December 2, 2016 - In This Issue:
A Message From Mayor Steve Noble:
Dear Friends,
With the annual "Made in Kingston" event just a few days away, I wanted to take a moment to acknowledge our small business community. This tremendous network of local businesses offer a diverse selection of high quality goods and services, making Kingston a remarkable place to live, work and visit. Please join us at next week's "Made in Kingston" to explore these businesses and remember to shop local this holiday season.
On another matter, I am pleased to announce Kingston's first pilot program to provide an amnesty period for late penalties on parking citations later this month. This program, modeled after the "Food for Fines" programs offered in other communities, will hopefully allow a great number of individuals to clear up their lingering parking tickets and start off fresh in 2017. While it is certainly not required, I hope that those who participate in this program to have their late penalties waived will consider bringing with them non-perishable food items. We are a community that takes care of one another, so please help us feed our neighbors this season.
Made in Kingston coming soon!
Local arts businesses will gather Thursday, Dec. 8th for an expo of all things made in Kingston at a new studio space under development in Midtown, the city's up-and-coming arts district.
The fourth annual
Made In Kingston event will be co-sponsored by the
City of Kingston, Kingston Midtown Arts District,
Arts Mid Hudson, the Business Alliance of Kingston and
TRANSART. The event continues the momentum that has been building since planning for a Midtown arts district began two years ago.
The 4 to 8 pm event is open to the public. In addition to more than four dozen artists, the evening will feature food, beverages and musical entertainment. Attendees will set up their wares on the 1st floor of Ferrovia Studios, an artist-owned and occupied former warehouse with entrances both at 17 Railroad Avenue and 22 Thomas St.
The 15,000 square foot building has had former lives as a coat factory, roller rink/bowling alley and an antique restoration business. Angela Rose Voulgarelis, a visual artist, will be managing Ferrovia Studios, and will be working with the architect Turu Illgen on renovations. The building will offer a select number of artists' studios, exhibition space, a large ground floor space and two storefronts. A 75 kW solar installation acting as a canopy for parked cars on Railroad Avenue will provide electric power to the building.
The Made In Kingston event will highlight the work that dozens of volunteers are doing to form a Midtown Arts District. In keeping with its roots, the event is taking place in a Midtown building that is very much a work in progress, as was the former Ulster Lighting Co., which had just been bought by Joseph Deegan and Bob Ryan when the first Made In Kingston was held there in 2013. That building is now the Finkelstein Partners law offices, 572 Broadway.
"We couldn't be prouder to support such a homegrown event that continues to expand every year, showcasing the diverse offerings made in Kingston and by 'Kingstonians'," said Mayor Steve Noble. "The event has transformed office buildings and warehouses into pop up boutiques overflowing with locally made products sought after by visitors from throughout the region and beyond. Kingston's economy is growing stronger every day and it is thanks to the unwavering commitment and investment in our community by our local business owners and entrepreneurs. I look forward to supporting each of them at this exciting event."
"Over the last few years, we have come to realize just how great the resources are that we have here in Kingston," said Richard Frumess, a co-founder of the Arts District. "Chief among them is the unique wealth of art manufacturing and crafts industry that is showcased by the annual Made in Kingston event. With our City officials, we are working hard to realize the creative potential the District represents for revitalizing the City."
Pilot amnesty program for late penalties on parking citations to launch December 15th-30th;
participants encouraged to donate food
Mayor Steve Noble is pleased to announce the launch of a parking citation amnesty period in the City of Kingston. Individuals with parking tickets issued earlier than December 1st and who therefore owe a late penalty will have that late penalty waived if the citation is paid in person at City Hall during the amnesty period, scheduled for Thursday, December 15th through Friday, December 30th.
"As we close out 2016, I am eager to help our community members resolve any outstanding parking citations," said Mayor Noble. "By offering the waiver on late penalties, we hope people will come in, pay their original tickets and start off 2017 with a clean slate."
Modeled after other community's "Food for Fines" programs, Mayor Noble is asking those participating in the amnesty period to consider bringing in non-perishable food items to be distributed to local food pantries this winter. This food contribution is not required to participate in the amnesty period.
"I believe this is an excellent opportunity for individuals to settle these lingering citations at a lower cost and, if they so choose, help their fellow neighbors," continued Mayor Noble.
In order to participate in the program, tickets must be paid on-site at City Hall, 420 Broadway, main floor, in the City Comptroller's office. The office is open Monday-Friday, 8:30am-4:30pm. It will be closed on December 23rd and December 26th in observance of the holiday. Food donations should be brought to the same location.
Recommended items include:
canned tuna or chicken; canned fruit (in water or juice); beans; soups; peanut butter; jelly; olive or canola oil; canned vegetables; bottles of 100% juice; cereal; oatmeal; rice; pasta; pasta sauce (can); crackers; granola bars; pancake mix; nuts; dried fruit; spices; etc.
Please ensure all donations are of good quality, unopened, and within their sell by date.
2017 Visitors Guide project launched
Photo submitted by: David Juhren
The City of Kingston, in partnership with ColorPage, is pleased to launch the development of the 2017 Visitors Guide. As with the 2016 Visitors Guide, Mayor Steve Noble is requesting the assistance of local residents and businesses to help the City create the original content of the guide.
This year's guide seeks to build upon the success of the popular 2016 guide, which also featured community-sourced images. In addition to pictures, the City is also seeking short stories/quotes that demonstrate the unique, diverse and interesting reasons why individuals have made Kingston home for themselves and/or businesses.
The City has created an online form for users to upload pictures and stories to be considered for this year's Visitor's Guide. All photographs and quotes submitted will be credited in the guide. The City is especially looking for photographs of festivals, block parties, community celebrations, outdoor dining and food markets, sports and active living, weddings in Kingston, historical points of interest, art and musical performances, and other glimpses into life in the City of Kingston.
Submissions will be accepted until Friday, December 9th. The Visitors Guide is supported by ads purchased by local businesses and is created at no cost to the City of Kingston. The guide will be distributed in print and online in early 2017.
"Replace the Parks" program now open
The Kingston Parks and Recreation Department recently opened its "Replace the Parks" Pre-School Program at the Andy Murphy Midtown Neighborhood Center. The FREE program, which runs Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays from
9:00am-2:00pm, is open for children up to 5 years old. All children MUST be accompanied and supervised by an adult at all times. For more information call 845-331-1682.
Note: If in the event the Kingston City School District has a two hour delay or is closed due to inclement weather, the program will be closed.
Calling all artists and industrial designers
The City of Kingston,
Live Well Kingston
and O+ Festival invite artists and industrial designers to design an artistic bike rack (which will be replicated) for the newly designed Cornell Street as part of the Kingston Connectivity Project.
KINGSTO+N Bike Rack Design Competition
seeks to add a new element of distinctive public art to Kingston streets and provide an opportunity for the community to think creatively and imaginatively about public streetscapes.
Each design will be reviewed for aesthetics, site appropriateness, and feasibility for fabrication and installation. Each rack should exhibit the artist's own original creative intent. Bike rack designs must meet the following criteria:
- Must be capable of securing at least two standard bicycles - each of which is two feet wide by six feet long - upright by their frames using standard bike locks, including a U-lock.
- Fit in a maximum footprint of 60" long X 12" wide.
- Provide a minimum of two points of contact - at least 6" apart - for each bike, e.g. touch each bike on two wheels or one wheel and the frame for stability. The points of contact should be at least 32" above ground.
- Rack tubes should be no larger than 2" to accommodate the use of smaller U-locks.
- Be boltable to the cement ground by a surface flange mount in a way that will prevent the racks from being removed from the location.
- Include no sharp edges or other potential safety hazards. Rack must not create a trip hazard for pedestrians.
- A bicycle should not have to be lifted off the ground in order to be secured to the rack. Racks that would be easy to climb are not encouraged. It is important to consider the 'friendliness' of the rack to the bike (i.e. holding the bike upright, hazard free, etc.).
- Use of the bike rack should be intuitive and not require written instructions.
- Racks should be able to be fabricated using durable materials suitable for outdoor installation with little or no maintenance. Designers should approach this project as a permanent installation with a minimum 10-year life expectancy.
- Designs should be appropriate for public display. Inappropriate or vulgar designs will not be considered
Designs are due Jan. 17. This competition was made possible by a grant through the American Planning Association - New York Metro Chapter as part of the Plan4Health program ( The grant supported Cornell Cooperative Extension of Ulster County to coordinate the Live Well Kingston Coalition. Partners in the bike rack competition include: the City of Kingston, Bike Friendly Kingston, the Kingston Complete Streets Advisory Council, and the Kingston Land Trust Kingston Greenline Committee.
Mayor and Police Chief to serve as panelists at upcoming Community Policing Forum
Mayor Steve Noble and Chief of Police Egidio Tinti will be participating in a Community Policing Forum scheduled for Tuesday, December 13th at 6:30pm at New Progressive Baptist Church (8 Hone St. in Kingston.)
Sponsored by the Ministers Alliance of Ulster County and ENJAN, this forum is open to the public. These forums are held on a quarterly basis, with a different topic discussed at each event. This quarter's forum will be moderated by Rita Worthington and is titled "Video Surveillance: Who is monitoring the monitors?"
Municipal Meetings
Monday, December 5th
Common Council Caucus
City Hall, Conference Room #2
Tuesday, December 6th
Common Council Meeting
City Hall, Council Chambers
Wednesday, December 7th
Pike Plan Commission
Catskill Hudson Bank
Tree Commission
City Hall, Conference Room 1
Thursday, December 8th
Fire Board
Mayor's Conference Room
Arts Commission
City Hall, Conference Room #1
Heritage Area Commission
City Hall, Conference Room #2
Most agendas and minutes for municipal meetings can be found
here. We are currently working to centralize all agendas and minutes and have them posted earlier, so please continue to check back often.
To stay up to date on all municipal meetings each month, check out our monthly calendar
Kingston Happenings
The City of Kingston often receives requests to share upcoming events happening in our community. Our partners at
do an excellent job of centralizing this community information. So while our website is the best resource to gain information about City of Kingston sponsored events and important municipal information, Kingston Happenings can give you a greater preview of community events. Check them out today!