February 11, 2018 - In This Issue:
A Message From Mayor Steve Noble:
Dear Friends,
This week's issue includes event information about Tuesday's
Downtown Revitalization Initiative Public Meeting. This is your opportunity to give input, so please consider a
ttending this important meeting. Before you attend the event, take a moment to read the brief summaries about the 11 proposed DRI projects. State planners and City staff will be on-site Tuesday evening to answer your questions about each of the projects. Once you've reviewed all of the information, we will ask you to help prioritize each of the projects. While these projects are located in the Stockade District, they will impact our entire City. So come out and help us finalize the best plan for our community!
Downtown Revitalization Initiative
The City of Kingston was selected as one of ten communities in New York State to be awarded $10 million to develop a "downtown strategic investment plan" for the Stockade District and implement key projects that advance the community's vision for revitalization.
Upcoming Meetings and Events
Downtown Revitalization Initiative Public Meeting
Date: Tuesday, February 13th
Time: 6:00pm-8:00pm
Location: The Kirkland (Corner of Main St. and Clinton Ave.)
And Save the Date for Next Week's Local Planning Committee Meeting!
Local Planning Committee Meeting
Tuesday, February 20th
Location to be Announced
Mayor Steve Noble to host "Mondays with the Mayor" on
Radio Kingston beginning February 12th
Tune in to Radio Kingston (1490 AM or
RadioKingston.org) every Monday between
3:30 and 4:00 pm. Mayor Noble will take the host's chair each
Monday, talking about important issues in Kingston and sharing information on upcoming City projects and events. The Mayor will also bring special guests, including city staff and volunteers, and will showcase new job openings at the City and opportunities to serve as a volunteer on a board or commission. Listen to "Mondays with the Mayor" on Radio Kingston, get informed and get involved!
Monday, February 12th: Mayor Noble will bring special guest Brenna Robinson, Director of Economic and Community Development for the City of Kingston, to discuss the City's Downtown Revitalization Initiative in the Stockade District.
Submit photographs for Kingston Visitor's Guide
Photograph courtesy of Kingston Happenings
We are working hard on the 2018 Visitor's Guide with staff of
ColorPage. Help us make this year's Guide the best one yet by submitting pictures that you have taken of our wonderful city!
We are especially looking for photographs of the following: outdoor recreation; farmer's market; festivals, block parties and other community celebrations; outdoor dining and food markets; sports and active living; weddings in Kingston; historical points of interest; art and musical performances; and other glimpses into life in the City of Kingston. All photographs will be credited appropriately.
Check out the 2017 Visitor's Guide to see how these photographs come together to tell our story.
This is an excellent opportunity to showcase our community and we hope you will consider helping us.
To submit photographs, click here.
City of Kingston releases Request for Proposals for Broadway Commons
Mayor Steve Noble is pleased to announce the release of a Request for Proposals (RFP) for the city-owned parcel known as "Broadway Commons," located at 615 Broadway, SBL# 56.109-3-16.
As described in the Request for Proposals, the City of Kingston is seeking responses from qualified developers to design, construct and operate a mixed use development at Broadway Commons. In particular, the City is interested in a mix of housing units and/or appropriate commercial and retail space, with the inclusion of public greenspace or a public square. Proposals should align with the City's Comprehensive Plan and should clearly demonstrate that the City and public will benefit from the projects proposed.
"Since 2016, we have made great progress in establishing Broadway Commons as a shared community space, holding the official launch party for the Midtown Arts District, partnering with the Bruderhof and UPAC to host a Community Celebration Day, and honoring the late Pauline Oliveros by naming the front greenspace of the property the Deep Listening Plaza," said Mayor Noble. "These activities have helped bring a renewed sense of interest and hope for this property. I believe that we now have an opportunity to attract a skilled developer capable of creating a new and exciting addition to our community."
Inquiries related to this RFP must be submitted utilizing the form included in the RFP. These questions will be accepted until Tuesday, February 13, 2018 at 4:00pm. A Developers' Conference has been scheduled for February 16, 2018 at 11:00am at 615 Broadway. The RFP is due to the Purchasing Office at City Hall on March 8, 2018 at 11:00am.
Cyber Seniors Program a Success!
A celebration of the Cyber Seniors program that linked high school students and seniors at Governor Clinton Apartments to learn basic computer skills will take place on Tuesday, February 13th at 3pm. In addition to a ceremonial ribbon cutting, students will be presented with certificates of achievement for their participation and the seniors will talk about what computer access has meant to them.
The Cyber Seniors program installed computers in the Community Room of Governor Clinton Apartment Complex and matched senior citizens with John A Coleman and Kingston High School students to educate residents about how to use the computers. Four computers, two printers, and software were donated by GE Elfun Computers and installed by John Dowley. Landmark Development Company donated the cable extensions and computer desks. Francesca Ortolano, the building manager for the Governor Clinton and Yosman Tower, lead discussion groups and initiated a computer club to encourage the use of and establish rules for the computers. The Cyber Seniors program was led by Elaine Habernig, a retired Kingston School District teacher, as part of Age Well, a subcommittee of the City of Kingston's Live Well Kingston Commission. This program was started because a focus group revealed that 80% of seniors in the complex did not have access to the internet.
The program connected high school student volunteers to work one-on-one with the seniors to complete a basic curriculum about how to use the internet independently. Now, more than 20 seniors have access to and are able to use the internet to connect with long-distance family, research health issues, educate themselves on many topics, and have access to the world-wide-web.
The group is currently duplicating the success they've had at Yosman Tower. Future plans include streaming the Ulster County Office for the Aging's "Lunch and Learn" programs on the computers in the residential buildings for seniors who may not have transportation or the ability to make it to the offsite events.
The Age Well group focuses on and works to create a supportive environment that promotes active aging for seniors that includes the physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, social, intellectual, financial, professional and vocational dimensions of life. The Live Well Kingston Commission brings partners and residents together to facilitate policy, environmental, and systems changes that result in a healthy and active community. More information can be found at
www.Kingston-NY.gov/Live-Well-Kingston and
City of Kingston Parks and Recreation Department
Information and Events
Registration Now Open!
Black History Month Celebration at the Rondout Neighborhood Center!
And Save the Date!
"Everette Hodge Day"- a Celebration of Life
Monday, February 26th at 4:00pm
Everette Hodge Community Center
15-21 Franklin St.
City of Kingston Common Council
Contact Information
James Noble
39 Roosevelt Avenue
(H) 845-331-4696 (C) 845-416-2197
Ward 1:
Alderman Jeffrey Ventura Morell
163 Main Street
Ward 2:
Alderman Douglas Koop
149 Main Street
Ward 3: Alderman Reynolds Scott-Childress, Majority Leader 62 Lounsbury Place 845-616-3687 Ward3@kingston-ny.gov |
Ward 4: Alderman Rita Worthington 83 Prospect Street 845-430-2819 Ward4@kingston-ny.gov |
Ward 5: Alderman William Carey 101 Hoffman Street 845-339-1361 Ward5@kingston-ny.gov |
Ward 6: Alderman Tony Davis 84 Emerick Street 845-340-8461 Ward6@kingston-ny.gov |
Ward 7: Alderman Patrick O'Reilly 322 Clifton Avenue 845-339-0862 Ward7@kingston-ny.gov |
Ward 8: Alderman Steven Schabot 10 Presidents Place 845-338-5060 Ward8@kingston-ny.gov |
Ward 9: Alderman Andrea Shaut 355 Hasbrouck Avenue 914-466-8092 Ward9@kingston-ny.gov |
Common Council 2018 Committee Assignments
Finance/Audit Committee
*Chair: Douglas Koop
*Reynolds Scott-Childress
*Tony Davis
*Patrick O'Reilly
*Steven Schabot
General Government/Public Safety Committee *Chair: Steve Schabot *Jeffrey Morell *Reynolds Scott-Childress *Rita Worthington *Andrea Shaut |
Laws and Rules Committee *Chair: Bill Carey *Jeffrey Morell *Douglas Koop *Reynolds Scott-Childress *Patrick O'Reilly |
Community Development Committee (Also members of Community Development Advisory Council) *Chair: Tony Davis *Jeffrey Morell *Rita Worthington *Bill Carey *Andrea Shaut |
Upcoming Municipal Meetings
Monday, February 12th
Finance and Audit Committee
City Hall, Conference Room #1
Tuesday, February 13th
Downtown Revitalization Initiative Public Meeting
The Kirkland
Conservation Advisory Council
City Hall, Conference Room #1
Wednesday, February 14th
Board of Electrical Examiners
Water Board
Water Department Offices
Human Rights Commission
City Hall, Conference Room #2
Thursday, February 15th
Kingston Local Development Corporation
City Hall, Mayor's Conference Room
Community Development Public Hearing
City Hall, Council Chambers
Friday, February 16th
No meetings scheduled at this time.
To stay up to date on all municipal meetings each month, check out our monthly calendar
here. Most meeting agendas and minutes can be found
Kingston Happenings
The City of Kingston often receives requests to share upcoming events happening in our community. Our partners at
do an excellent job of centralizing this community information. So while our website is the best resource to gain information about City of Kingston sponsored events and important municipal information, Kingston Happenings can give you a greater preview of community events. Check them out today!