City of Kingston
Mayor's Message
Dear Friends,
In this week's issue, I am happy to announce that Kingston's first publicly accessible fishing dock on the Rondout Creek is now open! This project is especially close to my heart, as it is one of the grants I managed prior to taking office. It has been an amazing journey, as we moved this project from a vision of community access to the Rondout Creek, through the grant proposal and management process, to construction, and finally, installation. It is my sincere hope that residents and visitors enjoy this new fishing dock this summer, and for many years to come.
After a busy week, I spent the better part of this beautiful weekend attending a series of amazing and unique neighborhood events that served as a reminder of how wonderful our community truly is. Just this weekend, I was able to visit the Hodge Center's end of school year BBQ, the Downtown Night Market, Kingston Movie's Under the Stars screening of "Minions", the 11th Annual Midtown Make a Difference Day, the home game of our Stockade FC, the Junior League of Kingston's opening of the Little Free Library down at T.R. Gallo Park, the Juneteenth Celebration at New Progressive Church, and the Center for Creative Education's Diversity Parade and Let's Move event.
While each of these events were planned and coordinated by different businesses, individuals and agencies, they all provided a brief glimpse into our incredible community and the power of collaboration.
First Public Fishing Dock Opened in Kingston
The weather was perfect for the official ribbon cutting of Kingston's first publicly available fishing dock on the Rondout Creek. The event, held on Thursday afternoon, included Mayor Steve Noble, NYS DEC Region 3 Director Martin Brand, and Frances Dunwell, Hudson River Estuary Coordinator.
The dock was funded through a grant from the DEC's Hudson River Estuary Program, in partnership with the New England Interstate Water Pollution Control Commission (NEIWPCC), to provide access to the Hudson River and its tributaries for underserved neighborhoods. The project was one of many grants managed by Kingston Mayor Steve Noble while working for the Parks and Recreation Department, prior to taking office.
Upcoming Municipal Meetings
Monday, June 20th
Civil Service Commission, 9:30am
City Hall
Tuesday, June 21st
Public Hearing (Local Law #2), 5:00pm
City Hall Council Chambers
Zoning Board of Appeals, 6:30pm
City Hall
Laws and Rules Committee, 7:00pm
City Hall, Conference Room #1
Wednesday, June 22nd
Climate Smart Kingston Commission, 4:30pm
City Hall, Common Council Chambers
Public Safety/General Government Committee, 6:30pm
City Hall, Conference Room #1
Heritage Area Commission, 7:00pm
City Hall, Conference Room #2
Thursday, June 23rd
Comprehensive Plan Zoning Committee, 6:00pm
City Hall, Conference Room #2
"Through the Mayor's Lens"
Snapshots from this weekend
In preparation for the 11th Annual Midtown Make a Difference Day, Mayor Noble, along with Alderman Nina Dawson and children from the Everette Hodge Community Center, visited every house on Franklin Street where the festival was to be held and hand delivered invitations and flowers.
The first Night Market of the season was a success, as residents and visitors alike enjoyed the offerings from local businesses and artists down by the Waterfront.
Mayor Noble kicked off the 11th Annual Midtown Make a Difference Day on Franklin St.
Youth visited the Kingston Parks and Recreation Department's table at Midtown Make a Difference Day
Hundreds of fans cheered on Kingston's new semi-pro soccer team, Stockade FC, at their home game at Dietz Stadium.
The Center for Creative Education held its 2nd Annual Diversity Parade and 6th Annual Let's Move event. Children of all ages dressed up as super heroes, in honor of the event's theme, "Diversity is Kingston's Super Power!"
Mayor's Press Conference Summary
Mayor Noble held a press conference last Monday, June 13th, to provide an update on a variety of initiatives and projects. The press conference began with a moment of silence in respect of those killed and wounded in the tragic attack in Orlando. Later, the Mayor highlighted some of the most important achievements of his administration in the first 6 months, including the approval of a new 5 year sales tax agreement with Ulster County, the resolution of costly litigation, the significant improvement in the City's communications efforts, and the culture of professionalism he is promoting within City government.
Mayor Noble spent a significant amount of time discussing the significant changes he has implemented in terms of staff supervision and support. These changes have included soliciting staff feedback through an anonymous survey, visiting various departments to better understand their day to day work, regular one on one meetings with senior staff, and a monthly meeting with the leadership of all city departments. This close supervision model has allowed the Mayor to gain input directly from front line and senior level staff and address issues and barriers to success.
Mayor Noble also announced that a series of budget forums are being planned this summer, to help inform the community about the budget process and solicit input from community members about priority funding areas.
The Mayor also took time to again call for a resolution to the stalemate between Health Alliance of the Hudson Valley/Westchester Medical Center Health Network and Empire Blue Cross Blue Shield. As he stated in his letter earlier this month, his primary concern continues to be the well-being and care for the City of Kingston's hard working employees and residents who rely upon quality and affordable healthcare in accessible locations throughout the City.
In looking ahead to the second half of 2016, Mayor Noble called for a renewed focus on safe, quality housing. The Mayor unveiled a multi-dimensional approach to addressing substandard housing issues and vacant buildings, through legislative and policy action, interdepartmental coordination and enforcement, and the establishment of a Land Bank.
Mayor Noble also provided his stance on the proposed Firearms legislation currently being considered by the Common Council. After much thought and research, the Mayor announced he will be supporting legislation, based on the City of Rochester, proposed by Alderman Lynn Eckert and Alderman Rennie Scott-Childress. A second reading of the law will take place in July, with a Mayor's public hearing to be scheduled as well.
A complete recording of the press conference can be seen
here, thanks to Kingston News. Separate press announcements and fact sheets will be distributed as more information is available on each of the topics covered.
"Welcome to Our Hometown" Photo of the Week
Submitted by: Anthony S. Donofrio
About Welcome to Our Hometown
The City of Kingston is continuing to seek photos for use in its annual visitor's guide, website and social media sites. These photos will be used for the purposes of tourism, community engagement, economic and community development and other content directly related to the City of Kingston.
Frequently Asked Questions
What can I pay online?
You can pay your parking tickets, water bill, property taxes and park reservations online. Our website will walk you through the process
Is it a recycling week? Or is yard waste picked up this week?
Our Department of Public Works refuse and recycling schedule can be found
How do I contact my alderman?
A full listing of Common Council members, including contact information and assigned committees can be found
Is the City hiring?
All employment opportunities and exam announcements can be found
Have a question?
E-mail us and we'll work to get it answered ASAP. It may even be featured under this FAQs section!
Mayor Steven T. Noble | City of Kingston | 845.334.3902 |
