
In addition, the community is invited to design a temporary decoration and join the fun! Post pictures of your creations with the following tags to participate: #KingstonChalktheWalk #PlayWellKingston #WorldwideDayofPlay 
Mayor Noble's Tuesday & Thursday Live Updates

Mayor Noble has been live on Radio Kingston since mid-March to give the latest information about Coronavirus and issues effecting the community. These updates also stream on the City of Kingston Facebook page. 

This week, there was no Thursday update, due to a public meeting. Click below to watch Tuesday's update. 
Roadwork Update

Broadway Streetscape: work continued this week with more curb, sidewalk, and bioswale installations on the south side of Broadway. More light poles were installed from the CSX underpass toward Cedar St. Work has started on the north side from Dederick Street heading west. More light pole installations are scheduled for next week on the south side. 

Central Hudson: this week, work for the final pipe connection on Pearl Street occurred between Wall Street and Emerson Street. On Friday, crews moved to the intersections of Highland Ave & East Chester and the intersection of Wood & Clifton Ave. Service installation with full services to be completed at the intersection of the Kingston Catholic School as well. 

I-587 Roundaboutwork continues for highway drainage installation, sewer main, and curb placement excavation throughout the project limits, as well as the Broadway slip ramp. Installation of conduit and permanent foundations for highway lighting will continue with paving scheduled for the week of September 21. As always, use caution when navigating the site and expect minor delays.

Empire State Trailwork continued on retaining wall as well as shoulder work along Route 32. 
Fresh concrete on Broadway this week
Kingston 311
The Kingston 311 app, website and phone system allow residents to quickly and easily report issues and submit service requests. The Kingston 311 app, available for Android & iPhones, is a fast and simple way to connect to City officials in non-emergency situations. 

This system is a valuable resource to submit service requests for streetlight replacement, roadwork, City signage, traffic calming measures and other concerns. Issues with snow removal and reporting of vehicles and sidewalks not in accordance with the Snow Emergency restrictions can also be submitted via Kingston 311. Photos can also be attached to illustrate service orders. Dial 311 from any phone within City limits to reach us. 
Sent on behalf of:
Mayor Steven T. Noble

The purpose of this newsletter is to share important information, project updates, pictures and news from the City of Kingston. For more detailed information, visit: