March 12, 2024


From the desk of Mayor Rika Levin

We recognize that the pool renovations are taking longer than expected, which is disappointing for the nearly 200 people who use the pool each day. Unfortunately, despite best-laid plans, construction and material circumstances often arise during renovation work that is impossible to anticipate.

This has been particularly true for this project. We now anticipate that the pool will be completed by mid-April. We apologize sincerely for the inconvenience this has caused and will continue to keep the public apprised.

Ossining Recreation and Parks Department with the Ossining Fire Department can’t wait to celebrate Spring with our special guest, Big Bunny, on Saturday, March 16th, starting at 9:00 AM at Market Square.

Big Bunny will be traveling throughout the Village and Town. Following is the schedule:

Market Square

Mystic Point Condos

Gerlach Park

Cedar Lane Dog Park/Community Gardens/Art Center

AMD/Claremont Schools

Veterans Park

The Pines @Narragansett/Bethel Home

Iroquois Road/Pocantico

Ryder Park

Richard Wishnie Park

Triangle Park

Arcadian Shopping Center

Nelson Sitting Park/Park School

Ossining Recreation Center

Are you wondering where they are along the route? Good news—the Ossining Recreation and Parks Facebook page will be updated regularly with their next stops.


This past Saturday, March 9th, 2024, marked the third anniversary of “COVID-19 Remembrance Day” in the Village of Ossining. Thousands of Americans lost their lives to this cruel and indiscriminate disease. The Ossining community was significantly affected, with the hardships inflicted by economic challenge and social isolation surpassed only by the illness or loss of loved ones, all traumas from which many have just begun to recover.

For those seeking solace, we invite you to visit the COVID-19 Remembrance Memorial at Nelson Sitting Park for residents and visitors to remember, contemplate, and pay homage to family, friends, neighbors, and loved ones who were lost to this tragic illness.

We are now celebrating Women's History Month, which gives us an opportunity to look more deeply into contributions made by women in our society. "Remarkable Women In and Around Ossining" is a multi-modal exhibit highlighting the lives and accomplishments of 16 women who lived in our midst. Some, like abolitionist Sojourner Truth, need little introduction, while others, like Anne M. Dorner, have a middle school named after them and remain a mystery.

Through words, pictures, and artifacts, you'll experience each woman's personality and the history around them and learn about their contributions to our community and the world.

Exhibit Dates: March 15 – April 5, 2024, @ Bethany Arts Community, curated by Town Historian Caroline Curvan. [email protected]

Congratulations to the Bethany Arts Community and Westchester Collaborative Theater, recently awarded grant funding from the New York State Council on the Arts (NYSCA) for artists and arts organizations in Assembly District 95. Click here for more info:

The Governor also recently awarded $1.8 million in grants to help communities along the Hudson River Estuary improve water quality, enhance environmental education, and advance stewardship of natural resources. Congratulations to Riverkeeper and the Hudson Valley Stream Conservancy on their awards to support projects benefiting communities in Assembly District 95. 

Eighth in our series of volunteer committee spotlights:

The duties of the Landlord-Tenant Relations Council (LTRC) include conducting research into community housing problems; formulating programs to improve landlord-tenant relations; accumulating statistical information on available housing accommodations; advising the Board of Trustees on landlord-tenant issues; and resolving disputes between landlords and tenants through mediation. 

As part of its responsibility to resolve disputes between landlords and tenants, the LTRC may conduct hearings attended by the landlord, tenant, and representatives. Documents can be requested, and if necessary, the LTRC may direct the Corporation Counsel to issue a subpoena.

The LTRC consists of nine members appointed by the Board of Trustees. Three members represent landlord interests, three members are tenants, and three members are neither landlords nor tenants in the Village of Ossining. Examples of this last group of LTRC members are owners of single-family homes, cooperative or condominium units, and non-real estate-related businesses that reside in the Village.

If you are a tenant or a landlord with questions or concerns, don't hesitate to contact the Landlord Tenant Relations Council at [email protected].

Click here to view the Village of Ossining’s Landlord-Tenant Relations Council (LTRC)

The remaining volunteer boards/ committees to be spotlighted are:

  • Placemaking Committee
  • Youth Advisory Board
  • Zoning Board of Appeals

This week’s meeting will be held at the Courthouse and will begin at 7:30PM on Wednesday, March 13th, 2024.

We will begin with a short Special Meeting with one main agenda item: the official swearing-in ceremony by the Village of Ossining Board of Trustees for the provisional appointment of Aaron Zimmerman to the position of Chief of Police. I am excited to welcome a new chapter with the swearing-in of our new Police Chief. Unfortunately, I cannot join the community on Wednesday for this event and the rest of the meeting as I have surgery that day.

The Work Session agenda will be as follows:

  • We will begin with a request to release a new RFQ, which would be for structural engineering reviews of building applications. As the projects before our Building Department become more complex, it is becoming more routine that the Building Department requires this type of review. As the value of this professional service is likely to exceed $10K in a calendar year, we want to formalize the process.
  • The proposal to lease the Gourdine Kiosk to Penny Lick Ice Cream will be discussed before the Board.
  • Andrew Tiess, Superintendent of Water/Sewer, will be with us to discuss the final two water-related agenda items:
  • A service agreement with Hach to service equipment at the Indian Brook Water Treatment Plant.
  • The Old Croton Aqueduct Vault Piping (branch header) project, which was approved as part of the 2024 Capital Plan

Happy St. Patrick's Day to all who celebrate. St. Patrick's Day is a celebration held every year on March 17. Originally a religious feast day (the "Feast of Saint Patrick," the foremost patron saint of Ireland), it has developed into a celebration of Irish heritage and culture generally. The Irish diaspora in many countries around the world celebrates with festivals, parades, and dancing.

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