DRI Uptown Transportation Improvements Project Public Meeting
CDBG 2021 Applications Now Open
Joseph Marchetti Honored at Block Park
Mayor Noble's Chamber of Commerce 2021 Presentation
Chess Players at Gallo Park
A Message From Mayor Steve Noble:
Dear Friends,
This week, as our rate of COVID-19 infections rises, Governor Cuomo has issued a mandate that all bars and restaurants close at 10:00pm. He has also issued a state-wide ban on gatherings over 10 people at private residences, whether it be family, friends or work-related. Please bear this in mind as you plan for your holidays. We are coming into what appears to be a second wave of the virus in our community, and we ask everyone again to be diligent with mask-wearing, social distancing and hand washing.
In other news, I am thrilled that the City of Kingston adopted the Open Space Plan, which will be a guidebook for how we take our natural resources into account in every aspect of City growth for the next 10 years. Making conservation a priority in our community leads to healthier residents, additional economic growth, and an overall increase in quality of life. Read more about the Open Space Plan below.
DRI Uptown Transportation Improvements Project
Public Meeting
The Uptown Transportation Improvements Project will address access and circulation for drivers, cyclists and pedestrians—improving safety and navigability, and will also support the future connection between portions of the Kingston Greenline and our goal of creating complete streets across the City.
With funding provided by Governor Cuomo’s Downtown Revitalization Initiative, administered by the NYS Department of State, the City’s engineering consultants Hudson Valley Engineering Associates (HVEA) have examined safety and traffic circulation on two key routes in the Stockade District.
The project is specifically focused on improvements to Schwenk Drive between Washington Avenue and Fair Street, and the intersections at Clinton Avenue and Westbrook Lane, Main/John Street, and Albany Avenue.
City staff and consultants will present the alternatives considered and the preferred design concept, which were reviewed by the Project Advisory Committee. Meeting participants will be able to ask questions, which will be moderated by the Director of Grants Management. Following the meeting, the public can provide feedback via Engage Kingston until December 31, 2020.
It is expected that design for the Uptown Transportation Improvements Project will be completed in the spring with construction in summer 2021.
CDBG 2021 Applications Now Open
The 2021 Community Block Grant (CDBG) applications are available beginning today.
Groups and organizations operating within the City of Kingston may request CDBG funding for eligible programs. Examples of eligible activities and a list of threshold criteria are included in the application packet. No applications will be taken for capital project improvements for the 2021 funding. Applications can be found at the City of Kingston website, and are due electronically by noon on Friday, January 8, 2021.
Five public informational meetings will be held for interested applicants to discuss eligible programs, process, and application requirements. New and previous applicants and sub-recipients are encouraged to attend at least one informational meeting, which will be held:
Tuesday, November 24 at 5:30pm
Thursday, December 3 at 6:00pm
Wednesday, December 9 at noon
Monday, December 14 at 7:00pm
Tuesday, December 22 at 5:30pm
A public meeting to provide input and show support for proposed applications with the Community Development Advisory Board will be held virtually on Tuesday, January 19, 2021 at 6:30pm.
Kingston’s Office of Community Development receives an annual CDBG Entitlement Grant from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). The City anticipates receiving approximately $700,000 in CDBG Program funds for 2021. The funds are intended to assist in providing a suitable living environment, decent housing, and expanding economic opportunities for low to moderate income persons in our community.
Joseph Marchetti Honored at Block Park
In early November, Joseph Marchetti was honored at a small ceremony of friends and family for all of his tremendous work at Block Park. Not only has Joe cleaned up the park and removed years of trash, he worked to fundraise for the pavilion and other amenities. He is a true local hero, and we appreciate all his hard work to beautify Block Park. Thank you, Joe!
City of Kingston Adopts Open Space Plan
This week, the Common Council unanimously voted to adopt the Open Space Plan, a 10-year strategy for the responsible stewardship and preservation of our City's natural resources. The plan identifies Kingston's resources that help to improve water quality, reduce flood damage, maintain wildlife habitats, improve air quality, protect scenic resources, and other community benefits.
The Open Space Plan recommends several ambitious actions:
• 5,000 additional linear feet of public access created along the Hudson
• 500 additional acres of permanently protected land in the uplands along the Hudson
• 1,000 new street trees planted
• 5,000 additional linear feet of public access secured along the Rondout
• 60 additional acres of permanently protected land in the uplands along the Rondout
• 2,500 linear feet of compromised urban stream corridor restored to a more natural condition
• 10 new community gardens established in city neighborhoods
• 50 acres of farmland and natural areas protected along the Esopus
• 1 new neighborhood park created in Midtown area
By adopting this plan, the City pledges to take these actions into account in all plans and projects, acknowledges these goals will benefit current and future generations, and work toward implementation. More info at: www.kingston-ny.gov/nri
City of Kingston Distinguished Artist Award Ceremony
Last night the City of Kingston Distinguished Artist Award was given to Lara Hope, a fantastic local musician. After accepting the award, she gave a great performance from the Common Council Chambers at City Hall. Congrats to Lara, and thanks to the Arts Commission and the Director of Art and Cultural Affairs Addie Farr for putting this event together, and to Radio Kingston for all their support!
Click the graphic below to watch the ceremony and Lara's performance.
Mayor Noble's Chamber of Commerce 2021 Outlook
Mayor Noble presented to the Ulster County Chamber of Commerce this week, with an in-depth recap of the City of Kingston in 2020 and an outlook for 2021.
Click the graphic below to hear the entire presentation.
Chess Players Enjoying Unseasonable Weather
The unusually warm fall weather has allowed us spend more time outdoors this fall. We spotted these two chess enthusiasts at the new chess playground at T.R. Gallo Park this week. What a perfect sunny spot for a game!
The Kingston 311 app, website and phone system allow residents to quickly and easily report issues and submit service requests. The Kingston 311 app, available for Android & iPhones, is a fast and simple way to connect to City officials in non-emergency situations.
This system is a valuable resource to submit service requests for streetlight replacement, roadwork, City signage, traffic calming measures and other concerns. Issues with snow removal and reporting of vehicles and sidewalks not in accordance with the Snow Emergency restrictions can also be submitted via Kingston 311. Photos can also be attached to illustrate service orders. Dial 311 from any phone within City limits to reach us.
Sent on behalf of:
Mayor Steven T. Noble
The purpose of this newsletter is to share important information, project updates, pictures and news from the City of Kingston. For more detailed information, visit: