Kingston Clean Sweep bags twenty-five
The Eighth Annual Kingston Clean Sweep collected twenty-five cubic yards of trash and yard waste during the three-hour event on Saturday, May 6 according to Co-Chairs Anna Brett and Julie Jordan. Several hundred volunteers from forty local service, business, school, and youth organizations "swept" the city from the railroad crossing on Washington Avenue through the uptown business district, down the Broadway corridor to the Rondout waterfront. Several city parks and many side streets, especially on the west side of midtown and Rondout were "swept" as well.
The City Department of Public Works, who weighed the amount of trash and yard waste collected, picked up bags filled with litter immediately following the event. Herzog's Home Center, Hannaford - Kingston Plaza, and Walgreens - Kingston Plaza donated bags and gloves. The Friends of Historic Kingston sponsored the Kingston Clean Sweep with support from the City of Kingston.
Boy Scout Troop 103
Catskill Mountain Keeper
Children's Home Of Kingston
City of Kingston Department of Public Works
Friends of Historic Kingston
Friends of Kingston Library
Friends of Senate House
Girl Scouts 60251
Hudson River Maritime Museum
Junior League of Kingston
Kingston Boys and Girls Club
Kingston Catholic School
Kingston City Parks and Recreation
Kingston High School
Kingston Land Trust/Greenline
Kingston Planning Department
Kingston Rotary Club
Kingston Uptown Business Association (KUBA)
Kingston Waterfront Business Association
Lions Club of Kingston
Lowe Plumbing
Opera House
Rondout Rowing Club
St. Joseph's School
Tech Wizards, Miller School
Ward 9
Ulster Garden Club
Veterans Memorial
Ward Four