May 12, 2017 - In This Issue:
A Message From Mayor Steve Noble:
Dear Friends,
We have had a lot of exciting news to report recently. I announced last week that our General Fund unassigned fund balance increased by $823,613 in 2016. I'm very proud of our efforts to maintain high quality services while remaining under budget. In addition, we are preparing for a community meeting this evening in which we will work with representatives of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to discuss "equitable development" in the City of Kingston. This issue is incredibly important as we work collaboratively to build a sustainable, thriving economy that benefits all of our community members. If this is a topic that interests you, I urge you to join the dialogue.
Finally, this issue includes a number of items focused on local children and adolescents. We are looking forward to working with the Ministers' Alliance of Ulster County and the Kingston Police Department to host an important forum that focuses on the relationship between law enforcement and young people. Please share that event with any young person in our community you know. This issue also includes a reminder about registration for our Summer Parks Program, a brief overview of this weekend's MyKingstonKids Fest 2017, and pictures from our recent Community Day Celebration. Enjoy!
"Equitable Development" Community Meeting
Monday, May 15th at 6:30pm
Event: Equitable Development Community Meeting
Date/Time: Monday, May 15th at 6:30pm Location: Council Chambers of City Hall, 420 Broadway in Kingston
Mayor Steve Noble is pleased to announce a public meeting will be held on Monday, May 15th at 6:30pm at City Hall in collaboration with the City of Kingston, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and a community-based steering committee. The focus of the meeting will be on equitable development, with an opportunity to discuss ways in which residents of all incomes, ages, races, and ethnicities can participate in and benefit from decisions that shape where they live.
"As our community continues to grow and thrive, I am committed to ensuring that every resident benefits from our current and future economic and community development," said Mayor Noble. "In my vision, equitable development is about attracting and retaining successful, responsible businesses, creating walkable streets and accessible public transportation, and expanding quality housing for all income levels. My administration is committed to developing the policy and infrastructure that supports these goals."
This event is supported by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Building Blocks Technical Assistance program. Kingston is one of 25 communities nationwide that are receiving assistance in 2017 through the Building Blocks program. To learn more about the Building Blocks program, please visit:
City of Kingston's favorable 2016 financial performance yields $823,613 increase in unassigned fund balance
Mayor Steve Noble is pleased to announce that the City of Kingston's General Fund unassigned fund balance increased by $823,613 in 2016 to a total of $5,519,836. This amount is 13.3% of the City's 2017 General Fund budgeted expenditures and now in excess of the City's adopted fund balance policy, which calls for a fund balance level of 10-13%.
"We have worked diligently with each department to implement and maintain responsible spending practices that have resulted in this excellent increase in our unassigned fund balance," stated Mayor Noble. "I appreciate the efforts of all of my staff who have heeded my administration's call to do more with less."
The City's Comptroller, John Tuey, has recommended that the Common Council use $441,440 of fund balance to pay off a portion of the City's short term debt. This action would provide recurring interest savings, as well as future budgetary flexibility that Tuey recommends to be used to fund vehicle and other short life capital expenditures in order to reduce the need to bond for such assets. A reduction of $441,440 from the City's fund balance would bring the City's unassigned fund balance calculation to l2.2% of budgeted expenditures, which is still in the upper range of the City's targeted fund balance levels.
"This move will reduce interest costs and will be returned to the City over the next three years in $441,440 of budgetary savings," said Tuey.
Included with Tuey's recommendations was a letter from the City's debt fiscal advisor, Noah Nadelson, Chief Executive Officer of Munistat Services, Inc., which stated:
"...the City has been able to improve its financial position (and credit rating) through prudent fiscal management. The City has maintained an aggressive amortization with its borrowings, and the General Fund debt profile is strong. Paying off some of the outstanding notes is another example of thoughtful financial planning..."
The matter will be discussed and considered by the Common Council in the coming month.
City of Kingston Assessor files Tentative 2017 Assessment Roll
The City of Kingston Assessor has filed the Tentative Assessment Roll for 2017.
About Assessed Values:
A property's assessed value is a measure of its market value based on the prior July 1st. Property in the City of Kingston is assessed at 100% of market value.
What can impact Assessed Values?:
- New construction
- Improvements
- Alterations
- Demolition
- Fire damage
- Market value
The actions or circumstances described above typically result in a review of an assessment and may result in an increase or decrease of assessed value.
About Assessed Values in Kingston:
7 out of the last 8 years, most homes have seen decreased assessments or assessments that have remained stagnant.
Over the past two valuation periods (7/1/14 thru 6/30/15) and (7/1/15 thru 6/30/16) the City of Kingston real estate market has stabilized and started to show real positive growth in many areas when analyzing sales compared to their assessments. The positives residential values appeared in the Uptown, Stockade, Avenues, Downtown, Roosevelt Park, Hutton Park neighborhoods, and with condos, townhomes and new subdivisions. The most positive gains were found in Commercial properties.
Additional information:
Any property receiving a change in assessed value (Positive or Negative) will be mailed a notice. Included in this notice will be the amount of assessment change, any exemptions on the property, when and where you can view the assessment roll and what to do if you disagree with your assessment. The entire Tentative Assessment Roll may also be reviewed online at:
Save the Date: Our Youth & Law Enforcement
Kingston Community Day a Success!
Thank you to everyone who attended our Kingston Community Day Celebration at Broadway Commons! By all accounts, it was a wonderful success.The music, performances, food, and activities drew over a thousand residents and visitors to this exciting community event.
Special thanks to our partnering agencies, including
Bruderhof Communities
Bardavon 1869 Opera House
Kingston City School District
and our sponsors, including
HealthAlliance of the Hudson Valley
Ulster Savings Bank
, Rondout Savings Bank, and Herzog's.
Summer Parks Program Registration
Community Spotlight: MyKingstonKids Fest 2017

Date: Saturday, May 20th, 2017
Time: 11:00am - 4:00pm
Location: Lace Mill, 165 Cornell Street, Kingston, NY 12401
Cost: Free!
MyKingstonKids Fest 2017 is a free indoor/outdoor event created to provide children of the Kingston and the surrounding areas an eclectic experience to enjoy themselves thru exciting activities, interactive educational tools, engaging, fun-loving events and appropriate entertainment. The event will host a variety of activities including a children's art show, music, performances, kids yoga, arts & crafts, candy workshop, games, and more.
MyKingstonKids Fest 2017, is presented by in association with Center For Community Education, RUPCO, Chronogram and The Lace Mill Arts Council.
Upcoming Municipal Meetings
Monday, May 15th
No meetings scheduled at this time.
Tuesday, May 16th
Zoning Board of Appeals
City Hall
Wednesday, May 17th
Police Commission- Cancelled
Thursday, May 18th
Kingston Local Development Corporation
City Hall, Mayor's Conference Room
Laws and Rules Committee
City Hall, Conference Room #1
Friday, May 19th
No meetings scheduled at this time.
To stay up to date on all municipal meetings each month, check out our monthly calendar
Most meeting agendas and minutes can be found
Kingston Happenings
The City of Kingston often receives requests to share upcoming events happening in our community. Our partners at
do an excellent job of centralizing this community information. So while our website is the best resource to gain information about City of Kingston sponsored events and important municipal information, Kingston Happenings can give you a greater preview of community events. Check them out today!