City of Kingston
Mayor's Message

Dear Friends,

The storm that hit our area this weekend was short but powerful, leaving behind it a path of downed trees, branches and wires. I want to thank our Department of Public Works who worked in partnership with Central Hudson to clear as much debris as possible so that roads could be reopened and power could be restored. In addition, both our Police and Fire Departments responded to a great number of calls related to the storm. Thankfully, there were no reports of serious injury and most customers had their power restored within 24 hours.
Besides the detours due to tree removal this weekend, traffic patterns in Kingston, particularly on Broadway, have undergone some major shifts over the past few weeks. Construction season is upon us and while it is challenging to have our main thoroughfare severely limited, the work being done is essential to sustain and improve our infrastructure and to avoid even more costly repairs down the road. I understand that these detours present more than just added time to our commutes; for our local businesses and residents in the immediate vicinity of these major projects, the impact can be far greater. Over the next few weeks, I will be outlining a few of our current and upcoming capital projects so that each of you can understand why they are happening, how they may impact your neighborhood, and how this work will improve the infrastructure we all rely on.
Thank you for your patience while we continue to build a stronger city!  


Upcoming Municipal Meetings

Tuesday, July 12th
Zoning Board of Appeals
City Hall

Wednesday, July 20th
Mayor's Public Hearing
City Hall, Council Chambers

Finance and Audit Committee
City Hall, Conference Room 1

Thursday, July 21th
Kingston Local Development Corporation (KLDC)
City Hall, Mayor's Conference Room

Parks and Recreation Commission
Hasbrouck Park

For an up to date listing of meetings, check out our  Meetings Calendar

Most agendas and minutes can be found here:  Agendas and Minutes

More Kingston Homes to Go Solar!

RUPCO, GRID Alternatives First Home Solar Installation in Kingston
RUPCO, GRID Alternatives First Home Solar Installation in Kingston

RUPCO, in partnership with GRID Alternatives and the City of Kingston, has recently announced a new program to assist eligible local residents to install solar panels on their homes. The team, including YouthBuild, recently held a joint press conference and showcased the solar installation process. Residents interested in learning more about the program should call Michael D'Arcy, RUPCO's Green Jobs Green New York Program Manager, at 845-331-2140 Ext: 267 or email:

Before the installation

Installation in progress

Solar installation complete!

Kingston's Movies Under the Stars Presents:

Film: "The Theory of Everything" 
Rating: PG-13
Date: Friday, July 29th
Time: 8:30pm
Location: Wall St. 

Stay up to date- RSVP to our  Facebook Event

Community Spotlight

The Food Bank Farm Stand's Chef Challenge at the People's Place 
was an amazing success. The event brought chefs from around the region and challenged them to create meals using the items available at the free farm stand hosted at the People's Place each Tuesday morning (beginning at 9:00 am.) The results were both tasty and nutritious. By the end of the morning, hundreds of people had watched the exciting challenge and left with bags full of free produce to create their own healthy meals.

Pictured above: Christine Hein, Executive Director of the People's Place, Mayor Steve Noble, and Tim Hurley, President of the People's Place Board of Directors. 

The Caring Hands Soup Kitchen, with Chef Dave Lowrie representing.

Another chef preparing a masterpiece. 

The fresh fruit and vegetables were perfect on the hot summer day.
Frequently Asked Questions

What can I pay online?
You can pay your parking tickets, water bill, property taxes and park reservations online. Our website will walk you through the process  

Is it a recycling week? Or is yard waste picked up this week? 
Our Department of Public Works refuse and recycling schedule can be found 

How do I contact my alderman?
A full listing of Common Council members, including contact information and assigned committees can be found  

Is the City hiring?
All employment opportunities and exam announcements can be found 

Have a question? E-mail us and we'll work to get it answered ASAP. It may even be featured under this FAQs section! 
Mayor Steven T. Noble | City of Kingston | 845.334.3902 |  
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