City of Kingston
Mayor's Message

Dear Friends, 
The 2017 budget planning process is in full swing and our online survey is open for one more week. I urge each of you to take a few moments and give me feedback as to what you see as your priorities, concerns, suggestions and ideas. I am reviewing the responses now and the comments have been very helpful, so please make sure your voice is heard!

This week's issue also includes our joint announcement with the Kingston Local Development Corporation as we launch two important efforts to assist our local business community. We are committed to continuing to find creative and innovative strategies to help attract and support new and existing businesses, so please share these resources with those who may be interested. 

On a final note, I want to acknowledge all of those in our community who organized and participated in local ceremonies held on the 15th anniversary of the tragic September 11th attacks. I cannot articulate how humbled I was to participate in these important events, surrounded by our local first responders. All I can say is thank you.

City of Kingston Welcomes Joe Chenier as Superintendent of DPW

Mayor Steve Noble is pleased to introduce local resident Joe Chenier as the new Superintendent of the Department of Public Works. Joe will begin next Monday, September 19th, and is looking forward to working with Department staff to serve our community! 

The full press release announcing this position can be  found  here. 

Last Chance to Participate in the 
2017 Community Survey on Budget Priorities

As a follow up to Kingston's first community budget forum,  the City has  launched a short survey to solicit feedback from community members about their priorities in regards to the budget and services. This anonymous and confidential survey takes only a few moments to complete. The results of this survey will be made available to the Mayor and the Common Council so that they may use this input as they craft and revise the proposed 2017 budget, as well as future budgets.

Please take the short survey here. 

The survey will be open until this Friday, September 16th.
Overhaul of North Front St. Lot Begins

Work on the second of two municipal parking
lots on  North Front St. has begun  this week.
The lot, located next to Redwood Restaurant, will be closed for  approximately one month, beginning this week. Like its neighboring lot  across the street, this project  will utilize green infrastructure, including the 
installation of surfacing intended to prevent  storm water from running into the nearby  Esopus Creek. Alternative parking may be  found at Dietz Stadium (with the exception of  permit-only parking spaces) and at the  Kingston Plaza. 
New and Expanded Kingston Local Development Corporation Initiatives Announced to Support Local Businesses

Mayor Noble and the Kingston Local Development Corporation (KLDC) are excited to announce two significant efforts to support the City's small business community! These efforts include a city-wide facade improvement program and a revitalized Micro Enterprise Lending Program. 

The full press release announcing these programs can be found here.

Mayor Noble Announces Request for Qualifications for Three City-owned Properties
Developers Conference to be held this Thursday

Mayor Steve Noble is pleased to announce the release of a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) for three separate parcels owned by the City of Kingston. 

The parcels are identified in the RFQ as the "Former Uptown Parking Garage Site" (21 North Front St. and Odd Side of Schwenk Drive, SBL# 48.80-1-26); "North Front Street Parking Lot, North Side" (65-77 North Front St., SBL #48.314-2-16); and "North Front Street Parking Lot, South Side" (72-82 North Front St., SBL # 48.330-3-3(4)(5); 178 Green St., SBL #48.330-3-29; 69-71 Crown St., SBL #48.330-3-9.) 

The City is seeking a highly qualified developer to propose signature mixed-use project(s) which will enhance and complement the current structures and use patterns existent in the neighborhood. The City is seeking responses which will enhance the Uptown Business District's viability through the expansion of housing/lodging and commercial/retail opportunities. The proposals should reflect the administration's vision for a vibrant urban project which creates a sense of place sufficient to knit the proposed project with the surround historic district and nearby historic properties. The City will consider these parcels separately or jointly. 

A Developers Conference has been scheduled for this Thursday, September 15, 2016 at 1:00pm at 21 North Front St. 

The RFQ is due to the Purchasing Office at City Hall on October 27, 2016 at 11:00am.

Additional Information:

Mayor Noble's Full Press Release
Request for Qualifications
RFQ Question Form

Upcoming Municipal Meetings

Tuesday, September 13th 
Pike Plan Commission
Stella's Restaurant 

Conservation Advisory Council
City Hall, Conference Room #1

Kingston Common Council
City Hall, Council Chambers

Wednesday, September 14th
Electrical Examiners Board
Central Fire Station

Water Board
Kingston Water Department

Human Rights Commission
City Hall, Conference Room #2

Finance and Audit Committee
City Hall, Conference Room #1

Thursday, September 15th
Ethics Board
City Hall, Conference Room #1

For an up to date listing of meetings, check out our  Meetings Calendar

Most agendas and minutes can be found here:  Agendas and Minutes
Through the Mayor's Lens

The Hudson River Maritime Museum showcased the world's largest Viking ship built in modern times this past weekend. The 115-foot Draken (or "Dragon" in Norwegian) docked late last week. Visitors had the opportunity to explore the ship on a deck tour. While there are no additional deck tours being offered this week, the ship will be docked until Thursday morning. 

For more information about events at the Hudson River Maritime Museum, visit
$133 Million Hospital Improvement & Conversion Project Announced

Health Alliance, a member of the WMCHealth  Network, announced on Thursday a new $133 Million Hospital Improvement and Conversion Project. The five year plan will include major construction and infrastructure improvements at both the Mary's Avenue and Broadway campuses, as well as a variety of new and expanded services. Mayor Noble is meeting with leadership of WMC Health and Health Alliance on a regular basis and will work with them to communicate 
any updates to the public as they become 

Check out a video from the press conference here.
Ulster County Regional Chamber of Commerce Welcomes "Kovo Rotisserie" to Uptown Kingston 

Photo posted by: Ward Todd

Find out more about the Ulster County Regional Chamber of Commerce here.

Save the Date

Frequently Asked Questions

What can I pay online?
You can pay your parking tickets, water bill, property taxes and park reservations online. Our website will walk you through the process  

Is it a recycling week? Or is yard waste picked up this week? 
Our Department of Public Works refuse and recycling schedule can be found 

How do I contact my alderman?
A full listing of Common Council members, including contact information and assigned committees can be found  

Is the City hiring?
All employment opportunities and exam announcements can be found 

Have a question? E-mail us and we'll work to get it answered ASAP. It may even be featured under this FAQs section! 
Mayor Steven T. Noble | City of Kingston | 845.334.3902 |  
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