City of Kingston
Mayor's Message

Dear Friends,

The City of Kingston needs your help! There are openings on a number of our commissions and advisory boards and we need talented and dedicated volunteers to join our team. Over the next few weeks, I will be highlighting the efforts of each of these commissions and boards, along with the general responsibilities and time commitments required. If you have ever wondered how to get involved in local government and make a difference in our community, this is the opportunity for you!

For a listing of boards and commissions, check out this link.

Already know where you want to volunteer? Fill out an application

City of Kingston's Parks and Recreation Department Presents

48th Annual Children's Day Parade
Friday, July 8th at 6:00pm
(Line up begins at 4:45pm at Pine Grove Avenue)

This year's theme: LEGOS!

For more information, check out our press release  here.

Upcoming Municipal Meetings

Wednesday, July 6th
Police Commission
Kingston Police Department

Laws and Rules Committee
City Hall, Conference Room #1

Thursday, July 7th
Pike Plan Commission
Redwood Restaurant

Historic Landmarks Preservation Commission
City Hall, Conference Room #2

Friday, July 8th
Zoning Board of Appeals
City Hall

For an up to date listing of meetings, check out our  Meetings Calendar

Most agendas and minutes can be found here:  Agendas and Minutes

Schedule Change

Please be advised that City Hall will be operating on summer hours in July and August. During this time, City Hall will be open 9:00am-4:00pm.  

Thank you!

City of Kingston Celebrates 4th of July in Style

The 4th of July celebration at Kingston's Downtown Waterfront featured wonderful live performances from area musicians, delicious food from local businesses, and, of course, fireworks!

(Photo Courtesy of Mayor Steve Noble)

(Photo courtesy of The Kingston News)

(Photo courtesy of The Kingston News)

For a full listing of sponsors and performers, check out last week's press release here.
Just Around the Corner....

Kingston's Movies Under the Stars Presents:

Film: "Little Giants"
Rating: PG
Date: Friday, July 15th
Time: 8:30pm
Location: Dietz Stadium

Stay up to date- RSVP to our  Facebook Event
"Welcome to Our Hometown" Photo of the Week
Submitted by: Nancy Chando
About Welcome to Our Hometown
The City of Kingston is continuing to seek photos for use in its annual visitor's guide, website and social media sites. These photos will be used for the purposes of tourism, community engagement, economic and community development and other content directly related to the City of Kingston.

Frequently Asked Questions

What can I pay online?
You can pay your parking tickets, water bill, property taxes and park reservations online. Our website will walk you through the process  

Is it a recycling week? Or is yard waste picked up this week? 
Our Department of Public Works refuse and recycling schedule can be found 

How do I contact my alderman?
A full listing of Common Council members, including contact information and assigned committees can be found  

Is the City hiring?
All employment opportunities and exam announcements can be found 

Have a question? E-mail us and we'll work to get it answered ASAP. It may even be featured under this FAQs section! 
Mayor Steven T. Noble | City of Kingston | 845.334.3902 |  
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