August 5, 2017 - In This Issue:
A Message From Mayor Steve Noble:
Dear Friends,
This past weekend, our nation watched as hundreds of white supremacists marched upon a small city, terrorizing the residents of that beautiful community and our nation at large. Their swastika-adorned banners and haunting chants of hatred brought us back to a time our world remembers with shame and disgrace.
While the images from this past weekend may shock us, the truth is that this bigotry is not new. Whether explicit or implicit, racism, xenophobia, homophobia, sexism, classism and intolerance have continued to exist, causing harm to our fellow human beings. However, these voices of hatred have grown louder; they have had the opportunity to do so at a time when our country is severely divided. How we respond to these disturbing words and actions will define our nation now and for generations to come.
People were hurt and killed, right here on American soil. Our response cannot be one of indifference or denial. It is imperative that those in power denounce these heinous acts and proclaim clearly, without reservation or ambiguity, that hate is not welcome here.
We as a nation have a lot of work ahead of us, but I firmly believe that these efforts towards peace begin locally. They begin with each of us.
Service Information Reminder

Summer hours are in effect from now through August 31st. During this time, the Department of Public Works will be providing service from 6:00am-2:00pm and City Hall will be open from 9:00am-4:00pm. 
Parking Permits Now Available

Frequent users of the City of Kingston's municipal lots are encouraged to purchase a parking permit in advance of the installation and activation of new payment stations in six of the City's municipal lots. The cost of the permit is $10 and the permit is valid through December 31, 2017.

By purchasing a parking permit, users are able to park in six of the City's municipal lots without having to pay the set rate of 75 cents per hour. The parking lots include: all 3 North Front St. lots; the Cornell St. lot; the Prince St. lot; and the Dock St. lot. Signage will be present to inform drivers of whether a lot has paid parking or not.

How to apply for a parking permit:
  • Permits can be purchased online by visiting and following the instructions. Major credit cards are accepted for payment.
  • Permits can be purchased by mail by either downloading the PDF application at or picking up a paper application in person at City Hall at 420 Broadway in Kingston. Applicants are responsible for mailing their completed applications and check or money order directly to the processing center referenced in the application.
Vehicle information needed in order to complete the application:
  • License Plate Number
  • State
  • Make
  • Model
  • Registration Expiration
  • Vehicle Type
The payment stations are scheduled to be installed in the six parking lots in early September.
Kingston Police Department Officers Complete Crisis Intervention Team (CIT) Training

 Mayor Noble and Chief Tinti were pleased to congratulate KPD Sergeant Osterhoudt, along with the 13 other KPD officers, on the completion of this course.

On Friday, August 11th a graduation ceremony was held to celebrate the culmination of 40 hours of training offered to local (Ulster County) police officers. Attending were 28 officers from the City of Kingston, Ulster County Sheriff's, Saugerties Police, New Paltz Police and Ulster Police Departments. 14 of the officers who completed this training came from the Kingston Police Department. Each of them volunteered to attend!
One of the reasons CIT is successful is that it connects officers with a team of clinicians and fellow officers who can advise, problem-solve and support them when a challenging situation occurs. 
Some of the training consists of:
* Learning from mental health professionals and experienced officers in our community.
* Personal interaction with people who have experienced and recovered from mental health crisis and with family members who have cared for loved ones with mental illness. National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) members present at the training, providing officers a first-hand opportunity to hear stories of recovery, ask questions and learn what helps (and harms) when a person is in a crisis.
* Verbal de-escalation skills. CIT teaches a new set of skills for ensuring officer safety - the words, approach and body language that convince a person to get help, or defuse a potentially violent encounter.
* Scenario-based training on responding to crises. With the help of volunteers or actors, officers practice their skills in common crisis situations, and get immediate feedback from instructors and classmates
The course is designed to teach officers how to aid those individuals in crisis by utilizing the resources available in the community.
From the NAMI website: "A Crisis Intervention Team (CIT) training program is a model for community policing that brings together law enforcement, mental health providers, hospital emergency departments and individuals with mental illness and their families to improve responses to people in crisis. CIT programs enhance communication, identify mental health resources for assisting people in crisis and ensure that officers get the training and support that they need."

Thank you and stay safe!
City of Kingston and Ulster County Invite the Public to Weigh in On Public Transit Service 
Electronic Survey Open Through August 31st
The Ulster County Transit Systems Integration Plan was initiated in September 2016 by the Ulster County Transportation Council (UCTC) at the request of both the City of Kingston and Ulster County.

As part of this process, the public is now being asked to participate in a general survey regarding their opinion and use of the Citibus and UCAT services. You don't have to be a rider to participate - all opinions are welcome. The survey is short (only 13 questions) and is anonymous.

Paper copies of the survey will also be made available at local community centers, senior centers, and other frequently visited areas.

The survey will contribute to the development of a plan that will allow local leaders and the public to clearly and objectively evaluate the benefits and costs associated with consolidating and improving services, particularly when considering the overlapping service areas of UCAT and Citibus.

Survey Deadline: August 31, 2017
"Movies Under the Stars" Summer Movie Series 

Friday, August 18th- WALL-E at Forsyth Park
Sponsored by: Friends of Forsyth Nature Center

Join us this Friday, August 18th at 8:30pm at Forsyth Park for a free screening of WALL-E. This week's film is sponsored by Friends of Forsyth Nature Center. 

Film Summary: In the distant future, a small waste-collecting robot inadvertently embarks on a space journey that will ultimately decide the fate of mankind.

Film Rating: G

NOTE: This movie was originally scheduled for Friday, August 4th but was postponed due to weather. It will now be shown on Friday, August 18th.

About Movies Under the Stars: Established in 2011 by a group of community volunteers, "Movies Under the Stars" connects local residents and visitors to Kingston's parks and public spaces through a series of free outdoor movie events.

Films are shown at 8:30pm on each of the scheduled movie dates. In the event of rain, notifications about postponements or cancellations will be sent to all media and radio stations and posted at and on the City's Facebook page.
Saturday Shuttle to Consolidate with A-Bus

In an effort to most effectively and efficiently use the City's resources and after studying the weekly ridership of the City's Saturday Shuttle service, the Saturday Shuttle will be ending its run earlier in the season than originally announced. However, the City's A-Bus will be extending its hours until 9:00pm. The A-Bus route and schedule is very similar to the Saturday Shuttle route, with additional stops along the way. The fare is $1.00 each ride. For a full schedule and more information about the A-Bus, check out this brochure.
Save the Dates

Monday, August 28th at 6:00pm at City Hall

The evening will begin with opening remarks from Mayor Noble, followed by a general overview of the components of the City budget led by City Comptroller John Tuey. Following this presentation, participants will be invited to break out into small work groups where they will discuss the budget in greater detail and offer feedback on where the City should prioritize its resources.

Leadership from the various City departments will also be participating throughout the evening. Questions, suggestions and general comments will be gathered by city staff to be referred to during the budget planning process.

This is the second annual community budget forum. Mayor Noble instituted this new part of the budget process in 2016 in an effort to better inform his administration of the priorities and concerns of Kingston taxpayers. As in 2016, an online survey will be launched immediately after the budget forum in order to facilitate additional community input. 

Community Forums on Parking
Various Dates and locations (see below)

As part of the ongoing work to address parking issues within the City of Kingston, we need your input. Join us for one, two or all three community forums at various locations throughout the City. 

Wednesday, August 30th at 6:00pm- LGBTQ Center, located at 300 Wall St.

Thursday, August 31st at 6:00pm- City Hall, located at 420 Broadway 

Wednesday, September 6th at 6:00pm- Hudson River Maritime Museum, located at 50 Rondout Landing
Upcoming Municipal Meetings

Tuesday, August 15th
No meetings scheduled at this time.

Wednesday, August 16th
Water Board
Water Department Offices

Finance and Audit Committee
City Hall, Conference Room #1
Tentative Agenda

Thursday, August 17th
Laws and Rules Committee
City Hall, Conference Room #1
Tentative Agenda

Friday, August 18th
No meetings scheduled at this time.

To stay up to date on all municipal meetings each month, check out our monthly calendar here.  Most meeting agendas and minutes can be found here.
Kingston Happenings
The City of Kingston often receives requests to share upcoming events happening in our community. Our partners at  do an excellent job of centralizing this community information. So while our website is the best resource to gain information about City of Kingston sponsored events and important municipal information, Kingston Happenings can give you a greater preview of community events. Check them out today!
Sent on behalf of:
Mayor Steven T. Noble

The purpose of this newsletter is to share important information, project updates, pictures and news from the City of Kingston. For more detailed information, visit: