June 14, 2018 - In This Issue:
A Message From Mayor Steve Noble:
Dear Friends,

This week's issue reminds you to join us for the 13th Annual Midtown Make a Difference Day this Saturday. It's a really special day and I hope you will stop by for lunch, visit the participating community organizations, and reconnect with neighbors. We also have a preview of additional upcoming events, including the 50th Annual Children's Day Parade and the annual 4th of July Celebration and Fireworks.

As you will also see in this week's issue, we are seeking applicants to serve on the  Board of Directors  for our newly established Kingston City Land Bank. If you are passionate about improving housing conditions and maintaining affordability in our community, please consider applying. 

13th Annual Midtown Make a Difference Day

Join us for our 13th Annual Midtown Make a Difference Day on Saturday, June 16th, 11:00am-3:00pm, on Franklin Street!

Midtown Make a Difference Day is a free event open to all community members. The event includes food, music, children's activities, fitness workshops, and much more!

This year's event will include:
  • Master of Ceremonies, Ashley Knox, Founder of Go Beyond Greatness
  • Music spun all day by DJ Dre Black
  • Performances by the Center for Creative Education's Energy and P.O.O.K.
  • Poetry readings and other performances by youth from the Everette Hodge Community Center
  • And much more!  
Local not for profits and community groups are encouraged to register as exhibitors at the event and to provide information and interactive activities on a variety of topics including health, education, employment, legal, recreation and more. Exhibitor registration, which is free, is now open and can be completed at:  https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/MMADD2018. To download the registration form instead,  click here.

This free event is made possible thanks to the work of partnering agencies and volunteers, as well as community sponsors. Thank you to this year's sponsors:
Bruderhof Communities;  Radio Kingston;  The Institute for Family Health; and  HealthAlliance Hospitals, members of the Westchester Medical Center Health Network (WMCHealth)  

For more information, please contact Megan Weiss-Rowe at mweiss@kingston-ny.gov or at 845-334-3964.
Mayor Steve Noble Seeks Applicants to Serve on New 
Kingston City Land Bank Board of Directors

Mayor Steve Noble is now accepting applications from Kingston residents interested in serving on the Board of Directors of the City's newly established Kingston City Land Bank.

The Kingston City Land Bank has been formed with the purpose of acquiring title to city-owned and other distressed properties in the City of Kingston, removing barriers to redevelopment, and returning the properties to the tax rolls. The key priorities of the Kingston City Land Bank will be to ensure that the reuse of these properties provides opportunities for homeownership for those who might not otherwise be afforded such opportunity, to maintain a range of affordability in the city's housing stock, and to guide the redevelopment of properties to enhance neighborhoods and suit the needs of the residents of those neighborhoods.

"My administration is absolutely committed to improving access to good quality, affordable housing, to addressing deteriorating housing conditions that are negatively impacting our neighborhoods, and to returning properties to the tax rolls," said Mayor Noble. "The launch of the Kingston City Land Bank is one of the most significant and effective actions the City of Kingston has made in advancing housing conditions and affordability in decades. We have a tremendous amount of work ahead of us and we need a strong Board of Directors to help lead this effort."

As per the Kingston City Land Bank's by-laws, the entire Board of Directors will consist of nine (9) Directors, all of whom are City of Kingston residents. In addition to six members from the public to be appointed by the Mayor, the Board will include the Deputy Chief in charge of the Building Safety Division or his/her appointee, a member of the Kingston Planning Board selected by a full vote of the Planning Board, and the Mayor. Two (2) community members from each of the City of Kingston's three (3) County Legislative Districts will be appointed. Upon the Board's inception, one Director from each legislative district shall serve one (1) two-year term and one Director shall serve one (1) three-year term. Subsequent terms shall be three years.

To apply to serve on the Board of Directors of the Kingston City Land Bank, individuals should pick up and return their application to the Mayor's Office in City Hall, located at 420 Broadway. Applications may also be downloaded by visiting www.kingston-ny.gov or submitted electronically at: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/KingstonBoards. Applications for this volunteer opportunity are due by Friday, June 29th.

For general questions about the Kingston City Land Bank, please contact Brenna Robinson, Director of Economic and Community Development, at 845-334-3924 or at brobinson@kingston-ny.gov. 
City of Kingston Recognizes Hunger Awareness Day
Community Organizations Seek Volunteers

Photo courtesy of People's Place

On June 6th, Mayor Noble issued a proclamation in recognition of National Hunger Awareness Day. The Mayor read this proclamation at a Volunteer Orientation hosted at the Everette Hodge Community Center, where prospective volunteers were learning about local hunger relief efforts happening in Kingston. Representatives from Family of Woodstock, Inc., UlsterCorps, People's Place, Feed HV, Farm to Food Pantry Collaborative, and Angel Food East provided an overview of their current programs and the critical services they provide and described their volunteer needs. 

In addition, the City of Kingston is currently renovating its kitchen facilities at the Hodge Center in order to facilitate the preparation and distribution of thousands of meals this summer for youth participating in programming throughout the City, as well as the meals prepared for youth at the Hodge and Rondout Centers during the school year.  Individuals interested in volunteering can contact Kevin Rowe, Program Manager for Volunteer Services- Hunger Relief Initiatives at Family of Woodstock, Inc. at 845-331-1110 or  krowe@familyofwoodstockinc.org. 
Save the Date: July 4th
Independence Day Celebration & Fireworks

Save the Date for the City of Kingston's Annual 4th of July Celebration and Fireworks! The festivities will take place on Wednesday, July 4th along Kingston's beautiful Waterfront and will include live entertainment and fireworks. Entertainment begins around 4:00pm and fireworks will be set off at 9:30pm.

Check back next week for more information!
50th Annual Children's Day Parade
Friday, July 6th

Join the Kingston Parks and Recreation Department as we celebrate the 50th Annual Children's Day Parade! This year's theme is "50 Years of Family Films!" We will take a fun look back at children's movies over the past 50 years. 

Line up for the parade will begin at 4:30, with a first come first serve basis on Pine Grove Avenue, and will end at the Kingston Plaza, where we will celebrate the parade's 50th birthday with hot dogs & cupcakes for all participants! 

If you are interested in joining us for the parade complete the application and make sure to submit it by June 21st to the Kingston Parks and Recreation Department to secure your spot. We are excited to celebrate the children of our community so get creative and have fun! For more information call us at 845-481-7330.
Kingston Parks and Recreation Hosts Senior Picnic
Friday, June 15th

YMCA Farm Stand Opens

Mayor Noble was excited to be the first customer at the opening day of the Farm Stand at the YMCA Farm Project. The Farm Stand is located  at the entrance to the YMCA and is open every Thursday, 3:30-6:00pm, offering local, fresh and organically grown vegetables.
Mondays with the Mayor on Radio Kingston

Mayor Noble interviewing DEC Commissioner Basil Seggos

Learn more about City of Kingston projects, programs and activities by tuning in to Mondays with the Mayor on  Radio Kingston (1490AM) each week at 3:30pm. 

Mayor Noble recently took his show on the road to the DEC Headquarters in Albany, where he interviewed DEC Commissioner Basil Seggos. 
Kingston Happenings
The City of Kingston often receives requests to share upcoming events happening in our community. Our partners at 
KingstonHappenings.org  do an excellent job of centralizing this community information. So while our website is the best resource to gain information about City of Kingston sponsored events and important municipal information, Kingston Happenings can give you a greater preview of community events. Check them out today!
Sent on behalf of:
Mayor Steven T. Noble

The purpose of this newsletter is to share important information, project updates, pictures and news from the City of Kingston. For more detailed information, visit: