August 28, 2020 - In This Issue:
A Message From Mayor Steve Noble:
Dear Friends,
By now you have seen the increased law enforcement presence in the City of Kingston. The Kingston Police Department has been partnering with the Sheriff's Office and State Police to help with the recent rash of gun violence. In this week's newsletter, we have an update from Chief Tinti and KPD on their progress.
We had a bit of a spike this week in local COVID cases, but overall our numbers remain good. Thank you to everyone for continuing to practice social distancing, wearing a mask and washing hands frequently. We are all in this together and our ongoing success depends on each of us.
Please continue to stay safe, and take care.
Law Enforcement Task Force Update
A message from the Kingston Police Department:
On August 6, 2020, the Kingston Police Department partnered with the New York State Police and the Ulster County Sheriff's Office to increase the number of proactive patrols in an effort to reduce the recent increase in shootings and violent offenses. The focused purpose of the patrols is to get guns and drugs off the streets and out of the neighborhoods in Kingston.
The results, to date, are as follows:
232 Traffic Stops
144 Traffic Tickets (most associated with drivers who were subsequently arrested for other charges)
13 Field Interviews
9 DWIs
34 Arrests resulting in guns and drugs
7 Arrests for outstanding warrants
The State Police have also assigned a Community Outreach Coordinator who has been working closely with community leaders to provide information about the efforts and address any worries they may have.
We understand that there has been some concerns raised by community members regarding the increased police presence as a result of the recent gun violence. We are trying to balance the proactive patrols with those concerns.
Some community members have expressed anxiety about being stopped by police. Officers are aware of the anxiety that a person may experience when they see the patrol car lights or hear the siren behind them. If you do get pulled over, we encourage you to follow these suggestions from the ACLU's website:
If you have any concerns after you've been stopped by the police, feel free to contact the Chief's office at 943-5766 or visit the City of Kingston website for additional contact information for the members of the Kingston Police Commission
We are trying to make our community safer.
Shaniqua Bowden Appointed to Police Commission
Mayor Noble has appointed Shaniqua Bowden to the City of Kingston Police Commission.
"I am very honored and pleased with my new appointment as a member of the Police Commission. I look forward to being an instrument of the community in such a way that will support and uphold the trajectory of Kingston we are each creating together," said Bowden.
Bowden, a Kingston resident for nearly 10 years, studied communications and interdisciplinary studies at Empire State College and is the former CEO of Essential Request, personal assistant service. Shaniqua is an active mother of two, involved in her community in many capacities, such as her work with the Kingston Land Trust as the Leader of Cultural Engagement. She co-founded MyKingstonKids, along with her husband Frank Waters, an organization created to help the parents find children's events and activities in a central location. She hosts the Nubian Cafe weekly on WKNY Radio Kingston projecting the voices and issues effecting women and people of color. She helped found Black History Month Kingston and she's also a board member of the Hudson Valley Current. Her work promotes openness through dialogue and self-awareness to demonstrate the action and change we each want to see.
Her four year term will expire May 31, 2024.
Groundbreaking for Empire State Trail North in City of Kingston
Construction has begun for the 1.3 mile section of the Empire State Trail that travels through the City of Kingston and the Town of Ulster. The trail stretches from the Hutton Brickyards property on North Street through Scenic Hudson's Quarry Waters Park to John Street in the Town of Ulster. This northern section will be called the Hudson River Brickyard Trail, and will continue across the Kingston-Rhinecliff Bridge before heading north to Albany and beyond. Funding for this project comes from a Department of State grant.
Since spring, NYDOT has been working steadily on the southern section of the Empire State Trail in Kingston, which connects from the Wallkill Valley Rail Trail to Route 32 and up Greenkill Avenue. The two local sections will connect through a series of roadway bike lanes and the Kingston Point Rail Trail. The southern portion of the trail is funded by the NYS Department of Transportation.
The Empire State Trail is projected to be the largest multi-use trail in the nation. This network of trails will contain 750 miles of pathways for walking, hiking and bicycling along scenic vistas and through New York's historic communities.
The Hudson River Brickyard Trail section is expected to be completed by December 2020.
Mayor Noble on the future Empire State Trail site
City of Kingston Air Quality Initiative
The City of Kingston is pleased to announce a partnership with the Center for the Study of Land, Air and Water at Bard College, which will monitor the City's air quality, and work to assure that every resident has access to clean air.
The City of Kingston's Conservation Advisory Council's Air Quality Sub-Committee has been working on air quality as part of their mission, and has partnered with the Kingston Air Quality Initiative. The KAQI has been collecting data since January that will provide baseline information about Kingston's air quality. Monitoring is being conducted by Kingston residents, students, staff, and faculty of the Bard Community Science Lab.
"Studies have shown that exposure to certain air pollutants can lead to serious health problems and we know that climate change is likely to exacerbate the connections between air quality and human health," said Mayor Noble. "Recent research has also shown that there is increased vulnerability to COVID-19 for those exposed to poor air quality. This is the first time we will have hard data to help us drive policy and/or operational decisions in the future in Kingston. This partnership is crucial to the public health crisis we are now facing, and also for future generations."
KAQI's initial monitoring efforts are focused on fine particulate matter, or PM2.5. Because these particles are less than 1/30th the diameter of a single human hair, PM2.5 can be inhaled and penetrated into the lungs. According to the American Lung Association, short-term effects of exposure can result in premature deaths, increased infant mortality, and increased severity of heart and asthma attacks. Longer-term effects include the development of asthma, heart disease, cancer, dementia, and increased susceptibility to respiratory conditions including COVID-19. While the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has set the 24-hour PM2.5 standard at 35 micrograms per cubic meter, the World Health Organization states that PM2.5 affects human health at any level of exposure.
The data thus far indicate that Kingston is meeting 24-hour standards. The major outdoor sources of PM2.5 include vehicle exhaust and wood/oil burning. High spikes in the winter may indicate more fuel burning activity for heating purposes.
Dr. Eli Dueker installing a particle profiler atop the Andy Murphy Center
Mayor Noble's Updates - Tuesdays & Thursdays
Mayor Noble has been live on Radio Kingston since mid-March to give the latest information about Coronavirus and issues effecting the community. These updates also stream on the City of Kingston Facebook page.
Click below to watch Thursday's update.
Roadwork Update
Central Hudson: this week, work was done to complete s ervice installation on
East Chester Street, Vangaasbeck St & Hemlock Ave, and on Pearl St Street working between Wall Street & Washington Ave then moving to the other side of Washington Ave.
Empire State Trail: preparation for installation of stone walls along Route 32 continued this week. Immediately following, the path and shoulder on the west side of Route 32 will be paved.
I-587 Roundabout: this week , lateral connections were made on East St James Street. Please use caution, as traffic patterns often and work is being done very close to the roadways.
Broadway Streetscape: new light poles were set in the area from the YMCA to the CSX underpass and light pole bases past Henry Street heading west. Paver laying continued this week, along with more bioswale installations.
Kingston 311
 The Kingston 311 app, website and phone system allow residents to quickly and easily report issues and submit service requests. The Kingston 311 app, available for Android & iPhones, is a fast and simple way to connect to City officials in non-emergency situations.
This system is a valuable resource to submit service requests for streetlight replacement, roadwork, City signage, traffic calming measures and other concerns. Issues with snow removal and reporting of vehicles and sidewalks not in accordance with the Snow Emergency restrictions can also be submitted via Kingston 311. Photos can also be attached to illustrate service orders. Dial 311 from any phone within City limits to reach us. |