May 8, 2018 - In This Issue:
A Message From Mayor Steve Noble:
Dear Friends,
This past Saturday was the perfect day for the Annual Kingston Clean Sweep. Hundreds of volunteers joined us to pick up trash, sweep sidewalks and assist with landscaping throughout the city. This year's event was particularly important to many of us as it was held in honor of Patricia "Pat" Murphy. In addition to being the founder of this community event, Pat was a dear friend and a tireless advocate for Kingston.
I appreciate the time and energy each individual gave to this important effort and encourage all of us to keep up the good work throughout the year!
Kingston Clean Sweep
It was all hands on deck for the annual Kingston Clean Sweep! This year's clean up included hundreds of volunteers who worked together to collect approximately 1.2 tons of trash and 1.95 tons of yard waste!
Volunteers proud of their work along the Broadway Corridor
Kingston Library was one of the anchor sites for volunteers to check in, gather supplies, enjoy refreshments and reconnect with neighbors.
Kingston Point Beach benefited from volunteers participating in the Kingston Clean Sweep and the Riverkeeper Sweep
Working together!
Volunteers of all ages helped throughout the day
Special thank you to the Friends of Historic Kingston for organizing this wonderful event in memory of Pat Murphy, the founder of the annual Kingston Clean Sweep.
Finally, thank you to the hundreds of volunteers and community organizations who joined together to make our city shine!
Community Forum on Revitalization
The City of Kingston and County of Ulster are proud to announce an open
community forum to be held May 9th in the City Council Chambers on revitalization plans for the an area in Midtown comprising of residential and business properties in neighborhoods on both sides of Broadway, from Albany Avenue to Garden Street, as far north as Foxhall Avenue and south to Clinton Avenue.
Kingston residents, business and property owners and community groups are invited to attend and share their ideas on a report to identify revitalization targets and strategies that could bring new funding and financing incentives to the area. This forum is being held to further the New York State Department of State BOA (NYSDOS BOA) Pre-nomination Study funding received by the Ulster County Planning Department in 2016-2017.
The NYSDOS BOA Program provides communities with guidance, expertise and financial assistance to complete Nomination Plans, which are revitalization strategies for neighborhoods or areas affected by economic distress. Through the BOA Program, these areas are transformed from liabilities to community assets that generate businesses, jobs and revenues for local economies. The program provides a neighborhood or area-wide approach, rather than the traditional site-by-site approach, focused on the assessment and redevelopment of vacant, abandoned or underutilized properties.
The neighborhood approach enables communities to comprehensively assess existing economic and environmental conditions and needs, identify and prioritize community supported redevelopment opportunities, and attract public and private investment.
The goals of the forum are to assist communities to:
Assess the full range of community redevelopment opportunities posed by a concentration of brownfields or economic distress
Build a shared community vision and consensus on the reuse and redevelopment of strategic sites and actions to achieve community revitalization
Coordinate and collaborate with local, state, and federal agencies, community groups and private-sector partners to identify and implement solutions to improve communities
Develop public-private sector partnerships necessary to leverage investment to advance and implement development projects that can revitalize diverse local neighborhoods.
Through a community-driven process, primary outcomes include:
Effective strategies to achieve revitalization through site-specific redevelopment that specifies how areas and sites can be modernized quickly and impact the community in a positive way.
Shovel ready sites - A portfolio of sites that are at or near shovel ready and ripe for redevelopment and investment for a range of businesses and uses.
Priorities for public and private investments that lead to redevelopment and other actions for community renewal.
Addressing environmental justice issues and concerns related to negative environmental consequences.
Marketing to attract investors through materials such as site renderings, descriptive brochures, web displays, requests for developer proposals, and others to attract interest and investment.
Public and private multi-agency and private sector partnerships to leverage investments to redevelop sites, improve supporting infrastructure, and provide needed community facilities.
For More information:
City of Kingston Filing of the
2018 Tentative Assessment Roll
Brief Overview
The City of Kingston Assessor has filed the Tentative Assessment Roll for 2018.
About Assessed Values:
A property's assessed value is a measure of its market value based on the prior July 1st. Property in the City of Kingston is assessed at 100% of market value.
What can impact Assessed Values?:
- New construction
- Improvements
- Alterations
- Demolition
- Fire damage
- Adjusting for Market Value
The actions or circumstances described above typically result in a review of an assessment and may result in an increase or decrease of assessed value.
About Assessed Values in the City of Kingston:
Over the past two valuation periods (7/1/15 thru 6/30/16) and (7/1/16 thru 6/30/17) the City of Kingston's commercial real estate market showed consistent positive growth when analyzing property sales compared to their assessments. This upward commercial value trend has been consistent throughout the entire City of Kingston's commercial market.
Values in portions of the residential real estate market have also seen growth. These positives residential values appeared in the Uptown, Stockade, Downtown, and Hutton Park neighborhoods.
Additional information:
Any property receiving a change in assessed value (Positive or Negative) or exemption status change will be mailed a notice. Included in this notice will be the amount of assessment change, any exemptions on the property, when and where you can view the assessment roll and what to do if you disagree with your assessment. The entire Tentative Assessment Roll may also be reviewed online at:
or by clicking "Assessment Roll" on the City of Kingston's website's homepage.
Historic Preservation in the City of Kingston:
Rethinking the Review Process
Photo of courtesy of: Friends of Historic Kingston Archives
A public educational forum brought to you by in partnership with the City of Kingston and Friends of Historic Kingston.
Kingston City Hall 420 Broadway, Kingston Council Chambers Monday, May 14th 6:00pm - 8:00pm
Guest panelists include Marissa Marvelli, Vice Chair, City of Kingston Historic
Landmarks Preservation Commission; Kevin McEvoy, Secretary, City of Kingston Heritage Area Commission; Erin Tobin, Vice President for Policy and Preservation, Preservation League of New York.
Other panelists TBA.
With the recent legislation presented to Kingston's Common Council Laws and Rules Committee to "streamline" Kingston's Historic Landmarks Preservation and Heritage Area Commissions, is pleased to present a public
educational forum with some of the key players in this effort to discuss "Historic Preservation in the City of Kingston: Rethinking the Review Process" on Monday, May 14th from 6pm - 8pm at Kingston City Hall.
The event will be filmed by The Kingston News
"Recycling Bin's Dirty Dozen"
Since recycling has been a popular topic of discussion recently, now is a great time to review what items should never be put in your recycling bin. Check out the informational flyers below, produced by ReCommunity, t
he recycling facility that receives the recycled material from the Ulster County Resource and Recovery Agency:
City of Kingston Launches
Lead Service Line Replacement Program in Midtown
Applications now available!
Mayor Steve Noble is pleased to announce the launch of the City of Kingston's Lead Service Line Replacement Program. The City was awarded a grant of up to $544,000 from the NYS Department of Health to identify and replace lead water service lines from the City's main to homeowners' water meters. While the City of Kingston drinking water does not contain lead, the corrosion of lead pipes can cause lead to leach into water flowing through the pipes in a home and potentially into drinking water. If a service line was last installed prior to 1940, it is likely that service line was made with lead. It is anticipated that the City will replace lead service lines in approximately 85 properties in 2018 and 2019.
The initial priority area will be properties in Midtown Kingston where there is a high density of lead service lines and a high density of children. Properties located on any part of Franklin St. and properties from Franklin St. to Cedar St. between Broadway and Clinton Avenue may apply. Households with a child under the age of six (6) that has tested positive for elevated blood lead levels may apply, even if their property is outside of the target area. Properties may be single family owner-occupied properties or rental properties.
Program Costs
The Lead Service Line Replacement Program will be free to most owner-occupied properties. Non-owner occupied rental properties are eligible for assistance, but owners will be required to contribute $750.00 towards the cost of the project.
Project Timeline
Applications will be available beginning April 23, 2018 and will be accepted until May 22, 2018. Once an application has been submitted, the City can verify if the property has an eligible lead service line. Most replacement projects will be completed within one to two days. Water service will need to be turned off during the replacement project. Advanced notice will be provided prior to this service disruption. It is expected that the first round of lead service replacement projects will begin in mid-July 2018 and will continue throughout the remainder of the year and in 2019.
Applications may be found at
. For additional assistance, please contact Stephan Knox in the City of Kingston's Office of Economic and Community Development at 845-334-3932 or at
City of Kingston and Kingston Veterans Association to Host Annual Memorial Day Ceremony and Parade on Monday, May 28th
Parade registration now open!
Time: 1:00pm
Location: Veterans' Park in front of City Hall, 420 Broadway
Parade Details
Time: Line up at Noon; step off at 1:45pm
Location: Step off begins at Andrew St.
The City of Kingston and Kingston Veterans Association will host the annual Memorial Day Ceremony and Parade on Monday, May 28th. The ceremony will begin promptly at 1:00pm in Veterans' Park in front of City Hall, located at 420 Broadway. At 1:45pm, the Memorial Day Parade will step off from Andrew St. and proceed along Broadway towards Uptown Kingston.
Businesses and organizations interested in participating in the parade should contact: Parade Chairman Chuck Polacco at (845) 389-1560 or (845) 331-7722 or Kingston Veterans Association Chairman Bill Forte at (845) 339-1486. Parade registration is free.
Save the Date and Exhibitor Registration Information
Join us for our 13th Annual Midtown Make a Difference Day on Saturday, June 16th, 11:00am-3:00pm, on Franklin Street!
Midtown Make a Difference Day is a free event open to all community members. The event includes food, music, children's activities, fitness workshops, and much more!
Local not for profits and community groups are encouraged to register as exhibitors at the event and to provide information and interactive activities on a variety of topics including health, education, employment, legal, recreation and more. Exhibitor registration, which is free, is now open and can be completed at: To download the registration form instead,
click here.
This free event is made possible thanks to the work of partnering agencies and volunteers, as well as community sponsors. If you are interested in volunteering or serving as a sponsor, please contact Megan Weiss-Rowe at or at 845-334-3964.
Kingston Happenings
The City of Kingston often receives requests to share upcoming events happening in our community. Our partners at
do an excellent job of centralizing this community information. So while our website is the best resource to gain information about City of Kingston sponsored events and important municipal information, Kingston Happenings can give you a greater preview of community events. Check them out today!