City of Kingston
Mayor's Message

Dear Friends, 
It was an exciting weekend here in Kingston as we celebrated the grand opening of Smorgasburg. The outdoor market attracted thousands of residents and visitors, all of whom seemed eager to explore the adaptive reuse of the great Hutton Brickyards and enjoy a wide variety of foods and crafts offered by local and regional vendors. We look forward to working with the event organizers to address some of the traffic issues that came up, so please continue to check the City's website, Facebook page and your local newspapers as we send any updates that may impact traffic patterns. 

I am also excited to announce our first ever community-based budget forum coming up next week. While we are just barely halfway through the year, it is time for us to plan for 2017. I encourage each of you to join me as we launch the budget process and review our upcoming opportunities and challenges. 



City of Kingston Budget Forum
Thursday, August 18th at 6:00pm
City Hall

Mayor Steve Noble is pleased to announce the City's first ever community-based budget forum, scheduled for next Thursday, August 18th at 6:00pm at City Hall. This is an excellent way to learn more about how the City's budget is created each year and to participate in the process through interactive work groups. 

RSVP to our Facebook event so you can get a preview of the discussion topics before the event. 

Kingston Welcomes Smorgasburg Upstate

The Ulster County Regional Chamber of Commerce joined local elected officials and event organizers to officially open the market.


Aldermen Koop, Carey, Brown, Schabot and Davis all came to support the new market

Opening Day Ceremony
Opening Day Ceremony

Video provided by Kingston News

Upcoming Municipal Meetings

Tuesday, August 9th
Pike Plan Commission
Two Ravens (316 Wall St.)

Conservation Advisory Council
City Hall, Conference Room #1

Wednesday, August 10th
Water Board
Water Department Office

Thursday, August 11th
City Hall, Conference Room #1

For an up to date listing of meetings, check out our  Meetings Calendar

Most agendas and minutes can be found here:  Agendas and Minutes
Kingston's Movies Under the Stars Presents:

Film: "Finding Nemo"
Rating: G
Date: Friday, August 12th
Time: 8:30pm
Location: Loughran Park

Stay up to date- RSVP to our  Facebook Event
Local Teen Honored for Efforts to Feed Kingston Children
Reid Jordan, a 17 year old Kingston resident, was recently honored for his multi-year efforts to provide children participating in summer programming in the Kingston area with healthy snacks and meals. Reid, a member of the travelling basketball team "Kingston Komets", works with his teammates and friends to hold annual food drives and fundraising events to supplement summer meals for children participating in the YMCA's Camp Starfish and programming at the City of Kingston's Everette Hodge Community Center. 

Reid Jordan and Mayor Noble taking questions from the kids

Reid accepting handmade bracelets from the kids as a thank you for his efforts

The group celebrating together

Mayor Noble speaking to the children about the importance of helping others

Mayor Noble meeting some of Kingston's youngest citizens
Frequently Asked Questions

What can I pay online?
You can pay your parking tickets, water bill, property taxes and park reservations online. Our website will walk you through the process  

Is it a recycling week? Or is yard waste picked up this week? 
Our Department of Public Works refuse and recycling schedule can be found 

How do I contact my alderman?
A full listing of Common Council members, including contact information and assigned committees can be found  

Is the City hiring?
All employment opportunities and exam announcements can be found 

Have a question? E-mail us and we'll work to get it answered ASAP. It may even be featured under this FAQs section! 
Mayor Steven T. Noble | City of Kingston | 845.334.3902 |  
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